yeeeowwwch. i really think i'm rusty hahaha. my back hurts... hmm... why... well other places hurt too. no stamina!!! grrrr. nvm. train. haha. i can do it! (i think.) sighs, trying to read case studies for tomorrow's class umm, now. hmm... well we tried to study for today's political science test like 1 hour before the test SOOOO.... this isn't that bad right? too bad tomorrow's class is at like 830am though so studying for it before it is out of the question. wahhhh the class is sooo cheem. but like the test was good! easy.... hopefully all tests are like that heehee. oops.
sigh early morning class... better go sleep like now =p
:1:48 AM: :sugah~plum
YAY!! it appears that this particular cable works... so i managed to connect my phone to my laptop and download some pics. happy *rubs hands in glee* the resolution is not that great but passable, soo i think i'll be using my hp camera a bit more often now hahaha. okay so here are pics from my airport trip on tues... and like some random ones i dug up from my phone =p

a door that led to nowhere la! can you believe it... notice the foilage... and the drop onto the first floor.

staring intently at a plane...

abovementioned plane... =p a 30 year old Qantas 747 plane which was SO clean!! as compared to the positively filthy British one parked right next to it... what's its excuse its like half its age -_-

the same plane, but in the evening, with a gorgeous sunset in the background. okay so it doesn't look that gorgeous here, but let me tell you.... it was gorgeous.

he's posing......... hohohohoho =p (okay okay so he didn't know i was taking this photo haha but still!)
haha... and here are pictures of me, pre- white specs days :p

(i did not even know this picture was being taken... so forgive the pout hehe :p)
forgotten all about them coz they were hiding in my phone... but realised that i quite like these pics... better than some of the really shitty ones in my comp HAHA! =p yay pictures! colour! darn it i should have taken pictures of the YUMMY popeyes food too! and uh, our gi-normous earthquake =p ohwell! haha.
:2:30 AM: :sugah~plum
okay the person on my tagboard, whoever the SHIT you are, i do believe you've got no right to say that because 1) you don't know me 2) if you did, you would know that that comment is unwarranted and untrue, and if it wasn't so then why do i not see a name 3) that is nowhere near the truth. geez. the amount of rude and ignorant people these days. i'm highly offended.
growwl. wanted to blog about my ultra busy but pretty fun day yesterday but my spirits got a bit doused by retarded people who have nothing better to do. anyways yes long day yesterday i was out for like... 20 hours yesterday! from freaking early in the morning til damn late at night la... no wonder so tired. came home and just K.O.ed until like 1plus today. hehe. had like business law in the morning(oh my goodness -_-) and went for lunch and to fill in forms at the bank and submit them, then had a project meeting(wow... more work) and then slacked around a bit then went for the dance trial class! oh my gosh i think i'm RUSTY!!!!! sucks man the last time i danced was only 3 months ago and yesterday i barely had any stamina to do the dance properly! okay, granted, maybe i shouldn't have gone all out every time, which was actually a rather dumb thing to do, but er... yeah. too enthu la maybe hohoho. reaaallly didn't help that my white specs kept slipping down my nose the whole time too... coz when i got sweaty it got slippery sniff. yeah... so by time the one hour(yes it was only 1 hour and this is the result?!) class ended, i was aching, tired and soaked. sheesh, talk about lack of stamina.
haha. changed out after that and went to meet joel for dinner. well late dinner anyway it was like 9 plus nearly 10 already or something. ahaha after that went to union square to watch the salsa dancing... man, i wish i could dance like that. maybe we'll go take lessons. but haha, i think it'll be a loooong long time before we can dance like that. haha and i see now why tze yi has reason to be ego la. okok i admit. hmmm yes and in typical da fashion, she was the last to arrive haha. well shan'er too but well i hardly think he intended too right =p oh and finally got to see chiew after soo long! wow. yes that was nice. haha. and joel and i had a merry time trying to do the basic salsa steps in literally, a corner. haha... yes just going back and forth and back and forth and me trying to do a very ugly turn. shudder. yes we need lessons. haha. yes but was a pretty fun night. michael was like super funny also la hahaa. ahem, three months. hmm well the bunch of us joined tze yi, his girlfriend and their dance studio friends for supper at adam road... and like FWAH the mutton soup is soooo nice man. i seriously gotta go back there and have somemore sometime soon haha... its the one we had at the food trail! but this time i had it hot hehe.
haha okay yay boyfriend coming over now =) shall go off now then!
