... wth. i don't particularly like waking up early in the morning to deal with this. like please don't tell me what to do with my life. the 'good' solutions aren't always those which i want or are suitable for me. i hate it when people try to impose their views on me. ok mostly its just my parents i guess. there are limits. i don't usually take notice when others do, or even so i'm too polite to sound irritated. bah. this is never going to end. ohwell.
ok not so irritated now i guess. haha... i guess when you wake up all grumpy already, adding to it is not a good idea.
but i wish they'd just listen when i say i don't want to. sigh. but at least the situation now is tons better already. well take what you can get i guess. a little at a time.
and i really should stop blogging and start studying. haha. exams soon. starting to get a little worried, considering i know nothing and just failed my last test. hoho.
:10:07 AM: :sugah~plum
haha omg its been an interesting night, for some reason everyons is being damn funny. erps lost my previous post though coz of a screwy connection haha so.... reposting i guess hmm. but it was really particularly funny la... unless i was just especially tickled today. dunno. haha.
anyway indulging in some vanity...

took a pic before going to the party yesterday... since its very rare that i actually do put in effort to dress up and make up, especially for clubbing, decided to take a pic haha.
if only my room weren't so messy in the background, haha :x ok getting sleepy zzz, the rest of the post not important i guess. sleep!
:4:19 AM: :sugah~plum
zzz. reasons why clubbing is bad.
1) people get drunk and do stupid things.
2) people get drunk and be assholes and end up fighting
3) i end up smelling like smoke after it
4) very expensive and tiring
5) sweaty!
6) slimy sometimes O_O
but still... i had fun haha. was great to catch up with friends haha, and great to really just let loose and DANCE. haha. po yew was a dear and bought me entry and drinks etc and even sent me home... haha always so sweet :) ran into john there and caught up too, wow haha... so many AC ppl... was abit like old times sakes and stuff la. cool. chiew and her friend pris were there too, and i think pris is so hot! hahaha wow damn nice body movement... but omg, damn drunk man i think. so many people were so drunk la! no idea why also... got molested too hahahaa BUT by a rather drunk girl so i guess it was forgivable haha O_O
reasons why clubbing is good
1) if there is good music, can dance, and dance and dance, yay! =p
2) same as above
3) same as above
4) can drink a little bit and get high
5) catch up with friends
6) have fun being silly
oh well i guess it balances out =p somehow. hahaa... well depends on self-discretion i guess, everything can either be good or bad right =p clubbing in itself is not a bad thing i feel, its how people choose to behave and what not. haha i think my drunk havoc days are over... i hardly drink when i club these days, and am pretty sedate unless i'm dancing, haha. newsroom bar has nice poles ;p omg this really feels a bit like the old days... before... things. proper clubbing first time in ages! had lots of fun hahaha grin yay. and in case anyone is wondering, i'm pretty sober, only had 1 long-island tea and some green tea with chivas (ever heard of such a thing?!) and lots of water, so i'm quite okay really. haha. plus amazingly my makeup still looks okay even after all that dancing haha... i have no idea why people kept asking me why i have so much energy to dance until like that though -_- i thought it was pretty normal haha... maybe people don't exert themselves that much when they dance haha oops shrug. but i don't believe in just swaying to and fro... maybe that's why i don't like trance haha. and actually i think clubbing is good exercise leh if you dance... like that can lose weight hahaa good good.
zzz damn tired now. get the feeling i might ache tmr, since my calves were slightly achy today already from ddr yesterday =p and i didn't realise that some of my posts are slightly freaky. i thought they were ok what, just kinda angsty. still think so shrug. i get that way sometimes i guess... but then again i always blog a lot of nonsense haha. pity that i'm thought of in a way which i think i'm not, though i think i am indeed what is originally thought of me, but not fully, but rather a slightly deviated version of it. i think po yew knows me pretty well hahahhaa i love his description of me, damn accurate hee. but then again, i guess i act funny sometimes when emotions are concerned. have a few soft/weak spots. but then again py has seen that before also right hmmmm. but i guess its always different when you're not the person involved. haha. dunno la, only time will tell. but right now, back to status quo it shall be, hopefully.
the funniest part, or the saddest part, is that i actually thought it was and would have been good. little commitment, all with our own space and freedom. no need to take things so seriously when so young. no need to cramp other's space so much too. that is kind of what happened previously anyway wasn't it. too much. too scary. but its vast ambiguity which screws me up sometimes i guess, and yes, i think i am a little insecure. who isn't? everyone wants attention. shrug. i'm no different. i am confident, but not confident enough to simply just assume things. that's something i don't like to do. because things aren't always what they seem. and even though i've always had a happy-go-lucky-take-it-easy attitude... i believe some things could be clearer sometimes. can't just heck care about everything... that's kinda extreme haha. well too bad. thanks for everything anyway.
for the record, i hate vicious cycles. they're the most inane thing ever haha.
and i think i think too much! mutter. haha.
(ok these three paragraphs were written at 11am when i was more awake =p don't think i sound much more awake though, back to sleep zzz.)
okay enough rambling for now already... need to go get changed and clean and stuff and crash. damn tired already zzz was a damn long party man, still going strong when i left at like 345 O_O ok..... can barely keep my eyes open any longe.....
:4:45 AM: :sugah~plum
just came back from watching zorro. haha was a pretty cute movie.... and quite interesting. but was abit sleepy so not sure i derived substantially the full benefit of the show (cough cough haha) and was a little distracted by feeling annoyed, disappointed and amused haha.
yes annoyed, firstly, because i cannot for the life of me believe that anyone could possibly think that way of me. disappointed because well i can't believe that such a thing could happen. haha but then again, its possible i guess. shrug. amused because i can't think of what i could have done to have caused such a conclusion. hahaas =p its actually slightly funny hee. but dunno... its damn weird haha. i am very very weirded out. boggles. but shrug i guess haha because... what will be will be, grin, shrug, and rolleyes =p
ok yes back to zorro haha. don't know why i keep noticing things about movies but i just do. 2 thoughts inspired by the movie and vague general things... that power is addictive and gives a huge sense of adrenaline. i don't agree with those like tyranny kind of power but i can see how the power derived from being admired and needed by people and able to do things exceptionally, can give such a strong, driving force of not only adrenaline but also motivation. it's cool. haha. also, that the people who don't deserve to be oppressed and ill-treated have to suffer such a fate, and those who do deserve it..... haha. but of course in the end the bad guy loses blahblah etc =p oops hope i'm not spoiling the storyline... but then again, quite predictable la haha. but still... sometimes you can give but never receive, or receive and never give. haha guess its not like a permanent thing, but probably at the point in time it might seem unjust. haha shrug. also noticed that (oh wait that's 3 thoughts already, oops), and iconic symbol is powerful when the person is uplifed and made to represent lofty ideals and become umm what's that damn word we learnt in s lit... erm. ok nvm haha change word, immortalised or something. but then, knowing they're only human also does bring hope to people but in a different way, more like that they are also capable of acheiving greater heights. haha. icons are interesting. oops that was a pretty long ramble.
took quite a lot of nonsensical pictures today... here's a "few" =p

