To make up for the horrendously long post which I doubt anyone had the patience to read, this shall be succinct and to the point.
MoS is uber cool, as someone just said, like a playground! So many rooms and with cool deco, totally owns Zouk and its fugly giant orange balls, ugh. Plus it closes later too, the only downside being the terrifyingly long queue which I swear, never ends. And was great catching up with quite a number of people especially dawn and ulynn whom I haven't seen in ages, saw dawn only briefly during halloween. Was nice meeting new people too (who probably think I'm les or smth la omg haha), though I doubt I'll be seeing them again haha. Ooh so tired, wonder if I'll have the strength to go ice-skating tomorrow (finally), yay. And spent the night shedding blue glitter on everyone and everything la, how amusing.
Just had dinner too, yay.
And no, there will be no chopping. ;p
- Ooh, I forgot to add, ran into my junior from AC whom I totally forgot was my ex-student as well until he happily announced in the middle of a club 'didn't you use to teach me?!'. How embarrassing! O_O Oh and since I'm at it here's a photo. Oops, talk about succinct -_- and my poor bracelet bra charm has dropped two shiny stones!! Poor thing =(

And ice-skating was fun, yay! Discovered that playing catching on ice is a decidedly dangerous activity, as well as trying to do a prep and turn, haha. There was also a damn funny kid who had a expression of zen and muted horror when I whizzed past him, slowly bringing his hands together in the gesture of prayer. I have no idea why, but it was super funny! Oh dear I've let myself ramble on again... hee.
:6:22 AM: :sugah~plum
And so here I am, back from the land of beauty and wonder.
What I've seen of Europe so far, I like. True, there may be many unpleasant things like corrupt police, beggars littering the streets that suggest unrest and social problems, but these things exist everywhere and it would be idealistic to think otherwise. Spain and Portugal are beautiful countries, with a fairly good mix of rolling fields and rivers, and gorgeous medieval and archaic buildings and towns, and big cities. Unfortunately I think I nearly froze half to death there and my skin rashed up in fright at the horrendously dry weather. I guess we need a certain amount of adapting, because after a couple of days my lip stopped cracking too. Haha and yes, I had a lot of fun! Shopping was great too I bought lots of new stuff hahaha YAY! Okay I think this is going to be an impossibly long post littered with zillions of photos, a small selection from my hp camera, because the rest of the photos (with people in it haha and with nice lighting and nice scenery) with the proper cameras have yet to be uploaded. So for people who are interested in pretty Europe photos this shall be a small sampler first!
Haha our holiday could be described as hopping around Spain (and Portugal) by coach, seeing the highlights of a few select cities and towns. Many, many hours spent sleeping on the bus, let me assure you. Even the very interesting book that I brought along (Death Gate, yay!) didn't manage to keep me occupied long enough and instead was lulled to sleep everytime. Ate amazingly a lot and slept a lot on this trip... In all likelyhood I've probably gained weight. Damn. =p Darn tours should stop feeding us so much chinese food though! Although admittedly some of the chinese meals weren't too bad la... I'm really kind of sick of chicken though. Okay so the trip started with a LONG and arduous plane ride to Paris, where we were in transit, taking yet another plane ride to Barcelona where we immediately launched into a city sights tour. First church we saw was pretty damn impressive, some church of the Holy Families or something like that, and they've been building it for like what, 100 odd years already? And its not even half done! Haha its estimated to take a couple more generations to finish :x

Front of the church! So much more impressive and imposing in real life though haha.
Okay oops I've decided to try and use the weird photo blogger thing because I think my photobucket is overloading and this way can click on the photos to get the original size. But I think its gonna screw up my alignment and whatnot haha, ohwell, nevermind. Haha and the next day we stopped by Valencia to have some local food lunch thing which was pretty good actually! The Spanish paella rice which is something like their local dish is really nice :)

A archaic looking building in Valencia, isn't it pretty?