:2:48 PM: :sugah~plum
death toll and statistics.
1 mini project by a group of three to produce a 1 page essay of things we know not of, due the next day. about 4 hours online discussing it. total of about 6 hours to produce it, including discussion and me furiously typing at the same time, at about 2am in the morning, resulting in horrendeous sentence structures and a frightfully un-understandable essay. 1 worksheet which was due exactly 22 hours and 15 minutes after the class ended. 1 big project by a group of 4 which is due in november but requires 34385326474343732 hours of work. 1st meeting on the 3rd day of school. 4 textbooks which cost a total of approximately $178.
i've had 3 lessons, in 2 days of school. does anyone think the amount of things we have and had to do is not quite proportionate to number of days?? and if you're wondering where the death toll comes in, its for the number of brain cells and amount of energy which have been zapped.
yup definitely feel like we've been tossed into the deep end of a pool and left there to figure out how to swim. i think i will eventually figure out how to swim, but now i just feel like i'm flailing my arms about wildly and randomly in a bid to stay afloat. hmmm. well this definitely helps us to 'adapt to situations'. gee... feel like i've been hit by a bulldozer... feel too tired to fully participate in a cca as of yet. maybe i've just been too used to slacking hehe... will take a while to get used to school again. oh the analytical skills worksheet was quite fun though! more about common sense and logic rather than intelligence and knowledge. anyway, dance trial class tomorrow night... hope it'll be fun. then maybe i'll join dance. oh wait, i mean then maybe i'll audition for dance... coz maybe i'm like not good enough for them.
apparently i sounded very proud when i told the drama people that i didn't really want to participate fully, just when there is a production maybe i'll go for auditions. and like that i didn't want to go for any more acting or drama workshops coz i think i've had too many. hmm actually now that i think about it again, if i really want to improve, i probably should go for some. but probably not voice, i doubt they can have better voice workshops than the ones we had. but well, i'm not sure i'm all that into improving and stuff la... don't really have much time, and kinda only in it for leisure and fun. well, didn't mean to sound proud sniff. just thought that perhaps our rather rigourous and extensive training during syf period and generally during productions kinda was enough. at least for now.
maybe coz i haven't exactly found anything i'm really passionate for. i mean, i totally adore drama and dance and singing and all. well and good, but i don't think i'm truly burning with a passion for any of them yet. i wish i could find something though, that i can throw myself into completely. well or at least more or less a lot of me into it. hmmmmm. like jun said at the airport, 'dance everyday, of course will be happy'. finding something which you won't be sick of doing everyday and still have blazing passion for it, i think is pretty rare. for me that is, coz i'm like such a '5 minute heat'(wu fen zhong re du hehehe) person. but anyway i guess no need to be -everyday- la... sounds abit excessive also hmm? by the way, i'm talking about activities and things, not guys. haha ;p
hope i find something like that haha.
meanwhile, hope i survive school. have to go research on balanced scorecard now... sigh.
:1:49 PM: :sugah~plum
oh dear, i really wanted to blog about today but i'm terribly tired and need to go to sleep soon. sigh :( was so high and happy just now and wanted to prance here. but unfortunately we've been assigned a mini-project on our first day of school already, oh woe. but anyway i had an extremely great time at the airport this afternoon. whooopee... finally got to eat popeyes!! YEEESSS!! and the two of us shared a freaking earthquake la HAHAHAHA i got so high on the ice cream, was jumping and prancing and saying silly things. hee hee hee. not so high now coz tired out from typing essay raaargh. my brain is not quite functioning. anyways took a couple of pics on my lousy handphone camera... if i like ever have time i will try to upload it. think i need an SD card reader though, pity. hmm. oh the planes were really pretty too... taking off and landing is quite beautiful actually. yay wonderful wonderful day. ahhh that's all for now, i'm freaking tired, need to sleep NOW! byebye. zzzzzzz.
oh wait, an afterthought. mushrooms are wondrous things. badger. badger. badger. badger. badger. badger. badger. badger. badger. badger. badger. badger. MUSHROOM MUSHROOM.
for the clueless, here it is: CLICK HERE HEHEHE.
turn your volume up... and enjoy.