shan'er beat me 2-0 in tic-tac-toe in biz law and he's very proud of it for some reason! he says no one loses at tic-tac-toe.... =(

lance looking very pretty and gay in da's blue shawl, a delicate pink flower, and my girly pink wallet! =p he actually wore the flower all the way to raffles city! hahaha soo cute hee.

aaannnd..... weiming counterattacks =p can you tell who he's trying to be? hint, that is not his jacket. haha!

lance, haha who was my "boyfriend" for 2 minutes when we discovered that we both loved ruffles cheddar cheese & sour cream, and dark chocolate. haha but knew it would never work when we disagreed on salmon sashimi and ice cream flavours =p (disclaimer: happened on his off day of being da's part-time boyfriend hahahaha)


ack! help, someone is trying to stab me!!

haha lance having a one-girl-in-each-lap photo to contend with tzeyi's one-girl-on-each-side photos haha =p
later, at heeren and cine...

my oreo milkshake! i look happy hahahaha =p boy, did we pig out!

reliving secondary school days!!! wahahaa. before the movie, killing time =p
haha sometimes i wonder if people actually read the stuff i write or just glance through the photos and laugh. hahaha. there's actually more photos but omg flood haha. phototaking is immensely fun indeed haha. can act silly and record it too haha. haha oops its 4plus already wahaha i took nearly an hour to blog oops... but then again distracted too la talking to ppl etc. oh and we have a new (or in my case, revived) addiction to photohunt. haha especially shan'er and his ogling of the hot babes.
haha ok and in case lance whines, photos 3,7,8,9 and 10 are from his phone camera =p
:4:25 AM: :sugah~plum
thank you, haha. yes, i'm okay i think. just kinda tired and irritable these days i guess. etc, etc, etc. x-p
haha ok photos... photos are always cheerful.

being sadako-ish, at siglap. quite a good imitation, don't you think? ok except the coloured hair -_-

at zouk toilet last night... happy coz i think we look nice here yay :)

sis was testing dad's new cam O_O
heh... photos are fun. wonder if i can run away with the new cam. haha maybe i do look better in contacts.... alvin might be right haha. ok should do MA, presenting next week -_- already spent the whole day sleeping and slacking haha =p
added! more pics... from tuesday, taken from chiew's blog :)
tribute to tze yi's famous pout =p

1. da and chiew pout 2. me and crystal pout 3. the real thing

nice? ;p picture taking was followed by an horrified exclaimation of... "EHH don't get any fingerprints on my windscreen okay!!!!!" lol =p
:2:05 AM: :sugah~plum
zouk was alright... it looks kinda weird after renovations though... i wonder why they bothered heh. hmm mambo was ok... but some of them were so sian haha. ok so was i but i still tried to dance and stuff haha... dancing is always good. too bad we lost alex, one more person to do silly actions with heh. was so damn tired after that though, fell asleep nearly all the way home, which i seldom do. yawn. don't know why i was so tired also. suspect i might develop a sore throat from all that shouting though, throat feels coughy-ish today. haha ohwell. side effects of clubbing. but i was a good girl, hardly drank at all and thank goodness, didn't puke. still remember the incessent apple shooters and long island and jack and coke from january. ohhhh man. not too good. haha.
:1:45 PM: :sugah~plum
i got 4 for my MA test. which is like 2%. gotta start figuring out how to concentrate on school.
:8:07 PM: :sugah~plum
i can't spin to save my life... whoever tries to spin me in the future are going to end up with crushed fingers. wahaha. kinda sleepy... actually nearly fell asleep in posc today... oh my gosh the presentations were SO damn long. ughs. haha oh coz slept late last night also la erps at 5plus again. haha we went to dxo to support tzeyi and nicole, as well as to watch the rest of the competition and performances... the performances were... okay and there were really quite a few great competition pieces (!!), so was pretty good to watch grin. yes and they got second (yay!), their performance was really good! also considering the time they spent, it was really very very good haha. though wasted la.... should have spent more time la =p the most SPECTACULAR stellar performance though was obviously by al and karla which was simply, WOW. haha... fantastic. grin. yes and meiling and yean ching are like my official salsa idols now or something haha i want to be able to dance like them. erps. wonder how many years it would take me to, faint. sian hahahaa.
got spun 4 rounds yesterday too... wow haha it was pretty cool, but pretty scary too, never tried this kinda thing before erps. it seems even scarier than being lifted up in a weird lying down position by 5 guys who were discussing where to hold and seemed like they were gonna drop me -_- spun to dunno where and landed quite hard and awfully though so erm, i don't think it quite counts as successful. haha yes apparently tzeyi wants to accomplish 69 (spins tsk tsk what were you thinking =p) with da by the end of next year O_O haha being encouraged very enthusiastically by shan'er.... yep boys are stupid, throw rocks at them indeed.... boggles.
ok i should stop blogging and go pick up andrew phang... erm, his book i mean haha. sighs biz law die haha must read up!!
and... ever heard of a guy blonde joke?!?! =p
:1:23 AM: :sugah~plum
it seems, sometimes, that the best relationship to have with anyone you admire or like as a person would be that of good friends. then it wouldn't be spoiled =p relationships just seem to spoil things sometimes, tsk. happened to chance upon some old conversations from many months ago... reading them made me laugh and tear, and realise how the different demographies and states of interpersonal relationships can be so different. and people act differently too in those various states. kinda weird and sad when people act really strangely and contrary to their normal character sometimes though, perhaps under emotional stress or something. sheesh. haha sometimes i wonder what's the point of even having relationships if they don't end well, and you end up losing someone who could have been a good friend instead. what a waste. but i guess its a matter of win some, lose some, depending on the choices you make or because of things which simply just happen. but still... why can't people just end amicably? true, its definitely quite difficult at first to face the other person or to treat them as friends because of so much which had happened and felt, but a truth is, you really can get used to anything. ironically enough, change is the only thing which is constant isn't it. and we do adapt to these changes most of the time. after a while... we get used to things. of course, unless some people are really stubborn. haha. i thought i used to be very stubborn, and i guess i still am, when it comes to things i feel strongly for or against, but perhaps there are less things i do feel strongly about these days. or maybe just too busy with school to worry about anything else these days, hmm.
did get quite inspired by the impressive, beautiful, stunning and mesmerising feast for the eyes on friday night though. i finally know what it means to have your eyes literally glued to something and not being able to take them off a sight which is so entrancing and beautiful that you just don't want to miss all that is happening. also discovered what it means by jaw-dropping. ok i sound a bit swoony and exaggerated haha. okok i am exaggerating a little =p but it was so cool! Al Liquid Silver and Karla Palomina were at union on friday night and there was so much good dancing to watch! haha they danced with various people and its just... so beautiful beyond words. not only them, but some other people who are fantastic too. dance really is a form of art. i've always thought that expression of music through the movement of bodies is simply wonderful. well unfortunately its only really beautiful and wonderful when people do it well and truly convey the essence of the music, but shh even if it's not done well its still fun :) dance is fun ok! haha. yes but that's besides the point... gorgeous gorgeous dancing on fri haha sigh =p inspired to train! yes of course problem is i always get inspired and then never do as much as i intend to. damn :p hopefully this time it'll be different... haha hmmm. hope there's more to watch tonight yay :)
seems like there are so many intermittent hurricanes sweeping into my life and carrying me along with it, and i get caught up in the moment. but the winds do die down eventually and i'm left standing again. when it's something worth carrying on, i have to rely on myself to walk, or run the rest of the distance and not give up because it's tougher than being carried. of course, it doesn't mean that there are no limits. nice though, sometimes, to be floated along by a gust of warm air. sometimes other people's lives look like they're wonderful, but its really your own which you have to contend with and make it the way you want it to be. what other people have will not necessarily work for you. haha. gotta OWN it! :) that's what uniqueness is about... the phrase everybody's different is slightly ironic, but still true i guess hahaa =p
and oh dear... what can we do for creative thinking?? omg, gilmore girls is on now! i almost forgot!
~ mich*e||e, who is off to eat the crab which was prancing around her living room floor yesterday night.
:6:01 PM: :sugah~plum
heh... presentation today was... okay. think i stuttered a bit at the start though, haven't presented or acted on stage etc that kinda thing for pretty long, haha. according to da i make some funny action which looks remotely like the wtf gesture, but i really don't think so! haha. weird =p running on 5 hours of sleep and 3 cups of coffee for 3 days is not exactly a very good formula. was quite sleepy at dinner but suddenly quite awake again. quite funny, fell asleep on da's couch just now while she was on the phone. haha. had a huuuge dinner after that.... so i suspect i will be falling asleep pretty soon.
anyway here's some pictures from the past few days =p