Scenery from the bus window at Monserat, along the way to the next destination... it was freaking -1 or 0 degrees there la when we hopped off to take photos! mountains :)

Upon reaching our next destination where we spent the night, we walked around and umm, shopped. Haha in fact, we shopped quite a lot on this trip! Got a bunch of clothes and accessories and belts and whatnot, and a pretty pair of furry suede boots! :) Yes anyway in Alicante, which is like some nice seaside resort town place, which I feel has rather happening streets at night (I was standing at the balcony and I kept hearing music and sounds of people on the streets), and really couldn't sleep so decided to take a walk to buy ice cream, and soak up the atmosphere of the night. Was simply wonderful, taking a stroll down brightly lit streets with a smattering of little 24hr shops, pubs, diners which were open and alive with people, so many people all walking all over and really just making the whole place feel amazing. Ended up in a salsa club, surprisingly enough, as I followed my feet and ears into a side lane and upon discovering it, went back to change from my retardedly chachat slippers into heels and pranced right back there. Had quite a lot of fun actually, except half the people there were basically just hopping around with no particular style, and those who were actually dancing salsa were doing it in some strange style I couldn't place. Figured one to be sort of like cuban style, as I spent half the night talking to and dancing with some Cuban guy who reminded me vaguely of like a younger and less loud version of Gupson, who actually accomodated to my way of dancing because apparently in Cuba, 'salsa is like a religion'. Haha, very amusing. Some other guy kept doing weirder stuff tho and kept dipping me and even merrily lifted me from the waist.
I know it's hasty generalization, but it seems that a lot of European men are pretty strong! I felt it, and I saw another guy lift up this rather ahem heavy looking girl as if she were a feather, and saw a couple other instances la. Ahem haha Singaporean men please shape up abit ;p And no, for the record, I am NOT an SPG in any way haha, just a little jibe please don't sue me for sedition ;p
Oh yes and alot of the people are gorgeous too! It's true, what they say about hot spanish babes and guys, because there are so many on the streets! When shopping in Barcelona and walking around in Alicante, and well basically everywhere else, I saw soo many damn hot girls and guys la... And especially the girls, in their boots and stockings and short skirts.... hot hot hot. Gorgeous. Damn! Haha... got a lot to work on =p Anyway went to Granada next (and I think if I continue narrating like that this post will never end) where we visited this GORGEOUS palace which used to be a mosque and then a cathedral (okay most of these places are either mosques turned into cathedrals or cathedrals turned into mosques turned into cathedrals or something like that because of Spain's history!), with a BRILLIANT view of the city and absolutely STUNNING carvings on the walls! I know my vocabulary is limited but please bear with me because when I say gorgeous I really do mean it.

A pretty star-shaped ceiling! I was practically lying down on the floor to take this shot, resulting in many amused relatives taking pictures of me in some contorted position on the floor, angling my hp for a better shot. Haha.

Check out the intricate flower carvings!! I want walls like that in my house :x

Yet another cool wall carving but well taken from an interesting angle.

I think my breath did, in all honesty, stop for a brief moment when I beheld this view. I know my handphone camera seriously does not do this justice, capturing only a mere fragment of a whole panaromic, breathtaking view of the entire city below, but still... I'd like to share. The most amazing view I've ever seen, with strong refreshing and relaxing winds as well.

Me with the view, taken with a proper camera.

Doesn't it look like a palace?

A pretty autumny looking tree that sunlight was shining upon, making it glow, but when captured on photo it looks like its burning!