:2:25 AM: :sugah~plum
... convocation ...
... bethany anniversary dinner ...
had a pretty good day... convocation was not as bad as expected, partly owing to the fact that we only showed up at like 1plus just nice, missing the apparently redundant briefing that was only half an hour and at 930am. geesh. spent most of the time talking anyway, so it was not bad. sat around and talk talk talk... then realised that hey, we're going on stage at three plus instead, so actually can make it! even had time to have some ice cream with da, tze yi and michael(and his girlfriend), and me and da got a lift to swissotel after that, resulting in me being JUST on time for the service. reached at like 5pm on the dot or something like that. hmm was not bad, pretty good as usual. the kids were uber cute in their sea creature costumes... pity didn't see much of joel in the performance because of uhm, some unforseen circumstances in painting faces. yes nevermind. anyway shall upload photos from these stuff when i actually get them hahaa. my camera sucks so i shall have to rely on being sent nice photos from good cameras =p
hmm then had a pretty good time during dinner too, watched him play handbells at his lonely little corner with his own table(big shot already la=p) and just sitting around talking and eating la. hehe. i made him fall though!!! coz i like ummm.... jumped on him without warning. note to self, never jump on people without warning... its very dangerous. nods. haha oh he looked so cute just now! like the floor managers/serving captains/mao zedong/chinese mafia boss. sooo cute. kept falling asleep just now though coz i was so tired. think i should be adjourning to bed earlier tonight... going to sentosa tmr hahahaha hope i get some tan hee. i probably could do with a bit of tan. oh yeah shall put up my new earrings first then hehehe. a'rights, off with me then =p
:1:43 AM: :sugah~plum
hahaha wah today's rehearsal was quite.... waste time. then i found out that i might be going for convocation for NOTHING! considering i'll be watching it from a plasma screen tv outside waiting for the prize giving ceremony where i have to go up on stage coz i got a scholarship (?!) which apparently would end around 5. and i have to leave at 445pm -latest- so umm, i can't go up on stage unless they are on time/present the award earlier? so confusing. hmm will miss the dance performances too... damn can't see how smu dance is like... but ohwell got something more important on la, so too bad. another time... though i think i'd probably join anyway, still feel like dancing now. and before i lose all my flexibility again too! the last time i didn't dance for 8 months it ALL went away! now i think its still here coz its only been about 3 months... can still put my palms on the floor and hug my knees. nods.
hmm trying to comprehend the BOSS bidding thing... apparently not compulsory to bid for one more module when school starts? but anyway better to do 5 right? my timetable is okay now what hmm... but ah shucks shall ask around again i guess quite confused. don't even know what i'm supposed to be bidding for! and the minimum bid is e$10 la and we're only given e$20... hmmmm...
:10:22 PM: :sugah~plum
haha wow that really was pretty fun. kudos to alex, steve and sarah for the meticulous planning and stuff! must have been tiring for them... and they didn't get to play too! :( don't have photos if not i'd have uploaded them... darn i should have used my camera too haha... but it sucks =p mmm anyways my group was pretty fun yay and like er the only group who kinda dressed up although the only really red people were me, tzeyi and kelvin la. haha... grace's red slippers and joanna's red camp weren't very... red! but still. red is a nice colour haha it stands out! =p hmm our group quite funny also la... took cab everywhere tsk. and we were leading for quite a while! until... we got stuck at settler's cafe playing board games coz we lost... umm... 3 times in a row -_- soooo we ended up last. hmm oh the signboard thing at club street and ang siang hill was really brillant though! we were given a lost of clues to fit in sign board names, like 'undomesticated infants' = Wild Child, and 'instant noodles' buddy' = Maggie's Friends and stuff like that... then we had to unscramble the letters derived from there to find a website name and then go to the address listed on the website! soooo funny. in the end we got the address BUT! someeebody thought it was very far away so much take cab, then one cab went off and the second almost did but steve suddenly called and asked us what on earth we were doing when it was just... across the road,. and we could even see steve waving to us. haha. at least we ended up third to arrive... or umm second actually due to our red-ness haha =p and the prize was quite funny too la, hooters vouchers! ;p hehe. anyway all in all pretty fun... food not bad too. but damn tired after that la... fell asleep super early and like didn't reply joel's msg until he called, and i think i left my computer and lights on the whole night. oops.
