here's a short afterword... i almost forgot to thank a very important bunch of people... my dear class! thank you all you wonderful dears who inundated me with sweet congratulatory msgs last night :) sorry if i didn't reply some of you, was rather chaotic last night, but i really appreciate it anyhow. thank you for all your support throughout all my drama and dance stuff! and amazingly enough i didn't fall asleep at the dinner table, instead fell asleep in the car on the way home. weell i guess that's a better alternative. ate rather a lot... ice cream (: and never been so glad to eat chilli. haha. oh and my hair still feels gross. the situation now is that about 95% of the clay and tangles have been removed after two sessions of scrubbing 11 and 8 times respectively, with about 3 different kinds of shampoo, 2 types of conditioner, even bath oil, and the dislodging of 390472375 strands of hair. shall continue with the mission tomorrow. now i truly appreciate my hair for what it was. ohwell (:
:10:25 PM: :sugah~plum
we won. and as i type this i'm happily chewing up a very spicy otah. mmm. next thing to get, ice cream. yeah but that really isn't the point d: it has been absolutely great working on syf, for all our 7(?) months of hard work and rehearsals but also a lot of laughing and fun, AC has finally gotten the title of Play of the Year once again. ACSian Theatre rocks! (: i am really gonna miss all this... the circle warmups, the weird lame jokes, the michael voice sessions, the sitting in the studio angsting and stoning and yes singing too, all the little outings we had together and the great company of the madams. also especially since intensive studying is going to start taking place from monday onwards. oh no. i shudder at that thought.
haha. and i'm quite amused at the number of people who were so worried that my hair was going to catch fire since it was like right in front of the flames but i never noticed. it really was big tho, and no its not a wig. it bloody hell took a lot of shampooing and hair loss for it to become marginally flat again, and now its still icky. have to go shampoo more soon. spent like goodness knows how long in rae's house trying to untangle my hair until no one could use the bathroom for super long haha. was quite a nice relaxing night tho i didn't get very much sleep. and then it was ITS(or is it called Sparks now?) already today. wow... these two days have been a whirlwind of activity... not much time to catch breath. in fact have to go get ready soon for some boring family dinner thingie. ITS was pretty fun and might have been the last time dancing for my jc years... oh shucks. that's such a sad thought :( i think i've already said this umpteen times... but i am so going to miss drama, and dance too when i leave ac. its been so wonderful, and i'm so glad i made the right choice of school... hopefully i won't screw up my results though -_- though i don't really know why it matters because i still have no clue what i want to study.
ohwell. its been a great two days... and i'm so glad that we did it. we achieved something great and it was a collective combined effort of teachers, cast and crew to make it all work, and hopefully we were truthful in the telling and delivered a powerful performance. i just hope people loved the piece as much as i do now that i've understood it so much more and examined its depths. and so concludes a significant chapter of my life. i think. well perhaps not quite, but kind of anyway. if anyone i know who had worked on this with me is reading this, thank you so much, it has been absolutely great and i love you all. and now i have to run off again. whee. hope i don't fall asleep at the dinner table later. eeps.
:5:40 PM: :sugah~plum
blah. feel so blah. after typing out an extremely carthartic and long whiny post, i happily accidentally deleted it. great just adds to my troubles. my poor traumatised hair for one. first it got laughed at by many a number of people, including me, then it was subjected to 4 rounds of shampooing, 3 rounds of conditioning, and the loss of a few hundred comrades. and i watching, broken hearted, at the poor little strands of hair clinging to my hands as i pull them away from the tangled mess that was my hair. ugh. and also this morning when i woke up out of nowhere i suddenly developed a cough. and it hurts to cough now. ow. perhaps i need to sleep early. hope my cough goes away by thurs... it'd better anyway. and hopefully my hair can recover after friday... if there's any left by then. poor thing, first braids and hair falling out when i unravelled, and now wax or clay and backcombing. ugh nvm shall stop whining and go to sleep... must cure tired and achy-ness and the stupid cough. waves.