Parting shot of Al Hambra Palace/Mosque/Cathedral... I took a lot of photos in this place because I was terribly enthralled haha. Then I started running out of memory space =( so really, there's less photos from other places, this post will end soon, really! =p
Watched a flamenco performance at night too, which was way, way cool. It was held in a gypsy cave, which was nice and cosy, with a traditional feel to it, because of the decorations, the singing, the guitar, the costumes, everything. I really quite like flamenco! Used to think it was just stomping and clapping and didn't really like it all that much, but seeing it right in front of my eyes, barely 1 metre and at times, 1 centimetre away from me, with all the emotions being expressed in each wave of the hands and stomp of the feet, it really impressed me quite a bit. Some may think this dance lacks finesse, but I tend to disagree, because I can tell the movements require a LOT of control. It ain't easy to stomp and look totally glam while doing it, really. I love the style of the male flamenco dancers too - so strong and sleek, quite different from the female style which is strong too, and pretty, but less... oomph. Was really mesmerised by all the wonderful dancing, and so impressed by the absolutely beautiful double or triple pirouettes one of the male dancers did, with a totally neat setup and landing. Swoon.

Hot girl #1, hot girl #2, and long black-haired brooding latino looking guy (who did the cool pirouettes!), and yes, they dragged me up to try too omg -_-
Okay so from Granada we headed to Sevilla and on the way we stopped by at Cordoba, where we visted umm another mosque turned cathedral, but apparently like 500 years ago Cordoba was the capital of Spain when the moors were occupying it. Hmm... okay just 2 pictures from Cordoba -

Yes, another ceiling haha, but this time the little glass dome in the centre is quite special, being made up of 1000 pieces of glass which are 9mm each. Pretty cool if you ask me!

Okay this photo is kind of boliao, I know -_- its the result of sunlight streaming through colourful stained glass windows and projecting it on the marble floor of the mosque/cathedral.
And then off to Sevilla we went, where we umm, not surprisingly, visited another cathedral. But this apparently, is the third biggest cathedral in the world, after the one in Vatican City and the other one umm in England or something? Haha but before the cathedral we visted the Spanish Square and the Plaza Espana, which was kind of like a representation of Spain in some world exhibition thing. Took some act artistic photos la but hmm not quite successful.

Plaza Espana :)
Oh dear, ended up losing part of my post anyway, even though I saved haha. Fell asleep while blogging just now haha. It's nearly 4pm now and I just woke up! Slept at 8plus after breakfast with lance, who so kindly drove me to food (yay!) after I was sitting, ok lying in bed the whole night feeling hungry and whining to everyone online haha. Thaaaanks lance (and da who happily and helpfully suggested it to him after feeling bad for zhong se qing you-ing me right hahaha), haha. Yeah so finally woke up at 3plus haha. Been posting this damn post since 2 or 3am last night with alot of distractions in between, and still not done although it's 530pm now! But I've managed to upload pics from the other camera too (because everyone else is awake now haha) so I'm going to add some in, yay.

Heehee acting artistic with the plaza... I actually took one of myself but I decided the one my dad took is nicer because well its clearer. Haha.
Ended up 'drown(ing) in a wave of nostalgia' as da so succinctly puts it, in the bus on the way to the hotel. For some reason, I was reminded of joel. Europe is so... him. All the sights and everything, suddenly made me think of some things I guess. He loves Europe, so I thought he'd love Spain. Drowned indeed... shed silent tears while staring out the window in the bus... for no apparent reason, other than nostalgia and what was indeed truly wonderful for a while... and well... it really kind of sucks to not be able to remain friends la. Really. But well, I've learnt to accept things which I cannot change or have no control over, or which seem like they're meant to be, or sometimes, have to be. Not that I'm becoming fatalistic, but life is a complicated, amazing, beautiful mess which is really, funnily good and bad at the same time. We don't always know what to do, but somehow, sometimes, the answer will come, I guess.
AND off we went to Portugal!
The next day, after a freaking long 6hr bus ride O_O, in Lisboa.

Whoa. The Portugese sure do love their country. Check out the size of that flag?!?!

Went to this place called Jeronimo Monastery which was apparently done up in the manueline style which is supposed to be a cross between gothic and renaissance. Ate portugese egg tarts after that! Very yummy :)

Trying to look demure (cough) outside the Fatima Basilica, which was named such because the daughter of Mohammed the Prophet apparently married a Catholic and became one herself or something like that. Nice and serene place, where people had to keep quiet; one of the more religious ones which we visited, which actually had lots of people going there, burning candles for blessings, attending mass, and getting rosaries blessed etc. There's apparently some sort of thing going on yearly worshipping the apparitions of Her Lady to three little shephards and the three secrets, something like that. Peaceful indeed.

