and now it has REALLY begun. today marks the official start of the 'A' Levels. to think it has only been one month since the end of prelims. time passes really fast. pretty soon another great hurdle would be over and once again we will be looking back upon it and wonder what could have been done. or what had been done. but it is only just the beginning... there's a long way more to go. to think we were already happily going for meatballs at ikea on the end of the first day of exams. well i think of it this way, 2 down, 12 more to go. just 12 more. and now i have to mug math like crazy. i just did the hwa chong prelim 2004 under timed conditions and i got 33. out of 100. i think i need a lot more work. and with only... 4 days left. i think its time to learn that its not possible to study just one day before the exams anymore. true, with lots of luck mediocre grades have been scraped, but this is the real thing. when will i ever learn.