hmm oh have to go for some rehearsal thing that i just found out about yesterday soon. don't know why these things keep popping up haha. hmm there's nothing to eat at home!! oh okay there is la... but i'm lazy to cook... and besides that's probably too dangerous hahaha... well i'll see how.
anyway this is quite funny... is it true?
Your birth tree is
Elm Tree, the noble-mindedness
Pleasant shape, tasteful clothes, modest demands, tends not forgive mistakes, cheerful, likes to lead but not to obey, honest and faithful partner, tends to a know-all-attitude and making decisions for others, noble-minded, generous, good sense of humour, practical.
:11:01 AM: :sugah~plum
lalalalalalala... what a great day. had a splendid evening with my boyfriend just hanging out and having dinner, and just being together. wonderfuulll. and met my og before that to sit around and talk and play board games. haha was quite fun tooo. after which went shopping with vanessa for a short while within which we both managed to procure a skirt each! same design hahahaha but i got the white one and she got the dark brown one, which i incidentally happen to totally adore too. couldn't decide which one to get haha! but they're both pretty =p thanks to cheryl haha for her directions too haha. yay, i love my new skirt! :)
and thanks liz! =p stagnating a bit though oops. had 2 new earring designs i wanted to put up but joel's memory card like died. haha. so i gotta take new pics with my lousy camera erps. haha da, yeah the end is sooooo sad sigh. but like the starting and towards the middle very cute and funny what hehe.
and i've just checked my timetable! it looks good... no lessons on thursdays wahaha, tues and thurs are pretty short days, mon is okay and wed is pretty long, til nearly 7pm hmm. but its still pretty good... sounds better than jc gee. but urh, this is just the first term, and only business. wait til the soc sci modules start to kick in hehe. and other stuff too right haha. alrighty shall be off to bed now gotta wake up early for the lkc outing tomorrow. wheeee!
:1:03 AM: :sugah~plum
how? how how how how how can it end that way????? i'm sorry but i just couldn't put the book down. staring blankly at the comp now with a tear stained face. no no no no NO!! how can it happen :( its so awful. damn now i want to read the next one. but i don't think it's going to ever be the same again... without... sigh. shall not spoil it for everyone else. glad no one spoiled it for me. but sigh nevertheless.
okay shall go to sleep now. actually don't feel one shred of sleepiness... kind of slept away half my evening. sigh... greatly saddened by the book. but... its a good book nevertheless...
:5:53 AM: :sugah~plum
haha okay, it seems that i STILL can't post on my tagboard, so i shall reply here... da thanks i will check them out soon =p and daryl, no the queue was horrendeous and umm, i was out with my boyfriend haha oops. i'm not THAT big a fan... though if i had plenty of time... i wouldn't mind queuing :D hmm... and wahaha found out that the academic briefings aren't really compulsory! woke up at 7am yesterday for nothing heh... sheesh =p but well at least know a tinyy little bit more about soc sci?? and glad i didn't take econs as shown by the scary modules they have to take hehehe and like meeting and hanging out with more people i guess. not too bad la haha probably better than sleeping anyhow O_O
hmm today was a rather... interesting day. for want of a better word yah? oh and i think, that kettle chips, ROCK. yay. yummy. hmm oh and Bewitched is the funniest, most totally hilarious thing i've watched in like such a long time!! oh okay maybe not la but its damn damn damn damn funny!!! nicole kidman is soooooo cute there haha =p and got alot of funny jokes la its so cute i really could not stop laughing. and ended up with a really pretty pink flower at the end of the night hahahahaha LOVE it to bits and at least i know it'll never die =p biggest upside of it! and plus its cute and furry and fluffy :) thank you. :)
hops. harry potter is really funny too! oh its cute... its taking me terribly long to read it though geez. in fact... think i'll go read it now. if not i'll never finish it i think. hehe. random statements. the sun is fun. and so are turbo-charged engines nods. and ferrero rocher(i just had two wahahaha). so are bewitched and harry potter! and and well... so are a lot of things. haha. going to read now then whee!