Had lots of shopping in a nice huge shopping mall called Colombo too!
Back to Spain...
Spent a night in Caceres after shopping (again... bought my boots here!) and headed to Toledo the next day. We had a nice 2 hour walking tour of the Old Toledo (the New Toledo is like situated next to it, with all the new buildings and such but the old one is really preserved from goodness knows what century, as with most things in Spain... which are all hundreds of years old!). Okay just going to whack photos =p

Snow bunny! No snow though...

Rwoar! Haha cool sword huh... Toledo is apparently damn good at making steel stuff so they sell many swords and the like there. Picked up this beauty because my cousin demanded to be knighted hahaha =p

Nice little family picture with the view from the top, of Toledo and the River/Lake(??) Tajo (okay I really don't remember how to spell this)... oops.
Oh also bought a mini reproduction of the absolutely stunning painting by El Greco, 'The Burial of the Count Orgaz', which is one of the main highlights of Toledo. Going to hang it in my room! :)
And off to Madrid for the last two days of the trip,

Real Madrid Stadium or something... pretty cool =p

Outside the Royal Palace of Madrid, it's how opulent and lavish inside la! So pretty, and HUGE, with 2200 rooms omg, we walked through only like 22 and got super tired after that.

A beautiful ceiling fresco. Every inch of every room is decorated, can you believe it!

Chandelier O_O

I know this just looks like a table, but the top of the table is actually entirely made out of millions of TINY miniscule pieces of mosaic that join together so seamlessly that the pictures look painted on!

Taking the metro to the city centre to go shop! :)
And finally...