tzeyi being crystal's 'umbrella' :p

similar shorts, different length!

piiiiiig :p

lanciepoos in crystal's tiny pink jacket.... O_O

at the plastic skating rink... falling...

fell. again and again... (so that's where all the blue blacks on my leg are from ahah)
and finally...

a crab, in my living room.
okay that was slightly out of point. ahahaha.
:12:10 AM: :sugah~plum
trying to stay awake in this class is giving me a headache. i still wanna ice skate zzz but i think i might fall asleep in the rink. nearly done with the posc slides aaaarrrggh perservere.
haha. just deleted my super-long post of self-analysis and random crap. figured that no one wants to read that kinda stuff churned out from someone feeling kinda gross and running on no sleep. and even if they do... well, its for me to know and you to find out. but i've been thinking a lot about random things... how much i've changed... and life and stuff. and how sometimes, friends are the best things to be. and how its possible, to be good friends and more than friends at the same time. sounds simple, but it's not. and yes, i do think. probably not at the current moment though coz all i wanna do now is sleep.
oh and lance wants me to say that sooomeeeoneee is being an ass (save ourselves from sedition or what not right, lance? ;p) because he has been talking non-stop since like, forever. sighs. and crystal is wearing pants today! buy lottery everyone =p
note: plastic skating SUCKS big time, never, never, EVER try it. -_- i hate falling grrrr and the texture is GROSS. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
:11:04 AM: :sugah~plum
haha if you're reading this now, check out one more scandalous photo i added in my previous post =p my blog is becoming like, the chronicles of scandalous people in smu or something haha. and fyi, the first 2 photos were courtesy of da, the blurry middle one mine, and the last 2 courtesy of lance. =p
ok not really gonna post actually, just to make that statement haha. reaally gotta go get ready to go to school already haha.
and just to write something which kinda came to me today... that sometimes you its not the best thing to do the right thing, but better to do the one which is less wrong. haha. this is bad... whatever happened to how i used to insist that we should always do the right thing... haha. i guess life isn't that simple really... shades of grey eh. ookay there really isn't time to blog properly what i wanted to say... guess i'll continue later. class beckons!
:2:36 PM: :sugah~plum
my connection is behaving really strangely today. wonder what's wrong... its supposed to be strong in school. MA test was an absolute bitch. i think i got about maybe 5? right, 1 blank and 4 wrong, and another 10 marks which is almost as good as gone... so that's about like... 0! hahahaha omg wow... that IS zero! ok i might as well have left it blank wahahaha... what a waste of time O_O all that effort to get a zero haha. but ok la... guess its good practice sigh. and i've learnt my lesson, leave blank if unsure. but then again, i thought i was semi-sure. damn haha.
hmm just read da's blog and am surprised at the coincidence. was just talking about playing games to edward yesterday. and how i'm absolutely terrible at it. hrmpf i think people should just tell each other how they feel hahaa and then we won't have to play games! but that's such a naive way of thinking i guess. certain things when it comes to feelings is kind of hard to say. either afraid of rejection or afraid of hurting someone? or afraid of sounding stupid, or afraid of it leading to unwanted repercussions. wow. guess we're all afraid. but i don't believe that there isn't a better way than playing games. ohh just let things come naturally i guess haha, if that's an option. but i guess sometimes you have to take things in your own hands.
zzz. kinda sleepy. school kinda sucks... its a tad bit too busy for my liking. everything is just crammed so full. no wonder we're tired, sigh. tiredness plus everything else is not particularly good. wow, even my vocabulary is declining greatly. boo. well... i'll live. and i hope everyone else survives too. oh oops... was going to upload pics but it seems MA is over already. and i have no idea where the time went to... erps. why am i so sian.