oh oh oh i nearly forgot... it seems that mars is going to be super bright on aug 27th 1230am, anyone heard about this? that it'll be so near that it'll look like there are 2 moons and like the next time that'll happen is in 2287. cool.
:9:57 PM: :sugah~plum
mmmm. good day yes good day. :)
anyway it seems, that i cannot, for the life of me, post on any tagboard from my laptop! my laptop is un-tagboard friendly. so umm to all who have posted HELLO but i can't reply. and whoever to anon is, you're mean =p but its okay i know i ain't pretty anyhows... a photoshopped blurry yellowy face looks better hahaha :D wah crap man its 3am and i gotta wake up in 4 hours time for some academic briefing at smu which i coincidentally forgot ALL about. tch. well at least i've completed 2 pairs of earrings and packed them ready and stuff. and changed hooks. hmm what else. er done 3 name cards? right... and er... emailed people. still want to read harry potter though! this sleeping late thing is getting to be a habit tsk tsk.... ah well i'll try to stop when school starts =p hoppities. oops i have no clue what to wear tomorrow... briefing only though haha but i might not have time to go home and change before going out tmr night. in case right. but aaahhh i have to think about what to wear everyday! not that i'm complaining its more fun this way i guess and a lot better looking than a sch u, though i think the ac one is really not bad already. better than the damn nygh pillowcase thing. boggles.
okok off to try and sleep. or maybe just 10 mins of harry. hmmm... choices choices.
ahahaha check this out... before i go. da just sent it to me haha, a lame-ass pic of us at sam's bdae dinner hohoho can you figure out why? =p
:3:02 AM: :sugah~plum
happy 6th month, i love you :)
haha had a rather interesting farewell thingie yesterday for the 5 people in my class who are leaving really soon. had a pretty good time eating and hanging out with joel too before that, and listening to his ahem, very interesting hahaha escapades. can't stop laughing at it =p hmm anyways, i went to the botanic gardens for the farewell thing and discovered that although i was about 15 mins late, i was the FIRST to arrive! haha my class ah.... tsk =p yeah anyway like the people started trickling in slowly, and we decided to light up candles and put it in a row at the entrance of the pavillion and somehow from there evolved some funny ritual chant thing and ian's 'lizard of the lake' and 'sacred fire'. haha the poor girls, namely sulynn, yina, ashley and joy, were made to sing the school song loudly and er, slightly out of tune O_O before they were let in and presented with a flower. when caleb showed up later he was made to sing ahem. his famous national day song hahaa the one he forgot all the lyrics to when he was on stage! =p and yes he got a flower too. oh and howard got the 4 girls straw handbags from the officer's first wives' club or something (?!) it was kinda cute =p well anyway spent the rest of the night basically just sitting/standing around and talking.
haha a bit more inclined to blog now that my layout is bright and cheery and happy =p oh and totally forgot about the academic briefings!! now have to go to sch on mon and tues and like, i totally forgot. sheesh? hmm been trying to read harry potter too but been abit busy haha... only got through like 2 chapters or so. will intensive read on the bus soon, when i take a looong bus ride to his house =p yay i love harry potter. its just something that i have to and want to read even though its gigantic appearance is slighly scary. well at least the words are pretty big... good for blind people like me hehe :D hmm i suppose i like to read harry potter and other fantasy books which i like better actually, like sandman, midnight nation, rising stars(oh wait those are graphic novels hehe oops), and basically all of neil gaiman's books(swoon), because the plots offer an alternative reality or alternative explanation for some things which do happen in mundane existence, and these explanations and descriptions are just so creative and exciting, that i love to read them and try to imagine that life might just be more interesting than it appears to be. haha =p why do you like to read fantasy?
okay off to travel and revel in the exciting world of harry potter and the half-blood prince. we shake you warmly by the hand.