Family of twenty! We caused quite a bit of amusement at our size haha, and having the company of my cousins and another girl on the trip, was pretty entertaining as well. All the beautiful and exciting things in Spain and Portugal, the eye candy, the SHOPPING, the company, and even the bitching about certain incidents involving curtains, chairs, catholics, indians, snakes and longkangs, made the trip really pretty good! Minusing off of course, the slight unpleasantries, but anyway who can really have a 100% wonderful trip right!
Back to reality now, but I've missed everyone! And apparently I've missed quite a bit of funny stuff too haha. But well, its not everyday you get to visit Europe, really. I shall not complain haha. Brought back lots of chocolates for everyone haha they've got oodles and oodles there, especially cherry brandy ones which are really quite yummy! Otherwise I don't really like alcohol, hmm. Really have to try icewine one day though, what with all the hype about it, even our tour guide was talking about it. Coincidentally, she used to salsa too, and apparently she's met Gupson. How amusing haha, but yeah Judy's cool! Another one who looks about tons younger than she really is haha, I think she looks... about 12 years younger. Amazing right I want to look like that when I'm 30plus la, hahaa. And so jealous, my MALE 21 year old cousin can do a full FRONT split and I think side split both ways too. He told me he did a front split in the middle of club momo la and lots of people bought him drinks... wahlao right! No fair :x
Okay its 730pm now, and I'm finally done! Oh dear that took quite a while. So much for Narnia (aah I want to watch it!) haha, well another day I guess. Looking forward to getting my new heels (they're here, they're here! and it seems like everyone's seen them but me, erps) and going dancing again, and to seeing everyone, and to going clubbing (I want to go MoS it sounds interesting! and mambo! and well, whatever haha) and whatnot before school starts (next week?!!?!!?!). I think I'm going to give up on ice skating though since no one seems to want to go, damn.
Haha I'm longwinded, I know. But there's much to say la, oops ;p
Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day everyone!
:3:46 PM: :sugah~plum
Things I should try not to forget while in Spain...
1. Stop tripping over my own feet
2. Stop hunching and looking down for spins
3. Stop thinking (??!)
4. Lock arm at appropriate times
5. Give tension without straightening arm at appropriate times
6. All the shines O_O
7, Plant heels!!!
8. And zzz I've fallen asleep again =p
Managed 13 spins yesterday though, after about 3 months! YAY! :) Never really thought I could do more than 10 like so soon la so cool hee but spinning is kinda scary haha. And dizzy... but adrenaline! Thousand things to remember about posture etc too, wow. And the world just goes by you at top speed. Haha dancing is great!
Its 8am now... and I have absolutely no idea why I'm up so early. I hardly slept the night before last =( Maybe its my subconscious waking me up because I haven't finished packing (!!!) and BGS (-_-), and somehow I'm being awoken for this. It's a sign. Aching like crazy though, mostly from badminton on Monday (I know, I KNOW I'm terribly unfit haha), from running around like chickens (??) and whatnot, and yesterday's shopping and dancing probably exacerbated it haha. But I haven't ached like this in a loooonnngg time... It's somewhat good though, aching makes you feel like you actually have muscles to ache. Or that it's being worked out or -something-. Oh speaking of shopping I bought the most bimbotic looking top yesterday la, its damn funny. Buying clothes like !!! maybe I should stop, haha. (Or maybe not...)
Okay time to cram BGS and packing before I go out. And maybe sleep somemore. Oh yes and flying off today... I'll miss everyone, and dancing, oh no! You guys better miss me too ;p
Seeeee you all in 11 days!
:3:04 AM: :sugah~plum
Haha happy happy happy!
Feels good to earn something with hard work, and to know that it all paid off. :) Anyway let's all work harder next sem!
In other news, badminton is damn fun! Haven't played it for super super long and now my right arm is a little tired. Sad though, my left arm has been sorely neglected all these years and doesn't have a single iota of muscle in it. -_- But all that running and sweating was a good workout... yay fun fun! :) I need to think up other methods of exercise besides dancing and badminton that I will actually be willing to do. Haha. My aiming isn't really very good though... I have to stop hitting people with the shuttlecock O_O And in conclusion, that is the first real exercise I've had in umm, 6 months.
Okay menotti dessert working off counter: 1.011% now I think =p
Two days left before I disappear for 11 days. Not completely packed yet... because I got tired while packing yesterday and decided to doze off, haha. Such a sloth these days... think school has been such a drain on all our energy levels. But then again, I've been going out so much that I still haven't totally recovered yet. At least my voice is coming back, yay! And just for the sake of posting some colour, here's a random picture, haha.