heh... biz law meeting... not.

haha there he goes again...

and again... =p blur though.

and of course, not to be beaten.... mr. hot! =p

haha found one more gay photo to post... and that is.... alex coming on to brooke!
haha... quite funny. ok lesson over yay.
:2:11 PM: :sugah~plum
heh. i'm back again, the regurgitating blogger. i'm not sure if i spelt that correctly, and i'm not sure if i care. my balls hurt. for the less savvy, that is in reference to the balls of my feet, which are in excruciating pain at the moment. ouch. i. need. proper. shoes. if i'm going to keep this up, which i think i am, even though i have found about 23493287492 mistakes in my dancing. practice. danced with an I3 guy and an I4 guy today who were pretty fun to dance with and so i ended up learning some interesting new moves which i'm sure i will forget by friday. haha. tried I1 and B1 too! and made bad attempts to lead heehee. ok i'm damn tired and sleepy already... not sure my MA how... i guess its just try to cram and hope for the best. if i do badly... well i can do others a service by comforting them that they aren't so bad. haha. so either way its not so bad, right? but damn i should try not to fail. sigh ok will start reading MA soon. oh actually i have interesting photos from today's biz law meeting... but too tired to load them now. zzz. another time.
happy birthday lanciepoos! :)
:12:06 AM: :sugah~plum
i think... that i'm lying to myself. but i'm laughing again. and the stapler is very cold, and writing chinese is fun. and actions speak louder than words. off to class now.
:5:40 PM: :sugah~plum
haha. was in a pretty good mood yesterday, after sorting out my thoughts and reaching epiphany (okay, somewhat) about certain matters. am still feeling pretty good today haha... should just take everything easy man, as some vj boys i used to know used to say, "relaxing man". haha. and that's the attitude we should take for most things sometimes. of course there are times to be serious, but ah well. sometimes not caring and bothering so much and just taking it easy makes life a lot easier. i guess things can still be important and not so cared or bothered about that much haha. i loved creative thinking! it was pretty fun haha and i agreed with quite a lot of the things kirpal said... wow. haha. well i was entertained, and i didn't have to do work. that's great enough. haha. although... have wednesday's MA test to study for sigh, and most probably going for salsa and union tomorrow.... so have no idea when i can study for MA. the craziest thing is that i was supposed to study for it today but ended up doing AS instead, which i was supposed to have finished yesterday. haha. geeezz. haha ohh tze yi has an admirer!! hahahaha someone left love mail on his windscreen ooh haha damn funny =p sigh ok i think i need to go read MA now... sob. maybe it'll be my turn to have a sleepless night now hahaha. but then again, i won't miss much in class tomorrow cough. see if i break my record of not sleeping in class yet... ;p
:1:51 AM: :sugah~plum
i'm disturbed by the first thought i had upon waking up this afternoon. which, coincidentally, might have been among the first few thoughts i had upon waking up last sunday morning as well. and possibly many other times. but it's okay. i'll live.
on another line of thought, i think i'm going to write down all my old msgs in my phone... and fold the paper up, and put in into the box with the bracelet.
once i get the time to, away from all this work. surprisingly enough, i don't mind the work all that much. takes my mind off things sometimes.
"that scares me... how easily you can be fooled by one mind..."
yep... the power of the mind and emotion is a great one indeed. pity i don't know how to wield it well, and instead am often a victim of it's spell. but i get the feeling i might learn in time.
i don't want to fly yet, but i think i will have to someday. can't always hope to be caught or have my fall cushioned. so i guess i'll have to learn how to fly. i guess in some sense, i'm already flying. not very high or very enthusiastically, but i'm hovering. and sometimes i fall. but it's fine... because life is like that, sometimes you fly sometimes you fall. and sometimes people catch you or cushion your fall. sometimes you fall and hurt yourself, and stand up again and go on.
life just goes on.
:3:46 PM: :sugah~plum
wheeee didn't go bugis in the end haha. was nice catching up with eugene and talking a lot of rubbish and laughing over absolutely nothing hahaha. we're crazy that way haha... yay for my jiemei bitching buddy eugybaby =p sweet guy too haha i sneaked him into school so he could bring a surprise for theo haha damnn cuutee man haha. hops found my transflashwhatever adapter thingie so i can upload photos now! yay (:

lance trying to propose to da yesterday with a soft drink can ring and da looking horrified... c'mon lanciepoos did you really think she would settle for anything less than a diamond ring? tsk tsk ;p

with eugene! (:
went back to school to rescue my MA textbook after leaving eugene with theo... poor thing was sitting in lance's locker for at least a week or so... haha i think i'm gonna have to read it soon. tried reading it in the room but ended up falling asleep on the sofa -_-

introducing a foreign object which most of us have not lain eyes upon yet (or just me?), chapter 5 of the MA textbook... what i was -supposed- to be reading... =p