:2:24 PM: :sugah~plum
i'm a happy happy girl. just finished my new blog design after the entire day(and night) of photoshop editing and html... swimming in html codes and photoshop now haha. eyes got rather bad today though, think i had conjunctivitis or -something- gee. shall stop rubbing my eyes! anyways... nice nice? its BRIGHT and cheery mwahahaha bright colours are GOOD! :) okays shall post properly now haha... been meaning to post up a song all day. really like it... the tune is like so wistful and regretful, and melodic too, and the lyrics are rather thought-provoking as well.
I've Never Been To Me - Charlene
Hey lady, you lady, cursing at your life
you're a discontented mother, and a regimented wife
I have no doubt you dream about the things you never do
but I wish someone had talked to me like I wanna talk to you
Oh, I've been to Georgia and California and anywhere I could run
Took the hand of a preacher man and we made love in the sun
But I ran out of places and friendly faces
Because I had to be free
I've been to paradise but I've never been to me...
Please lady, please lady, don't just walk away
Cause I have this need to tell you why I'm all alone today
I can see so much of me still living in your eyes
Won't you share a part of a weary heart that has lived a million lives
Oh, I've been to Nice and the isle of Greece
when I sipped champagne on a yacht
I moved like Harlow in Monte Carlo and showed them what I've got
I've been undressed by kings
And I've seen some things that a woman ain't s'pose to see
I've been to paradise but I've never been to me...
Hey, you know what paradise is? It's a lie,
a fantasy we created about people and places as we like them to be
But you know what truth is? It's that little baby you're holding
and it's that man you fought with this morning
the same one you are gonna make love to tonight
That's truth, that's love
Sometimes I've been to crying for unborn children
that might have made me complete
But I, I took the sweet life I never knew I'd be bitter from the sweet
I spent my life exploring the subtle whoring
that costs too much to be free
Hey lady I've been to paradise but I've never been to me...
I've been to paradise but I've never been to me...
but the question(or questions), is, which is better, exploring and living life to the fullest and trying, experiencing everything, yet never truly having a home or a strong stalbe relationship and ending up alone, or to be safe and secure in a place and with people you know, not venturing out of your comfort zone and sometimes restricted by certain things or social norms, but yet finding happiness in the simple or normal things in life like the song said, the woman's baby and husband? and why can't we have both? must we really choose? maybe that's what i don't get. and if anyone asked me to choose one, i don't think i could. because i've probably not been to 'me' either. and i don't think i really need to choose yet anyway, my life is only just starting. and i'm happy now. just worried that i may have to choose someday... but oh well we'll see when that comes. i've always seen myself as wanting a bit of both(not all la i'm not -that- greedy =p) simply because i've a rather mixed personality as well. a bit of everything.
haha anyways i've gotta go sleep now its really late hmm... hope you all like my new layout! hee hee.
:4:12 AM: :sugah~plum
hahahaha have a lot to post today... running on approximately 2 hours of sleep and 2 coffee drinks. WHEE!
hmm anyways... i'm really glad we talked properly today. i kinda understand some things better... and just so happy to be with you.