Looking confused at the deletion of a very funny video of certain people singing completely off key and out of tune =p lance's candid photos are all rather amusing haha, I have no idea why.
Ahhhh big group suppers are good... sitting around talking and just hanging out is great. Fun! :) Oh yes was terribly nice to see some of the drama people again too haha and jinx seemed to be very amused by me and by calling me elephant the whole night -_- kept losing at mahjong though hmm. But great to catch up! :)
Damn it though, have to do BGS tonight. BLOODY HELL. But ok haha it SHALL not spoil my good mood, HRMMPF.
:5:56 PM: :sugah~plum
Tried to post last night but was unsuccessful... think there's a higher power somewhere that was trying to stop me from bitching.
Haha exercise is futile... and I'm honestly quite worried about turning into a giant lump la. Wait til I get back from Spain omg.
Amount of exercise over the past few days:
- Dancing, yay
- Walking from Far East Square via Boat Quay, Clarke Quay and Robertson Walk, to Mohamed Sultan on Wednesday
- Walking from Holland V to Tulip Garden
In other words.... pathetic -_-
Amount of food over the past few days:
- Weird horrible drink (okay half of it) at Fluid Bar, and bak kut teh supper at MS
- Pho dinner at Siglap! With yummy chao tom (omg first time I'm actually eating it after serving it zillions of times) and cha gio! Okay for the uninformed its sugarcane prawns and fried vietnamese spring rolls. Yay.
- Half a packet of Ruffles Cheddar Cheese and Sour Cream
- 1/4 tub of Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey
Okay I realise that if I really do start listing, it will never end. But the point is that... the latter negates the former. Don't really have time to exercise somemore! Haha ok hopefully badminton plans don't fall through... I haven't played it in so long! The only type of exercise I'll ever be willing to do is in this order, dancing, ice skating, badminton, and tennis. Or maybe swimming too. And er, walking, if it counts. Haha. So it doesn't leave me with much choice really. But I want to ice skate!!!!! Omg I want to ice skate, someone please go ice skate with me ok? O_O
And the shopping saga has started... two tops, one eyeliner, one nail polish, and one bag and capris from online. In two days. Haha online shopping is evil! But fun, as with most things evil. Erps... gonna go broke =p
And okay, not so irritated by my biz law grade already. That's what I wanted to post about the night before last (yes it's Friday morning now 11am, I have the weird habit of continuing posts in the morning), and yesterday morning also. It's just a bit annoying sometimes that people can work hard for something yet not get results. Of course, my case really isn't that bad, but I'm quite sure I did study really hard for biz law. But nevermind... it's okay I guess, it's just grades, and not the end of the world.
Omg VS spree... bye!
:2:38 AM: :sugah~plum
So exciting!
Learning new things is terribly exciting haha. Got taught more new things about posturing and positioning today, and got led into more interesting and fun moves, yay! Although I wish I had some idea what I actually did, so I can store for future reference, and also figure out once and for all what to do with my hands after certain moves, it was still very fun and yes, exciting!
Was awfully clumsy for the first half of the night though, spilt someone's drink on the floor -_-, dropped my bag, and stepped on someone's foot (not even while dancing but while walking). Oops haha fell asleep again it's morning! 1130am... I get up way too early for someone who sleeps really late hmm. Anyway yeah I think I might have been really clumsy because I wasn't feeling well (or am I usually like that anyway hmm haha) and had a headache all throughout class and the first half at Union. Got so much better later on though and all the dancing was way fun! Cracked up half to death and could barely dance because I was laughing too much when someone let go of my hand and blew a puff of air to signal me to turn right haha, damn cute! And wonders of wonders, I can follow a liittle better now... still aiming to stop giving people perpetually confused looks. Haha. I had a lot of fun nodnod.
Also, after yesterday's class we're officially not beginners anymore? Well class-wise anyway, but not real dancing wise I think, but still, yay! Hee one more Intermediate 1 class before I fly off to Spain... wonder if I can sneak out of the hotel room to go to salsa clubs and other places? Haha... considering that I've been commissioned to bring back at least 2 hot guys and 3 hot girls already... hmmm... =p
I swear though, my parents are trying to kill me haha, by feeding me all sorts of weird stuff like sambal sotong and Chunky Monkey icecream when I'm still having a sore throat! Ohwell they mean well, I think. Haha damn I doubt I'll be regaining my voice anytime soon... and - this is so not helping my plan to work off all the fats and whatnot gained from SMU. And to think I actually lost weight after leaving JC... what happened man haha! Heehee... yay finally, finally have some time to do some shopping and get some new clothes hopefully (: Oh dear really rather worried about the results though... got back one and its not particularly good. But yes, we'll see soon sigh.
Generally in a jovial and relaxed mood these days, just having fun and enjoying myself. Life's too short to hold grudges or to be perpetually unhappy, it's just silly. Be happy, I say! But okay, talk to me again after the results are out.
:4:10 AM: :sugah~plum