got so bored i ended up taking pictures of myself (not to mention textbooks sigh)... looking very bored and sleepy here haha =p
OH yes i said i would post this here... a quote from eugene! "Guys should be more like girls. They're cleaner, nicer, and smell better." wahahaha. coming from a guy =pp see! girls rock! haha. damn sad though... my red hair has completely faded to a brightish brown =( damn!
ok was supposed to have started bgs like, 2 or 3 hours ago or something. hahaha and AS too... eventually. sigh shall try to be hardworking now then. :p
:11:43 PM: :sugah~plum
haha chiew stayed over at my house yesterday! rarely have sleepovers haha... but it was nice, cuddled to sleep and i think we accidentally molested each other while in bed hahahahaa oops. but nice night zzzzz. slept at like 5plus am i think, near 6, coz we were talking and i spent a damn long time trying to finish the earrings that i sold today. tired. haha oh dear and i fell asleep at my laptop again... haha sleeping at 4 or 5am many nights in a row probably contributes to that haha.
ooh hard rock on thursday was pretty fun haha. hardly danced as usual coz still don't know how to, and made a big fool out of myself by trying some weird move on the spur of the moment and ended up looking like a chicken or something but nvm hahahaha... moral of the story, stick to what you've learnt and don't try to be too clever haha. unless you really are clever right haha. which i think i'm not hahaha oops, as proven by my tagboard and lack of genius too hee. aiya, but for fun la right haha. just try! =p and some stuff are like so cool. haha we dragged xiayue along too, who aquiesced to da's whining at him =p and he had a crash course in salsa and managed to dance a bit too hahaha. yah quite fun.
yesterday was pretty fun too! went to bugis and bought more stuff (sigh haha incorrigible) with chiew and sze haha. basically just walked around and shopped and chatted. nice. then went to alex's house for the party haha and he merrily tried feeding me and da a flaming lambo, saying we promised to drink even though we didn't remember saying anything like that hahaa. never tried one so at alex's insistence i tried it hahaha and whee ok la alex didn't mix it so strong, so it didn't taste that bad and i didn't actually feel affected by it haha. but just for fun la haha. heh then we played some mahjong and ate and ate haha i think we were all so stuffed. but shan'er was hungry again at 4am! so weird haha how come so many guys all get hungry in the middle of the night haha ;p oops da too haha and her jelly craving... alex, if you wake up today and find half the jelly gone, it was us haha =p took some stupid pictures haha then ended up watching pirates of the carribean, and ogled JOHNNY DEPP haha he was so totally cool and sei in this show la, sighhs =p rocks haha.
zzzzz. can't believe i slept at 5plus and woke up at 11plus 2 days in a row to go to bugis. haha but ok this time i'm not going there to shop! (haha ok we'll see, eugene might be as shopaholicky as me) but nvm, broke anyway cannot shop already :p ok damn it gotta come back later and do AS and BGS and POSC and study for MA. omg. so screwed haha... but i guess i'll find time somehow to do them la... haha much rather try to enjoy my hol, already spent way too much of it doing work haha. ciao!
:11:17 AM: :sugah~plum
sitting in school waiting for the rest of my biz law group to arrive. so bored... haha. weikiat *just* stepped in, so there's now 3 of us. crystal was the early bird haha. feel bad, didn't bring the case names for biz law so can't research in the meantime. acks, weiming did like almost all the work for our side of the group =( we're horrible horrible persons.... yikes. yucks just watched a REALLY WEIRD video omg.... its scary beyond scary.... imagine crushing cans with your boob. yes video courtesy of my dear chiew haha who has been trying to cheer me up constantly for the past few weeks. thankies dear (:
even got a nice, ah well, interesting quote from her...
"don't be happy cos everything's perfect and working just the way you want it to. be happy cos everything's all fucked up but you're doing just fine... (:"
hmmmmm... ok bottom line just be happy la right haha. yeah... will try haha. easier said than done ;p zzz i want to sleep. okok shall be hardworking (again) and try and find cases for biz law. omg lance just fell asleep on the couch... soooo cute... oops i didn't get a photo. hahaha awwww.
:12:16 PM: :sugah~plum
lying in bed eating darth vader dark chocolate m&ms now. how weird is that =p
and my bad, its mango showhand, not showdown -_- must have mixed it up with solitare showdown... maybe i was itching to play or something hahaa. thanks lance for correcting me hmms.
got a simple manicure today! haha yay. but it looks boring laa coz my nails are so short haha and its a very light polish. but still... yay. bought new heels too on a whim, to replace my old dying black basic pair. i'll miss you though... you were great, sigh. haha i also went to the LIBRARY today omg. national library... the new building, for the very first time... which had like what, 13 floors or something?! O_O frightening... i ran away after 2 plus hours haha. managed to find a little bit of stuff though... but quite limited la the relevant materials hrm. damn it skype is so hard to find.
and i fell asleep again sigh.
:9:54 AM: :sugah~plum
haaha oooops i just said i shouldn't have been eating and off i went to eat right after i said that. i'm weird haha. we went all the way to siglap to eat bak chor mee (omg i hope i spelt that right), which was very very nice!!! got the shock of our lives though when we saw lanciepoos's 'running shorts', which were SO impossibly, impossibly short that it bordered on obscene. lance... ever so hot =p

mr. hot and his sexy shorts... compare the length of the shorts -_- in front of the noodle shop =p sorry if the pic is blur, it was late and with my hp cam haha.
after which, da proceeded to give her liver (er from the noodles... O_O) to lance, to, increase his blood circulation and maintain his radiant complexion! (so he can keep on looking hot =p)
ok fell asleep at laptop again its 1130 now oops haha will probably be late for the jap thing... zzz. oh must show pictures of my very cute dessert! it was called mango showdown - showdown coz it had mango pudding, mango ice cream, and fresh cut mango bits! haha ok i didn't get it at first but still =p