:11:33 PM: :sugah~plum
killjoy. my dad. same thing hmm. had a most wonderful evening tonight and he had to go and spoil it. i'm only interested in the facts he says, so i can proceed smoothly... right. i think he was just being grumpy for not knowing how to get to Robertson Walk... he just has to know everything. ugh. nvm that's just not the point. hm i haven't posted in quite a while... been rather busy with dance and drama. but now that dance is over, its drama all the way. yeah anyway shall go chronologically then. Restless was amazing... it was one of my most fun productions and the people were just so wonderful to work with. i'm really missing it now. oh and the play we went to watch tonight was really fantastic. The Woman In Black, performed by the cast from London's West End Theatre... the acting was fabulous... the script was great, lighting and sound damn effective and spinechilling at times. i screamed a couple of times and even cried la. was thoroughly sucked into the performance... it was so real and believable. can kind of imagine it... and the shocks were... good. not cheap shots. still a little freaked now. yawn. way too tired now to actually blog properly. think i shall go sleep soon. perhaps after i take my little pony out of the box and comb her hair haha. madam gave me a pony for dance yesterday, its very cute. raj also got one, which i think is immensely pretty, considering that its pink and white and purple d: yawn. okay shall blog properly again when i next have time... perhaps next sun when everything is over haha. goodnight.
:2:08 AM: :sugah~plum
and now its my blog's turn to get a heap of gibberish uprooted from my mind dumped onto it. ohwell. been posting on my two class blogs and well, might as well post on mine as well hm? though i think i might end up sounding repetitive since the major events in my life now revolve around dance, drama and missing school. hm right its... friday now. i'm starting to lose track haha its all the same everyday anyway, school, rehearsal, home. except for monday la, just rehearsal and home without the school part. oh yes sunday... sunday was a good day. how relaxing man. woke up late, went shopping in the afternoon with da, bought 2 new tops (yay) and she bought one, had a nice lunch and spent most of the afternoon yakking away non-stop. feels good to talk to her again haha. then we went to serene's house for her bdae party, another major yakking session, was really fun. one thing which was kind of an impediment would have been my cold though haha. darn d: yeah but it was really good to catch up with everyone... and the food was pretty good too haha considering it was cooked by serene with our help la.
yawn. getting a bit sleepy. for some absolutely strange reason sleeping rather late last night actually seemed to help me get better or smth. think my cold is starting to disappear today... i used less tissue than usual if that's an indicator. and i think the exercise and sweating also helped today... for once. on wed i thought i was about to die man, felt so sick while dancing on stage had to force myself to go on. ended up making a whole barrage of mistakes. sigh. raj probably thinks i'm deteroriating at a startling rate. never been much good in the first place and just getting worse now. bah. nvm shall buck up, must dance properly next weekend. i love dark chocolate. and ice cream. happy sigh. damn have to stop eating such junk and other stuff next week or smth. hehe.
I am the very model of a modern Major-General,
I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical
From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical;
I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical,
I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical,
About binomial theorem I'm teeming with a lot o' news,
With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse.
I know our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's;
I answer hard acrostics, I've a pretty taste for paradox,
I quote in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus,
In conics I can floor peculiarities parabolous;
I can tell undoubted Raphaels from Gerard Dows and Zoffanies,
I know the croaking chorus from the Frogs of Aristophanes!
Then I can hum a fugue of which I've heard the music's din afore,
And whistle all the airs from that infernal nonsense Pinafore.
Then I can write a washing bill in Babylonic cuneiform,
And tell you ev'ry detail of Caractacus's uniform:
In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I am the very model of a modern Major-General.
In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,
He is the very model of a modern Major-General.
ain't it cute? ugh really getting rather sleepy now. so think i will be going to sleep soon!