haha hmm had quite an interesting day! and was real nice to catch up with the ny girls yesterday too... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM!! haha anyway today, first like slept damn late and woke up damn early, and went off to school for a damn long talk which we paid attention to like... er... for me maybe it might total about 30mins or if i add up all the miscellaneous words i caught, -maybe- an hour (it was from 9am-1pm hahaha). that's coz da started this damn funny(okay okay, intellectual) game that required us to like think super hard to form various words from a long root word, which in our case was 'ectoplasm'. haha quite enjoyed it coz it was like so much more interesting than the talk, like duh, and tze yi and i got totally thrashed by da and shan'er coz yes those rafflesy people are so smart and word-savvy that we were just so totally... left in the dust -_- haha the three of us ie sam, me and da, all like slept 1+ to 2 hours(okay maybe sam a lil bit more haha =p) so we were all a little... off. da was stoned and i was high hmm... and well after the game we all woke up a little. but like at the end of the talk for some reason a lot of childish activities were going on and we were sticking our er, name tag stickers on each other's backs, chest and erh, hair glare. haha quite interesting la... but i'm not so sure its coz of the talks HAHA. think also because lack of sleep + coffee = alot of adrenaline! ahhh maybe its just me... think the adrenaline is still pumping hee.
after that ran off to meet joel haha and we went on like an eating fest today eeps... not intentionally though haha. had lunch and coffee+food and then kinda like dinner and then dessert haha sounds like alot of food oops. he very kindly and tolerantly accompanied me to chinatown(again sigh hahaa) and i found one of the shops closed!! after walking all the way there. and, i, being totally BLIND, only realised that... the damn shop is tons closer to clarke quay mrt than chinatown mrt, like. DOT DOT DOT. i'm blind, literally and figuratively. yups, hit the 1000degree mark, and my eyes are soooo red now i can film a horror movie, without additional makeup. great. i really should stop rubbing them... and was longing for eye-mo but as usual, blind, only just realised that... they were in my room all along. gee =p haha anyways yes after the chinatown visit, (yes luckily he came along i managed to spend... less than $15! ooh.), we went down to citilink to look for Pacific Coffee BUT it seems that its gone now and TCC and Gelare has taken its place. ohwell at least there are still some nice sofas there, though not huge red and comfy haha but i guess they'll have to do hmm. and had alot of fun hanging out and umm bumming around a little too :) though i kinda dragged him shopping for a bit...
AND then, i, bought, a, pair, of SHOOEEEEESSS!!!!! they... are... SO... lovely. well in my humble opinion of course... haha they're a pair of pink and bronze-ish espadrilles(okaay i hope i spelt this right heh)!! i love them hahaha, haven't bought shoes in like, erh, ages. haha! and well i haven't bought much clothes recently either, well except the fox skirt and top at the wonderful sale which is now too messy to find anything at but YES i digress again oops. yay my pretty pretty pretty shoes. only thing is, they're freaking high and i HOPE i can walk in them. wonder if i can wear them to school. and, i conclude that i like my green empire scoopneck zara top nods. and he agrees too haha. yay.
haha yes and, the interesting part is here. I ACTUALLY KNOW HOW CARS WORK NOW!! (er, in simplified terms, of course) hehe i used to think that rpm meant the revolutions of WHEELS per minute la EEK... when umm yes its the revolutions of the ENGINE per minute mwahahaha. hehe due to the gorgeous, beautiful, sexy, MANUAL, sleek, pretty, cute, fast, (expensive) car models my car enthusist joel was showing me today, and after admiring and sitting in tze yi's CUTE red Evo VII, i have decided... that... i quite like cars. nod. they are interesting! although i'm definitely not going to become a car enthusist (er, firstly, no money, and secondly, if i did have any i'd rather SHOP hee.), i do love the sound the blow-off valve makes when the gear is changed(yes i know it doesn't only make sound when gears are being changed =p), and holding the gear stick and shifting it and feeling the pressure, and oh oh holding the steering wheel and turning it ooh and basically just ogling the gorgeous cars(GTRs hahahaha, Evos hahahaha -again-, Fairlady!!, Porshes, PINK Honda S2000 heeeee, the PINK F1 car, Ferraris, Lamborghinis oops i spelt it wrongly at first haha, and the Bulgatti Veyron again how to spell?? with its 16?!?!! cylindrical engine with its 1001?!!?!! horsepower wahkao scary but quite. cool.) yes, i finally know what the hell a cylinder is and umm how its arranged and how turbo and super charged engines work. thanks to his like super loooong and patient explanations and umm drawings too hee. soooo fun and fascinating hahahahaha. OKAY enough about cars sheesh... but well, at least i know how an auto car works now too so i won't be totally clueless as to what's happening when i'm driving my dad's car. haha. as if that'll help my parking =p
hmm... okay enough ranting for now, i shall... go try on my shoes and prance around in them! put (more) eyedrops in my eye. make a pair of earrings for my cousin. read harry potter. get a little less cold. and change my blog template to NOT say michelle, 18, acjc anymore. and crap its like almost 2 hahahaha erm maybe i'll do some tomorrow haha. but yes, eyedrops CANNOT wait haha its freaking painful i think i've murdered my eyes from all the incessant crying, staying up late and rubbing. no wonder my degree is so freaking high... ohwell its like, my own fault i guess sigh. tsk tsk.
