Sometimes things are more complicated than we make it out to be. But then, other times, it really is all that complicated that we make it out to be.
Oh yes, did hear some really exciting and wonderful sort of news that was supposed to keep me happy the entire night. :) And the Cherry Garcia was supposed to do just that as well. Haha. But well night is waning, and happiness is wearing thin. I guess these are somewhat superficial sources, hmmm? The excitement and the amusing anecdotes of the evening forgotten, the jibes and laughter of the night, gone. Just silence, and the faint voices of Colin Hay, Wilco, Something Corporate and company.
Ahah more news. Nothing I'm really surprised at. And I think I'm always amused at the strangest things, which I by right should not be.
Haha don't get me wrong, I sound melancholic, but I think I'm actually pretty happy. Being single at this point in life is a lot more fun and interesting than I expected. This is probably the first time I'm actually enjoying it. Haha. Really rather strange, I am. Sometimes I don't even understand myself. But then I think I'm much, much closer to doing that, now more than ever. I think that no matter what kind of shit happened in life, it still contributes to experiences and shaping a person.
I've still got a long way to go. But at least I'm on my way there.
I can park. HUR. HUR. Sort of. All those without licences shush about my driving. You know who you are.
:3:41 AM: :sugah~plum
Fish are cute, really.

Meet Puff - a fish we met at a nice little kelong in JB. Cute ain't he? Pity he's dead though O_O Haha I think the kelong was so cool, the fishes were so cute! Well ok Lance, not the really gross and slimy ones that are disgusting la, but they're generally quite cute :) And all the little sections where fishes were swimming and everything, was so exciting! There were even damn cool fish which could spit water up to 2 metres to hit an ikan bilis on a plank for it to shoot into its mouth (or backside ??!), or to hit insects and make them fall or something. In the words of Boons, awesome.

Heehee. Yes went mildly psychotic at the kelong. The orchid farm was alright la but nothing interesting. Haha Boons was great company the whole day though; we spent it talking and singing silly girl/boy band songs. And after getting bored of the lousy shopping in the Giant 'hypermall', we plonked ourselves into huge plush recliner seats and proceeded to get our nails and toenails done. They're very pretty now, damn happy!! (: and cheap too haha yay. Haha my LTB groupmate Shao Ru was also walking around with us and we ended up eating some damn cheap and damn yummy criss cut fries from KFC too, for 2 ringgit! The food was really pretty good as well! Had lots of crab, prawn and fish, and ooh sambal kangkong. I also tried a gong gong for the first time in my life! Omg it was how slimy... can't believe Clara managed to eat half a plate of that -_- So well, JB was pretty fun after all :)
More pics!

Shao Ru says I look like a kampong girl here ahahahaaa =p

The comms group!
The shopping kinda sucked though, so I rectified that yesterday by going on a MAJOR shopping spree with Jingyi after our LTB meeting after being inspired by Tania's ever gorgeous accessories. SO HAPPY I bought 3 tops, 1 pair of pants, 2 bracelets, 1 necklace, and 1 pair of earrings. And a bracelet for Da. OMG so much right hahahaha but it didn't add up to that much, because everything was on SALE! I love sales. Euphoria inducing, haha. Plus I LOVE all the stuff I bought :) Oh oh also, my pillow fight tee from threadless came yesterday!! Now just waiting for Lance to bring it for me, hope it fits!

Terrible though, been shopping and buying things soooo much and now want to buy another denim skirt too. Not good, going broke! But as Jingyi says, erhm, happiness is more important than money, HAHA.
Been back salsaing again too, after the blasted exams. Union and practice everyday from Sat til today, wow. But it's amazingly fun, and yesterday was great as usual, but my following was a bit off. And I cannot for the life of me, do shines on 2. Sad haha. Called the shoe uncle yesterday too, and he STILL hasn't made my freaking shoes!!! I'm starting to wonder if he ever will. BAH. Had a really nice rhumba/salsa dip pose and wanted to post it, but the file seems to be corrupted and has died. Hee nevermind I have more, spent the whole of Sunday surfing dance pics :)