omg... i must be very bored, taking pictures of a dessert. hahaha.
haha but was fun la... =pp haha ok off to go eat -again- this is quite ridiculous zzz no wonder i'm so broke and putting on weight wahaha =p
:4:15 AM: :sugah~plum
haha conclusion, i am terrible at 360 degree left turn and keeping my wrist up =p hopefully i can like figure out everything eventually O_O
and oh oh oh oh oh hop hop hop i'm SO excited now la hahahahahaa i just read an email that.... there's ICE SKATING IN THE CITY at the CAMPUS GREEN!!!!! ok it sounds impossible and what not, but i hope its serious!!! hahaha i love ice skating! and i miss it to bits!!! and how cool is it to have an ice skating rink in the middle of the city in our campus green!!! ok logically the ice would melt though since the weather is so freaking hot... so i wonder if this will really be done, but haha i dunno we'll see. i sure hope so! coz i wanna skate! =) yaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy i cannot wait for next friday!!!!!! i will kill SSU if this is fake =p
hee eating dark chocolate m&ms now yay. i think i won't be able to eat at jap buffet tmr if i continue hahahaha.... or no wait there's always space for salmon sashimi O_O ok zzzz sleepy haha hmm i've hardly done much work this term break! and tomorrow it will be half over! hahahaa =p
:12:58 AM: :sugah~plum
:3:29 AM: :sugah~plum
suddenly, i have so much to say that i don't know where to start.
one month ago, the day our life together ended and our separate lives started, the day i last saw you, standing at the bus stop watching me leave, the day i cried as i never cried before, the day i discovered how true my friends really were, and the day i stopped relying entirely on a sole, single individual. i started talking to people more. i started to blog more. i started to think more. i started to be completely carefree. ...with you i lost myself, without you i found myself... i'm not saying i didn't enjoy losing myself to our love, losing myself in our little world where everthing revolved around the two of us. it was nice when it lasted. but now i know, that that isn't reality. and i know too that if it had gone on we would have been lying to ourselves. i guess i'm just marking this first month on my own... with some thought to this.
i've noticed the state of my blog. it's always been an outlet for me. when i think too much and have nowhere to put the words, i come here. i hardly blogged when i was with him. i think its a double-edged sword. i mean, why blog when you have other better things to do? places to go, and things to do. but i think i stopped thinking about life, and about other things. i think a lot when i read. and i started reading again. i cry when i read novels about oppression. and i cry when i read novels about rising above oppression. oppression in any sense. i think i realise many things too, at the time i read these things. the problem is i tend to forget them. like today. reading this book, Breathe, by Anne Sophie Brasme, made me think. hard. and swear that i'll never let obsession take me over. and that i will never sink back into the pits of nearly zero self-esteem ever again.
obsession is scary.
"I wouldn't know how to define obsession. I think you just have it inside you. It can be sparked by the slightest thing. It creeps into you, it slowly attacks every part of your being. It is cunning and manipulative, it passes itself off as your friend but never fails to betray you. Suffering is merely a side-effect. When you go mad you don't notice because it doesn't hurt. The most painful part is when the madness is over."
if your self-esteem is too low, it could make you depressed and obsessed. if your self-esteem is too high, it could possibly make you manipulative and cruel. even worse when the former latches on to the latter as a form of a validation for existence, for a reason to live and a conduit to give meaning to her own life, that the tipping of the scales from normal to tragic happens. that's what the story was about. and it was sad. sad how easily emotions could be broken, how easily someone could become obsessed, become depressed, and so entirely reliant on someone that it becomes the very reason for their existence. even more tragically when the person takes the opportunity to manipulate, use, abuse and control the person dependent on them simply because they know they have the power.
"Obsession is smart: it targets those anonymous faces who look as though they haven't the slightest worry."
be careful before telling a suicidal person to go away and get a life because you don't care. they might stop harbouring notions to kill themselves, but they might kill you instead. and that's freaking hell scary.
i don't believe in such extremes, either way. i highly doubt i'd ever want to kill myself or anyone else... i just can't envision it. charlene was weak, and sarah knew it. but it didn't give her the right to abuse and manipulate that weakness. in killing her, charlene too was weak. she could have escaped the obsession and the depression, but she didn't. but maybe some people just can't snap out of it. so horribly trapped in madness and despair that they can't get out. maybe others can never truly understand those who are mentally tormented, by memories of war, by obsession, by something unfathomable to us who haven't had something horrible happen to us before. or maybe the others who can't understand are those who have picked themselves up and survived the trauma.
but i think, that all people really want is a little attention. some people more than others of course, but i believe everyone wants some. attention is a validation of one's existence. i'm definitely not on the same wavelength as a hermit or something, though i do believe that being alone sometimes is good for you, to think and reflect and to relax and enjoy some peace. but i think people do need some kind of interaction with other people. we seek to be liked, to be admired, to be approved of. and i guess sometimes its hard to like people who behave in certain ways, and it's probably true that some people don't deserve attention, but they too probably need it and crave it, and so behave in that way. maybe we need to be a bit more sympathetic to people? i don't know... i don't even know if i can do it myself. it would be too optimistic to believe that we all could... if we all did what was supposedly right, the world wouldn't be as screwed up as it is sometimes would it?
but then, i think people have to reach within themselves and find balance and harmony with their own emotions and being before anyone else can help them. it's always important to have your own sense of identity and personality isn't it? i think it is. even if it's not a clear one, even some sense of it is important. maybe that's why love can be dangerous sometimes.
in a sense i think everyone's waiting. every moment of our lives we're waiting. some people wait for something to come along to save them. from their banal, dreary existence. some people wait for a meaning in life. some people wait, simply for someone to be with and do things with. some people wait for good things to happen to them, perhaps some people even wait for bad things to happen to them. whatever it is, we're all waiting. and meanwhile, some people choose to live, and some people choose to exist. everyone's waiting, but not everyone's living. am i living or existing? i think i'm living. and i'm waiting. funny how waiting all our lives doesn't teach us some patience.
:7:52 PM: :sugah~plum
wheeeeeee hahaha my lunch is edible!!! i'm so proud of myself hahaha tart beef noodles with clams, golden mushrooms and egg. *pat on back* ok so the noodles were instant... i still cooked it myself! xp haha... and you're both wrong hahaa my heels are 2.5"! ooh i wanna buy heels. they're so preeettttyyy! hope i don't die of food poisoning O_O
:1:45 PM: :sugah~plum
rather uneventful day but had a pretty nice end to it... :)
and i think i fell asleep on the spacebar O_O the words are behaving kinda funny now! haha. just woke up... as usual did the sleeping at laptop thing, which i managed not to do the night before last! haha. oh man my hair is still wet from when i washed it at like 4am. haha had a pretty interesting day yesterday. was kinda sian and stuff during the day when i was trying to figure out AS and whatnot... but it got a bit better la. FONDUE! wahaha. quite nice la but actually i think i prefer ice cream. haha lance had the honour of watching me SWOON, i repeat, swoon and squeal with delight haha at the dark chocolate fondue and the irish cream baileys hazelnut syrup with vanilla ice cream drink. haha went there for mudpie actually, after the rest went to jam. but i still have no idea what school lance is in! someone who really knows the truth enlighten me -_- but then again i probably wouldn't believe you either. haha =p
went down to union again after that, with a bunch of people who are all beginners like us! haha... edward, meizhen, sze and rachel came along to watch the pros, as well as watch me and da (who are definitely nowhere near pros) embarrass ourselves on the dance floor by being completely incompetent at following. hahahaa thought it was rather hilarious actually haha. ok maybe i shouldn't say da, just say myself haha... i'm quite terrible at following! but getting the hang of it i -think-... but other than that its actually really quite fun to be spun around and stuff. damn cool haha yay! and chiew is right, tze yi is a good lead haha and damn fun to dance with coz he knows what he's doing hahahaha. damn nice to watch him dance with gupson and nicole too, they're damn good man. really what you call a joy to watch... wow haha. oops i think i'm starting to swoon over salsa haha i'd better stop.
went for supper after that... tissue prata with ice cream is so niiccee!!! but i think i had way too much dessert yest haha ughhs was so full after that haha =p and spent half the night talking crap and half listening to some jokes which i didn't quite catch erps. haha but was fun i guess. and realised that there's alot of good supper food near zouk hahas! haha omg edward just reminded me of something... in our salsa learning bunch, he's the only guy! hahaha that means the 5 girls have to share him for practice! hahahaha... damn funny la... OEI any of my guy friends reading this come learn with us k haha. =p
ok its time for breakfast/brunch/lunch or whatever... think i should go try and cook some instant noodles or something haha... my entire family has just abandoned me and went shopping in orchard haha coz i was still merrily sleeping away =p hahaa. well... don't wanna get outta bed anyways hee. ooh i want a pretty pair of shoes. ok gonna be housewifely now faint. damn i hope its edible haven't done this for ages hahaha.
:12:39 PM: :sugah~plum
"And She Was Gone"
By Ginger Foutley (from the season 3 episode)
She chose to walk alone
Though others wondered why
Refused to look before her,
Kept eyes cast upwards,
Towards the sky.
She didn't have companions
No need for earthly things.
Only wanted freedom,
From what she felt were
Puppet strings.
She longed to be a bird.
That she might fly away.
She pitied every blade of grass
For planted they would stay.
She longed to be a flame,
That brightly danced alone.
Felt jealous of the steam
That made the air its only home.
Some say she wished too hard.
Some say she wished too long.
But we awoke one autumn day
To find that she was gone.
The trees, they say stood witness.
The sky refused to tell.
But someone who had seen it said
The story played out well.
She spread her arms out wide.
Breathed in the break of dawn.
She just let go of all she held...
And then she was gone.
:12:17 AM: :sugah~plum
At 12:15am weds night... zzz. ankle's still kinda sore but okay i think. omg damn tired/sleepy. slept like 3 or 4 hours last night and had to drag myself outta bed this morning to go meet the sme for MA project... nearly couldn't wake up even haha. alvin la also didn't wanna go haha tsktsk. we both reached like 5 mins late at the hotel we're doing project on, like oops. haha alvin is damn funny man... seriously. i also dunno why, but he is haha. spent like half the time after the meeting eating haha... er ok actually just me la he wasn't =p yawn... and wil fixed my laptop! well kind of i think... he just downloaded like more anti-virus programs... removed 380(?!?!?!?!?!?!!) viruses or something like that. it stopped hanging and there are less pop-ups now! haha don't think its fully fixed but its really alot better now la. yay :)
haha i think we're all really damn tired and sleepy leh.