:12:51 AM: :sugah~plum
i think i've kicked my bad habit. for now. no time to do anything now even, so i suppose that's one reason. another reason is possibly because its not what i've ever wanted, just want seems to present itself to me usually. oh whatever. i wanted to blog but i've expended all energy in crying and blowing my nose multiple times, both rather violently. bleh. feel rather bleh now. sick, lonely, dejected and neglected is right. so blur sick and tired that i turned up for dance on sat without any of my costumes for a full dress rehearsal simply because i didn't realise it was a full dress. and so pathetic, after no dancing for 2 weeks, a few hours of dancing caused me to ache terribly yesterday and today. think i was quite out of form today at rehearsal also. felt kinda drowsy after taking medicine and nose was still erupting like crazy. sigh. there's school tomorrow. there's hwk, which i haven't done. and beads i haven't threaded. and prelims looming ominously in the horizon. bah.
:10:42 PM: :sugah~plum
It's only words, and words are all i have, to take your heart away. the power of words. the effect they have on people. spiderman2 was wonderful, and for some reason it has left me with much insight on words. how sometimes no words are needed to convey emotions, and how sometimes there are no words to convey emotions, and how a few words can make such a big difference. words. communication. yet another... big entity in our lives. life seems to be so complex at times, having all these, for lack of a better word, things, in it, which we take for granted most of the time. but they're there, silently and subtly effecting change and determining the outcome of our lives. words could be one of them. some words are just so inspiring, they can stir up such emotions and passions that we never knew existed, or words can be so damn hurtful that they literally cut into us like a knife. sigh i felt so much for spiderman2... its a very evocative show. there's cool action too, but the quiet power of emotions and beliefs and guilt and love are all filtering through. mm. its a good sequel.
and i think i shall stop with the reflective nonsense. my brain is so flu-blurred i must refrain from spouting so much in case most of it is rubbish. think i really caught a cold this time. can't stop blowing my nose, its all red and sore now -_- throat feels kinda funny too. ugh. feel kinda whiny achy tired clogged up and miserable now, tho had pretty good company and a pretty good time just now watching spidey2. wonder how i'm gonna dance tmr if i have to blow my nose every 5 mins. also probably going to freeze tonight... shall bundle up tight, don't suppose anyone would like to hug me to sleep tonight right? haha. no i suppose not. mm. must sleep early tonight. goodnight.
:11:11 PM: :sugah~plum
memories again.
a shadow of a former glory, the residual smoke when a fire has reached the end of its sparks and glow, the mist of raindrops collected by the air after a rainstorm, last vestiges of anything which had ever happened. possessed by sentinent minds, of humans or of other entities. it is a wondrous thing, a collation of memories would form the montage of a life, everything that has ever meant something or anything. memories can be the conduit through which experiences can be relived and relished, but it can also assault you, leaving you with nothing but intangible thoughts and cold emptiness, wisps of air you are unable to grasp. one can choose to keep a memories as a way of storing the past up, but if not careful, one may end up lost in the past and forget to live in the present. perhaps i speak too much of memories... but they are a subtle presence in my mind, and in many others too if i am not wrong, and at times they remind me of many things, things that will never be the same again. because people change, memories don't. perhaps they fade in time, or morph under the shaping of its posessor, but memories essentially probably do not change. they stay similar, while people change, and one wonders what could have been what might have been and what is not now. wistfulness, regret, loss... i guess memories are often bittersweet, a memory of a nice incident would cause a smile and happiness, but a wistful and bleak state as well at the lack of its current existence, and probably vice versa for a horrible incident. memories are an intergral part of our lives... we simply have to avoid becoming ruled by it.
rather sleepy now. been aching these few days but don't know why, as there has been a lack of exertion anyway. perhaps its the flu. i feel an onset of it coming on. perhaps i should go to sleep early tonight. hm. term exams have been okay-ish, except for math urgh, got about BBCF a2 not including ca marks to pull it even further down. wonder if i should do ITS then hm. might or might not make me busier. ohwell i know i want to, just don't know if its wise. but think i shall. and i think i shall be off to bed soon, i keep falling asleep at the comp though i have temporarily awoken for some reason. i'm tired. and i think when i finally get used to school again i'm going to be absented from it yet again. disorientating. but that is another thing to worry about for another day. to slumber now go i. goodnight.
:11:13 PM: :sugah~plum