sob. didn't get to watch minority report. head all spinny and tired coz i had to spend the whole afternoon detailing all of Romeo's characteristics *shudder* stupid fellow. shouldve just eloped with Juliet and everyone would be happier. ugh ain't gonna add any colour to this one, think any more gaudy scary stuff on my blog would be too freaky already. wow i just discovered that my typing speed is going up, considering i don't type the "official way" and use about four fingers only hrm. maybe its just this really nice keyboard:) heh i just discovered too, that i can't use soap. whadda joke. apparently i can't get sweaty (or wet) or too dry, so what the hell am i supposed to do, hibernate somewhere? such awful skin *pokeths* ahh shucks, enough ranting for the day, i'd better get back and study for those two silly tests the day after which i'm most likely gonna flunk coz i have no idea how to use the left or right hand rule and coz those chinese words just look totally alien to me:p adios~
:4:47 PM: :sugah~plum
just a coot lil' animation hehe
:5:09 PM: :sugah~plum
uhoh... does it seem to you that i might have over crammed my poor lil' blog? uhh... whoops:p

boo! i've -finally finally- finished my english mini novel *phew!* hehe i'm sitting at the comp after school, and all bored and stuff. bwahahaha there is no escape from quizzes! okay, i admit, i'm just bored. besides, woulda rather listen to me rant? nevermind, i can do both *cackle* btw, my blog is on fire, whee! scroll all the way down and you'll know what i mean:) lookeee-- Michelle~
hrm well this picture is pretty:p

plaid doesn't sound too exciting, but...

What Pattern Are You?
:4:49 PM: :sugah~plum
oops. posted that one twice eek! well nevermind, here's another instead:P
:4:49 PM: :sugah~plum

Also known widely as the Fire Bird, the phoenix is a profound symbol of the circle of life. It has a life cycle of 500 to 600 ears and after that amount of time, it sets itself on fire and dies in the flames. Then after three days, it rises again from the ashes. It is a completely benign creature who lives in dew. It is said that the phoenix has a beautiful melidous song which grows ever more mournful as its life comes to an end. It is a symbol of the sun and immortality. The phoenix is a very worthwhile beast.
What mythical beast best represents you? Take the quiz!
:4:46 PM: :sugah~plum
boo! hehehe its english class again *duck* well... can't help it, i can't think of anything to write anymore. and i gotta say, my classmates are... a -little- of their rockers me thinks. first there was that whole issue 'bout sheila's eye and da poking people with coloured pens, and now serene tells me to pour concentrated hydrochloric acid on my hand? ohh boy. and apparently she'll test the gas with -moist- blue litmus. figures, must be waayy too many chem pracs. ohh yes, i was talking about a magnet and how i was lucky i got the poles correct, and she told me, "polebably". oh maan.
heh i got into the practice of reading reader's digest recently, and i read this cute thing bout "suffering from a severe non-linear water fowl issue", which means that they don't have their ducks in a row:p
"True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked." Erich Segal
:11:56 AM: :sugah~plum
hellooo i'm back :) well internet connection not back yet, and i'm actually illegally doing this during english class *shh* hehe i'm trying to write a weird sci fi mini novel now, and its starting to sound uh very ridiculous actually:p sniff my friend complained that there isn't enough pics here, so sorry, working on that. ahh well i do have to study though mutters.... grrr. is my gilmore girls pic not working? ahh sniff. well i had a completely weird dream last night, and i wonder why i'm typing this. ahh well this keyboard sucks, so i think i'll continue this later, ciao:p just letting yall know i'm still alive over here.
:9:56 AM: :sugah~plum
ooh. my internet connection has died sniff, so there'll be a lot less posts ahm :( well anyway i'm sitting here in school doing a chinese essay on the brazil england match, and i realize that i've got nothing else to write, so i decided to come and make a post. sheesh, what kind of essay subject is this anyway? *mutters* not like i can remember everything that happened. oh! i'm so indignant, sheila changed my link to mimi michelle or smth like that *gasp* sniff, why did she do that? and apparently my friends think there's nothing decent in my wardrobe... well i'll show em! growwll... hrmpf and i'm so misundahstood, i said, let's wear a bandanna to school. perfectly innocent right? normal people would assume it to be on that thing on our shoulders called a head, but nooooo, my friend thought i wanted to wear it as a.... top... i mean... GEE!
:3:16 PM: :sugah~plum