just look at the amount of coffee we had in class on tues..........

and the best part is, despite the empty cans of coffee........... haha. does this photo look familiar anyone?
ridiculous la i got home from sch at 1130... and weiming is still in school mugging now O_O i bet michael lloyd and eileen are still there too... faint. yups, its time to start studying. nods. oops... falling asleep on my pillow again erps. haha but ok la i'm quite contented... i just had some Ben & Jerry's ice cream haha yayy :) contented. in a way i guess.
At around 2am... chiew -- 26 days more!! says:
dear do you fall asleep with msn on everynight?
At 3.04am... ~ZeE~ says:
did u fall asleep @ laptop again?
At 8:30am... blearily awakes to check comp... oh my goodness... finds a series of unanswered msgs... i'm hopeless =(
At 12:15pm... finally gets out of bed. hahaa feels like i haven't slept properly or slept in late for quite a long time... dunno why also =( maybe coz i've been going home late everyday and refusing to sleep early even when i have to wake up early and ending up collapsing in front of my laptop resulting in blinking messages when i wake up because i never turn it off O_O
to everyone i have ignored at night on MSN, i'm sorry! i shall endeavour to switch off my lights and my laptop before i go to sleep haha so hopefully this will stop happening. maybe i should stop using my laptop in bed haha! yay... finally a day i can stay at home and not go to school! haha but projects beckon... i shall be a mugger and go read some stuff up now i guess O_O must be an asset to my group eh, shan'er? ;p
:12:43 PM: :sugah~plum
ugh... it has NOT been a good day. got into various states of tiredness, sianness, sleepiness, pissedoffness, and clumsy scrapes which really kinda hurt. was kinda sleepy the whole day despite all the coffee (!! cute pics... but too tired to load it blehs tmr)... happily tripped on a step and twisted my ankle in a weird way on the way to lunch today, and then again merrily slammed my head on the sharp edge of the wall behind the sofa in the room today. ouch. meeting went okay... but some stuff didn't. so tiring and pissifying. ughs. but okay shall not think about it. it doesn't really concern me so i should stop feeling indignant about it. i just think some people should have more common sense and have more respect for others. but then again, its not up to me to judge i suppose. hrmpf. ok at least salsa managed to cheer me up a little bit. its going kinda slowly (one step per lesson erps...) but yeah its not a individual activity... the coordination takes quite a while to arrange. haha quite fun to like... dance with people with the like steps. cute. but unfortunately er.... most of the guys.... er.... nothing to say. haha nvm la... not like i very good also la right hahaha. think the basics are like important foundation building, so i shall be patient. oh and crystal joined us today, yay. ahhh damn tired though... slept the whole way home on the bus. left calf aches like crazy too started today for no particular reason o_O
sighs just realised there are a lot of projects to be working on... full force of it looming. break week is SO not a break week considering most of the projects are due in uh, week 9. damn. ugh feet hurt... wonder if i have to wear heels to meet the company tmr... yeaps shall try to sleep early for once sighs considering i have to wake up early again tomorrow... must remember to sleep early..... zzzzz. must also remember to not think so much. tired. but i guess we all are.
:11:29 PM: :sugah~plum
absolute hilarity hahahahahahahahahaa. its times like these that i'm so glad that i have a handphone camera which i can bring everywhere hahaa even though the photo quality is not that good. heeheehee. ok i've got a HUGE bunch of funny photos to upload, along with some nice ones... haha. ok shall start with yesterday! went to the exotic dance party at rouge erps haha to watch exotic dance performances by Bodytalk i think, some studio teaching that. haha. got dragged up to do some weird schoolgirl thingie which i think i embarrassed myself for because i went first aaah and had no idea what to do hahas. and tze yi had to lick a BIG TOE wahahahaha! chiew's friend priscilla and him got dragged up to play some game that involved licking off salt and drinking a shot. daaaammmnnn funny. wahaha.

