pictures! lookee here.
:10:07 PM: :sugah~plum
whoopee. its christmas eve hmm. never really did celebrate christmas, except have family gatherings. but this year it seems like i am... and first year i'm exchanging presents with friends... its weird :p well me not being christian and all, guess christmas to me is just a nice holiday. and i think the timing on my blog is abit... screwed heh. wonder how to fix it? and wowza man. i can actually see my floor now. it was covered with piles of debris not too long ago until today. was sitting in a sea of worksheets just now and finally finally after painstaking hours, managed to sort them into subject piles and throw all into this big plastic bag and shooed it out of my room. and thus i rediscovered my floor. hehe. i suspect there's somemore in my cupboard tho... shh. and well... think when i get to jc, the floor's gonna go poof again:p its a vicious cycle. ahmm and i seem to be attracting black tops... just bought a couple. fun fun. nice. hmmm. going crazy i believe. aah i wanna go iceskating! think my train of thought is... not exactly following one track. oh yea! my friend sent me this song by some local guy and its really NICE! 'cept i can't really make out the words and have no idea where to get the lyrics :( but its really nice. clapclap. oh and ooh i baked cookies. how fun... cept it took me super long to make -_- no matter... at least some people liked them! :) ohwell not much's left already anyway.
anyways.... MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all! *wuvs*
:4:18 PM: :sugah~plum

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Heh that so does not sound like me:P but the pictures there are damn nice... a bit revealing, but man are those ladies pretty. Go check it out!

What kind of fairy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You're a happy go lucky fairy, a fairy of the spring. Bright and all.
:3:56 PM: :sugah~plum
wonder if my cookies are done?
:11:57 AM: :sugah~plum
wow. i'm making yet another post. noisy aren't i? sometimes i think i talk non-stop. hehe. yea this post is kinda about the postings. ahhh yea. i got acjc... as expected la. i mean coz 11 points for hc arts is kinda a pretty long shot. can't expect too much right haha. but well. i had to try... so i went to appeal today. filled in the form, and submitted it. haii... this is the result of not studying hard enough yea? and also being so stagnant in my cca... that all my forms look so... unimpressive. lack of academic and cca acheivements see. and i'm like the only one in class who actually chose acj as one of the top choices too. ain't gonna see any of my friends for the first 3 months then... and somemore... someone in NY U in ac... doesn't sound too good. ohwells ac's fine la... it really seems slack and whatnot but i think its a pretty alright school. the thing is that i want to go to hc... always wanted to. so well... what to do? shall reapply after the 'O' level results... assuming i do better for the Os heh. my parents both think i'm nuts, coz i refuse to apply for nj. heh its kinda been either hc or ac. no vj, no nj. no idea why even... hm. actually i feel kinda silly, coz 11 can get me to vj, and for some time i did want to go there. but well its too far haha. so... i shall wait and see... what will be will be? heh. poof.
:4:12 PM: :sugah~plum
HELLLLLOOOOOOO i'm back haha:P just got back yesterday from New Zealand. it was pretty good, 'cept that the first few days was just eyefuls of sheep, cows, mountains and lakes. and full of sitting in the coach dozing off due to the monotonous scenery haha:P we (meaning me, my sis, my cousins and another guy on the tour) tried to cure the boredom by playing daidee, uno, telling ghost stories, blowing bubblegum etc... but alas... when all else fails, a quiet slumber is what everyone falls into. bounce. at least there were cute animals haha. saw some black swans, and white swans, deers, cute sheeps, goats etc. there was some cute lil' bald duck which kept dunking its head into the water and ended up flashing its butt to everyone... and it was soo cute! oops. this entry's gonna be pretty long haha, make up for the many days of no posts!
anyways, hmm we took lotsa photos! but most of my eyes were closed in them *wail* some of the nice scenery ones were ruined too bleh. but there's one photo i really like:) me with a flower! tried to put it on my comp, but the quality sucks real bad sniffle. its here anyway. it was abit weird too! its actually summer there now, but SUPER cold sometimes. i mean if you look at the photos, i'm almost always in either long sleeves or in my windbreaker. coz its like super windy there... and sometimes its like hot and cold at the same time, coz of the sun and wind. kinda.... odd. and there's tonnes of water there man! lakes, rivers, waterfalls etc etc... and it kept raining too while we were there. go figure.
hop... yeaps. sadly though, i didn't get to bungee jump mutters. i think i was like the only one on the tour who wanted to go. though i had a gutsy cousin who seemed pretty game too:p heh was kinda expensive and troublesome la... sheesh and lack of time too. but well... got to do the jetboat at least... on some river/lake thingie. was pretty fun heh, and we all got splashed good. ahh went on this thing called a luge too. its something like go-karting and its cool! there's like 3 progressive tracks that kinda thingie, and its on a mountain. you take a cable car up, then drive along the track and end up somewhere below, and take the chairlift up again. hmm its cool... coz some of the tracks like if you lose your grip and veer off, you can actually fall off the mountain or smth:P seems like it anyways haha. oh yea and that gutsy cousin of mine, went on this sky swing thingie at the same place as the luge place. was cool man, he sat in some circular thing, which they pulled reallly high up backwards and just let it go, swing! and he was like the only person on that thing. brave.
and man, did i eat a lot. sheesh:p buffets and stuff in which you don't really know how much you eat makes you do that. ahmm. and bought some stuff too. got this interesting necklace, its like a carving of a cow bone haha. and stuff made outta shells. and ooooooooh angora rabbits are like SOO cute! they're really fluffy! hehe. hmm i think i shall devote this post to NZ, then post again! ahah:P
oh. crap. the paragraph i just wrote is gone! *wail* too lazy to write again too sniff. sigh. was talking bout the glowworms that i saw in this limestone cave. pretty... little glowing orbs in the ceiling of the cave, so many of em. and i got this baby apple from an orchard... its so cute... tiny. pity it got dented on the way back... but i think i'll try to preserve it... like spray varnish or smth. ohwell... this paragraph shrunk! coz i'm uh... summarising it. and yea got some freshly sheared sheep wool and angora rabbit fur. coot. and the sheepskin factory we went to gave us this little piece of sheepskin. soft and nice:) oh yea forgot to mention the Maori... that's like the people of NZ. the traditional stuff? oh man they can sing! ohwell... shall stop rambling then hehe.... so noisy!
:3:47 PM: :sugah~plum