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Saturday, September 28, 2002

sian? my fonts are kinda weird at the moment, but too lazy to fix it:p ahhh damn my parents... never satisfied with my results sheesh. or rather my dad. complain complain. everything also complain me. am i that bad? hrm. ohwell. maan my day was spent stoning a whole lot and strolling around. damn stoned. at least for the middle part of it. managed to meet up with someones, if not the day would be a waste. anyway... sian!!! gawd i'm really bored. and i realize. that i'm a really screwed up person. and like me, everything in my room is screwed up too.

:10:15 PM: :sugah~plum

Friday, September 27, 2002

heh... i just got back most of my prelim results heh... not sure if i should be happy or not, but i guess its not too bad. heh not like i have any right to complain anyway... coz i only started studying a week or so before prelims, mugging like crazy for humanities only on the day before each paper:p ahhh the one thing that i'm damn happy about is that i got a freakin A1 for chem. i mean i had like D7 for mid-years:p jumped 6 grades... don't i rock? *ego* but hm don't know if i can get a 1 for Os:p oh yeah and though my total for the SS paper sucked, for the first time ever i did well for my source based *beam* happy happy 22/25:) but well. didn't do too well for some, but like i said, i've got no right to complain here, so i won't :p i'll just ummm complain to my ever-trusty wall:P heh. i sound positively dysfunctional! oh hm i can't remember what i want to write anymore hahahha. nevermind, going home now, will post again later on:P ohwell i think i'm starting to like this blogging thing.

:5:31 PM: :sugah~plum

Sunday, September 22, 2002

whee prelims are over, whee! :) the day it was over, we immediately went to play mahjong. go figure:P the fun thing was that i was the lousiest player at the table and i still managed to win money. lady luck is shining at me for the moment:p..... till doomsday comes that is. which is this week, results coming back week. oooh don't know if i can get into a jc for first 3 months..... hm:p and bourne identity is pretty cool! but i won't spoil it for ya~

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:12:47 PM: :sugah~plum

Friday, September 13, 2002

yup. i hereby dub thy blog sir "griping and whining place", coz this sure seems like its turning into where i gripe and whine and complain about my sad life. coz now i'm all miffed and agitated. coz of my stupid lit paper and my complete blurrness, forgetfulness and stupidity. bah then when i just wanted to talk to someone about it, noo no one free to entertain me. well i suppose they have important things to do, unlike me who has too much time which is supposed to be spent on studying but apparently not. so. as a better alternative to talking to myself, i'm complaining to my blog. whee. how fun. forget it. i'm going to binge. and trivia.

:4:25 PM: :sugah~plum

Monday, September 02, 2002

eh wait. i take that back. there are some nice guys out there, and i think that that silly rant below is completely a yanno. something crazy that girls mutter about when they're having weird bizzare mood swings. right, so hmm ignore me:p hahahaaha hrm. i'm feeling awfully guilty. need to study, yet i -keep- getting distracted. see. i mean. i am blogging now. this is a distraction... aaah! haha:P and oh my. three is such a sucky movie. its like the asian version of in the bedroom boggle. and you know how bad in the bedroom was. ee i'm never gonna watch another "lit" film. think i'll just stick to those silly senseless action films or romantic comedies crap. good idea:p

:10:01 PM: :sugah~plum

Sunday, September 01, 2002

*rant time* -beginning of rant: All guys are assholes. With the exception of 1% of the guy population. oh hmm. now that i've started to rant, i don't feel like ranting anymore. maybe i watch too much tv, maybe not. coz today i just watched a couple of shows, which completely managed to amplify the bastardliness of men. ahh well. i'm not saying that every single one are, and in fact, most women are bitches too. i'm starting to think we humans are all evil inside. evviilll. that's a possibility. arrh everyone should keep all those dark depressing novels and tv away from me, its making me even more cynical. ugh maybe i'm just plain schizo, either i'm overly cheerful or overly depressed or smth. what a wacko. :end of rant-

:10:08 PM: :sugah~plum

:: morning found the breeze, a hundred miles away. ::