okay gosh... kinda happy and high today. haha!
:1:59 AM: :sugah~plum
its better now. have to keep trying. we'll work it out somehow.
haha sad though, the spree just closed! like just when i decided that i wanted to get something -_- hmm... ohwell... bored! i want the pretty butterfly sash sniff. okay shall go make earrings... hmm surprisingly i'm not tired of it yet. haha well i don't have much business maybe that's why haha =P
i so need to change my blog template... it still says michelle 18 acjc my gosh O_O
:1:25 PM: :sugah~plum
i feel miserable without him.
:12:52 PM: :sugah~plum
sometimes love just isn't enough. or is it?
:10:50 PM: :sugah~plum
i'm tired of thinking.
:3:28 PM: :sugah~plum
yay... happy. got a flower today... sadly left in at boat quay though. sniff. it was pretty. sigh... nevermind at least i didn't have to watch it die. had/having a horrendous outbreak of rashes today. its not that i don't listen to you... its just that one of the symptoms of ezcema is kind of the uncontrollable urge to scratch -_- and it does feel somewhat better after that. hoppities. for some reason i can't sleep these few days. been sleeping at 3 or 4am, no idea why. or maybe today is coz of the coffee oops. and i don't really feel sleepy too. but end up i feel sleepy at the strangest times la. hmm... well don't know if this is possible when school starts considering i actually have to wake up early. oh!! and saw this really nice top/cropped cardi set online I WANT TO BUY!!!!! but they don't have the colour i want anymore O_O very sad. maybe i'll just get the pink. but i already have pink!! i want black!! pout. erps. okay that was whiny haha. hope i'm not taking a leaf out of veruca salt's book. i want. i want! grrrrr... why are all the stuff i really, seriously want to buy either a)colour out of stock b) no size c) way too ex. sniff. i've been a good girl, really. haven't really bought clothes in a while. but its ridiculous, my wardrobe is about to -burst- and i still feel like i don't have enough clothes. i'm weird. haha. only been spending money on earring stuff(a lot of it O_O)... i'm mad. no wonder i'm too broke to buy clothes... DARN. oh man. its so late already... gotta go sleep, -finally- getting sleepy haha =p
:4:57 AM: :sugah~plum
mwahahahaha i like charlie and the chocolate factory!! so CUTE heeheehee. the OOMPA LOOMPAS!!! and i have to stop pliering my fingers... just spent oodles of money at chinatown again -_- i think i've probably spent like hundreds of dollars on all this already... madness. wheee off to make more earrings!
:12:19 AM: :sugah~plum
yay my earring website is up! check out the earrings i've made and if you fancy, do buy some to save me from bankruptcy :p

i just love making earrings... going to chinatown again tomorrow... just designed another pair today, think i will be bankrupt very soon :(
haha had a pretty good weekend lalala, and really nice seafood pasta just now yummy. quite sad about his test results though, but ohwell, its totally not his fault. stupid taxis!! sheesh, they really are road hazards sometimes man. but sigh if they're not around, how are we going to get around? circle logic. hmm. oh and finally configured my smu card, now i can enter around school with ease yay. though i'm not going to be going there much until 3 weeks later... i think. hehe. oh crap i should be sleeping... if not i won't be able to wake up again (like today, planned to wake up at 9 but woke up at 12+!! -_-) haha. tata!
:2:08 AM: :sugah~plum