Talk about hot. Drool!
Heehee. What am I even doing up at this time? How to wake up tomorrow omg! Hahahahaa. Aeon Flux rocks! If Charlize Theron can train for 4 hours everyday for 3 months to become like that..... there is hope! Haha... she is so versatile!
:5:27 AM: :sugah~plum
I love dancing!
And yes lance, they do involve drinking too haha I know ;p
Heehee, dancing (salsa) is soooo fun! Although I'm still doing it rather badly at this point in time, but no worries, it'll get better in time (right?) haha, and perhaps there won't be quite so many confused looks someday too erps =p but oh well, fun fun fun, and each time I discover something new, yay! New heels coming soon too whee! :)
Most unfortunately, I have woken up today and found my voice missing. Not too good for someone who loves talking, haha! Nonsense la people sick a few days I sick for one and a half weeks and it seems to be getting worse. Haha okay maybe as lance says I'm one of the most un-sick sick people he's seen (yes I don't lie in bed and sleep etc etc still running around mugging drinking dancing eating icecream etc haha soooo hmmm)... but then again, that might be why I'm not getting well. But its boring to lie in bed and rot! Oops it might be a little self-inflicted then... but still, I've been taking medicine and trying to sleep! And I did have to study for exams after all, that was pretty necessary haha... I think.
OH and Aeon Flux was pretty good! Charlize Theron was uber uber super SUPER hot in the show la swoon... I seriously spent most of the show ogling her. Okay the plot was not too bad as well, though somewhat predictable haha even I managed to guess it near the start (well the main gist of it anyhow), but some parts were really pretty cool too though. They managed to take a fairly common plot and twist and make it bizarre and cool in its own way. Plus, Charlize is how hot (and ultra cool too) haha.
Too bad I missed the law bash though! Was contemplating going after we were done at Union, but it was already 1plus... and I was too tired to go, damn. Next time! I better recover from this damn thing soon haha I want to enjoy my hols! Haha oh dear the next thing I know I'm asleep and its 2pm now. Haha. That sleeping with the light on song probably applies to me because I keep doing that! Unintentionally of course... my laptop is overheating too haha. Whee! Sunday is designated slacking day :)
:3:10 AM: :sugah~plum
ITS OVER!!!!! or... It's over.
I can't decide which mood I'm in haha, so there shall be both proclaimations. On one hand, I'm positively elated that the exams are -finally- over, and I don't have to sit in school and mug mug mug until people actually started thinking that I'm turning into a mugger (imagine that!), due to them seeing me in the same seat the whole of yesterday poring over biz law and yet again in the same position this morning. Uggh biz law shudder haha... trying to cram one whole module's worth of work in a few days is really not funny. Weellll, not for biz law anyway. Haha and even despite all that mugging (okay fine it wasn't that much, but shhh) I -still- managed to screw up haha into thinking that a freaking topic under CONTRACT law didn't need to have a contract to occur... like how dumb is that? Haha amazing, the silliest mistakes that can screw up a whole paper. Mutter. And yes I forgot to mention the other hand, which is a very tired and horribly lethargic mood.
And -STILL- sick, which is beginning to annoy me. I hope the nice, yummy strawberry margarita (it was pink! and it matched my top haha, yay) doesn't kill me further haha. But then again all the other stuff I've been eating probably isn't all that friendly to my immune system anyways. We went for a nice dinner just now, after salsa class. Had great seafood and WARM CHOCOLATE CAKE mmm and some superb toffee date pudding thing that was really nice and sweet. Haha and yeah we all managed to crack up countless times even though we were all terribly, terribly tired and beat, due to all the weird funny stuff that kept popping up, haha =p I think we were all too tired also la so kind of abandoned our original plan to go clubbing... probably would have fallen asleep on the dance floor or something. And my leg still freaking hurts too haha, from cramping up the other day. Someone mentioned that he thinks its muscle atrophy from lack of exercise haha, uhoh! I will strive to exercise in the holidays....
I cannot even begin to describe how elated I am.
Although I -am- going to Spain for a week plus(spending Christmas on a plane, boohoo, how sad is that) AND all our holiday plans entail eating of some sort, so I think that plan will probably fail miserably. OOH I get to shop there though I think! (I hope... O_O) I so need to shop, haven't done so for ages and ages. Stupid projects and exams, haha. In fact, stupid cough! Go away! SHOOO. Glare. Omg I am damn tired.
Yaaaaay (:
:1:09 AM: :sugah~plum