tze yi in his machiam outfit trying to act cool even before we got in =p

wahahahaha my kickass outfit! ;p love the stockings!!

me and da, yay we look nice here :)

SIZZLING hot babes!!!!! the only performance which i thought was good. oops =p the rest were er, okay... but nothing to shout about la. this one was ssssssst HOT!
haha and today is where the extreme hilarity and highness and craziness sets in. wonder if we're too stressed or something hahahas =p took a whole bunch of weird photos at dinner at subway raffles city... and looks like tze yi is gonna surpass lanciepoos as the resident gay star hahahaha. check it out =p

lanciepoos and his famous pout!

not to be beaten.... i can pout better than YOOOO!

not to be outdone.... lanciepoos attempts to lick poor shan'er's ear!! hahahahahahaa.

i think we're hotter :p

"I'm Da! I'm a bimbo!" wearing da's sweater is.... zee, the up and coming gay star. watch out lance! =p

how'yoouuu doin' ;p trying (rather unsuccessfully) to NOT look gay. hahaa... try harder!

hahaa ok normal smiling picture grin. such angels! =p
haha after dinner... and laughing like mad, me and da proceeded to tze yi's house to do our learning journals for bgs (pfwah), also because we both didn't really have a usable printer, and ended up quite distracted and talking. haha after we finally managed to finish it, we realised tze yi's printer couldn't work too. hahahhaha how ironic la hahaa... in the end had to beg lance to print for us =p after that for some reason the hilarity appeared and POOF! we went abit mad, and couldn't stop laughing and laughing and laughing over stuff i hardly remember now! except...

puffy! tuffy! fluffy!

from right comes a cry of... "i'm fluffy!", "i'm tuffy!" and "i'm puffy!", punctuated by a fist into the air. if i look deranged its coz i was laughing too much ;p
lucky tzeyi hahahahahaha 2 hot girls in his bed!!! wahahaha. but actually we were just like little kids trying to sqqqquuueeezze in his little bed and share the covers while laughing non-stop over I DON'T KNOW WHAT hahahaha and like... me and da were fighting over the blanket, not him hahahahahhaa. and see the cute blue furry thing da was clutching!! hahahhaa. basically was just laughing at random stuff until all our chests hurt =p hahahaha ok its still funny and i dunno why. haven't laughed like that for quite a while i think... we're absolutely mad hahaha. da is fluffy, tze yi is tuffy, and i'm puffy! fifi sisterhood unite!! heeheehee. ok we are so gonna feel stupid in the morning wahahaha.
i wonder if we're stressed. hahahahahahahaaha. ok shit time to sleep wahahaahahaha.
:3:57 AM: :sugah~plum
ahahaha ok this post was meant to be for last night at about 2 or 3am... but i fell asleep in front of my laptop yet again and so the post shall only be written umm, now. haha. got a couple of pictures to upload, seeing that i've been lazy for the past few days haha... and very tired and sian too i guess. mahjong yesterday helped yayy i won quiteee a few games! beam. though we weren't playing like hardcore money or anything haha it still feels quite fun to have like a bundle of chips in my drawer... so many piiinnnkk!! hahas. and mostly 4 or 5 tai(dai?) wins haha. learnt a few more new things about mj which i didn't know before haha... from shan'er the mj shen grin who tried to win such gorgeous cards that.... all of us like tried to 'budget win' first hahahas. so mean right haha. supposed to have been doing bgs before that but ended up at one point with the 4 guys all collapsing and sleeping, nicolas, tze yi and shan'er sprawled on my entire length of floor and alex merrily sleeping in one corner of my little bed with me and da still typing at various other corners of it. although what we were typing is rather suspect as well. haha. meeting went well huh O_O oh had a yummy dinner at boon tong kee too! i never actually been there i think... quite nice. and i LOVE white chicken hahaha :)

check out alex's alcohol collection! whoaaaaa =p
oh yeah alex was such a good host, he fed is a whole array of FOOD from ice cream to mooncakes to apple chips to um red wine. so there we were mahjonging with red wine, mooncakes and da playing the piano melodiously in the background. hahaa lex said it felt like we were in a hotel lounge. so cute. =p

da with lexie's cat! soooo cute.... (the cat ;p)
mahjong is good... i have to concentrate so hard that it takes my mind off other stuff hahas. maybe that's why i kept winning hahaha :p ok got a couple of pics from random places... shall just chuck em all in. BUT saving the best for last of course =p okay going backwards in chronology...

with da at union! i look so weird here but hmm quite a nice pic haha da how come you look the same in all pics and i look like different all the time hahahas =p
oh union and hooters was pretty fun... we made SUCH a racket in hooters haha oops... and the chicken wings there are actually quite nice! grin... quite a lot of people showed up actually, we took this huge group shot outside riverside point haha. hmm union was okay, didn't actually dance haha but who dares to dance after only one lesson?! i wouldn't have minded trying if it were like less crowded and later but something sad and momentous happened so that was more important, and yeah i hope everything's okay now... hmm. but anyways no matter, it was a good outing on the whole. went for supper after that too haha sooo many of us. mutton soup!!!

heehee me trying to be poseur in tze yi's hat... i wonder how many people have worn it the whole night la hahaaha moss!! :p and oops cut lloyd off in the pic haha.

haha from our biz law meeting on monday... me trying to be poseur again but this time in lance's hat, er, cap. haha. well i stole it coz it totally matched my outfit that day haha... red and black! yay.

serene's sendoff on wednesday!! hope she's having fun in UK yay... feel quite excited for all the people leaving la actually haha instead of sad... think they'll have quite a cool experience there! :) (ooh and i like my outfit on this particular day too hahahs omg i'm starting to sound rather bimbo oops hee)

haha and this is here coz i like my hair here. and clara looks nice too! this is on the day of go-karting... dunno why there's a funny like spot in the centre though O_O
OKAY finally!
Mr. Lance-is-SO-hot-and-not-gay-and-secure-in-his-masculinity-John!!!!! yay *applause sign*

first up, modelling a unique new hairstyle which i'm sure will catch on really fast, just because it's on lanciepoos, isn't that right? ;p

and finally, once again modelling an unbeatable classic style, the little red riding hood! with the jacket so kindly supplied by the style queen Dalena herself, highlighting Lance's natural hotness. note the sensous pout and the come-hither expression... isn't lanciepoos just sooo hot?
:2:12 PM: :sugah~plum