:12:36 PM: :sugah~plum
I've missed Union! Oh dear even though I didn't go there for only a week. But ahh it was fun la. Yay. Funorama was a blast too as usual, people milling about everywhere doing everything! Was only there for a little bit, stuck in school the whole day doing stats, stats, stats, and I think even at the end of it all I'm still gonna fail. Bah. Dragged Crystal and Shan down after the exam, and to our utmost horror, it started to POUR when we reached Buona Vista MRT. Amidst many squeals from Crystal and I when the huuugee buses sped by and splashed water all over us, and trying unsuccessfully to hail or even book a cab, we finally made our way down to AC by yes, taking a bus and walking in when the rain lightened up a little. The only good that came out of this is that someone nice I think I knew gave me her coupons because of the rain. And now my poor birks are in a sad, sad rainsoaked state. Damn cork and its absorbant properties.
But oh my, it felt good to be in school again, even for a while. It feels like so long ago that I was there, lying around (literally) the studio, joking about in the NLs, mugging (or trying to) in the void deck, and running amok in a white dress and white paint trying to scare people in the LT. I think I was a lot more alive and involved then. Ahaha what happened now oh dear. Well at least I don't sleep in class here. Anyway visted the AH haunted house, was alright la haha as all haunted houses go. The video was quite well done I think... but ah our haunted house was cooler still, haha.
Think that suppering at Geylang til 4plus in the morning on the night before a midterm was a bit of a mistake though; could barely wake up yesterday and throat hurt quite badly too when I finally did. The cough is back in nearly full force now too, armed with a contingent of phlegm and other evil things to clog me up. Sniff. Frog porridge was nice too, but not as exciting as the first time I had it hahaa. And finally visited the much-talked about M-5, the shop looked seedy and erh, quite evidently frequented by the residents of the area, but it did have some rather nice tops which are pretty hard to find in most places, ie. plunging neckline/strappy backless tops. For that price too, though granted, the material really isn't that great. Too bad I look absolutely mortifying in most of the clothes there; I think they were meant for thinner and umm, well, smaller girls.
I think I'm going to change my blog template soon... it's too bright and cheery eeks.
:4:08 PM: :sugah~plum
Musical calculator.
Musical calculator was played today; after the process gone through to get my calculator back from lending it out, Eileen promptly took it home by accident, and Boons left her calculator in the room so I brought it home for her. Then I received a wrong msg about someone still having Nicholas's calculator. Amazing. What is -with- calculators these days. I maintain - too many exams.
I'm scared. In a lot more ways than one. It appears to be happening again. But I will do my best to ameliorate it.
So sick of studying too, although what I've been doing can hardly be considered as such. Developing a headache right this moment... and the cough is back. Too many late nights probably, and trying to make up for it by sleeping more now just doesn't seem to cut it.
And really hope the ASOS stuff goes through... :x
:11:43 PM: :sugah~plum
Got myself pierced on Sunday, on part impulse, part fun, and because I've wanted to do it for a while now. Am absolutely chicken when it comes to piercing though, will sit there wide-eyed and repeatedly ask if it hurts, if there is blood, and if it will scar, and whine through the entire process too, haha. But oh well, it's an experience. I'm sure there was probably a better time to get it done than the night before my FA midterm though haha. Maybe part stress too then. And I guess I needed cheering up too, pondered much too much on something, and consoling sad friends makes me sad too. At least the piercing process seemed to amuse Sze quite a bit too!

It's red....!
Always thought Valentine's Day was kind of contrived, but it's always nice to have company. My friends and I decided to be funny and wear matching t-shirts; was quite amusing to see a whole bunch of people walk around in funny slogan white tees, and many people even stopped to stare and try to read the print. It did kind of suck to have lessons the entire day though. AND that the girl doing the tees gave me a GUY'S M instead of a girl's one, so it was huugee... wore it just for a while for pictures and stuff. Alex, Lloyd, Steve and Xiayue, the AC boys of lkc, were also really sweet and got all the girls a flower each. Thank you guys! :)

Don't have the clearer photo of it, but here's one for now. We all look a little expanded sideways though! (especially me, sniff)
Some happiness, some delicious fun, some cosiness, some trepidation, and some confusion. More or less sums up my night. But it was good still, because the company was good. Feel a little like sleeping now, its a bit rainy and my bed is so comfy... supposed to be studying democracy though..... zzz.
People say that most girls play hard to get. But I think some girls try to play it not to get what they want, but rather, simply to survive, to protect themselves from investing too much emotion and getting hurt. As someone said the other day, everyone is trying not to act too interested. I guess no one wants to get hurt. So... can't blame us, hmmmm?
:2:47 PM: :sugah~plum
Morning found the breeze, a hundred miles away.
Hmm... My posts seem to alternate from happy to sad and back again. How strange. Haha. They're becoming strangely infrequent too, heh. I remember there was a point in time when I posted once every two days or something like that. But I guess, things change, and people have less time to do such supposedly trivial things like blog. Bleary days are back again, especially because of the dreaded FA midterm which happens to be amidst all the activities of Patron's Day, being somewhat of a anomaly from the celebrations. Just makes studying for it and actually having it seem a little more miserable than it already is because everyone else is out having fun and enjoying themselves. Haha. But then I guess everything is comparative, without anything to measure up against, it's a bit difficult to comprehend the exact meaning of something.
I think I should start participating in school events too. Funny how I used to be so bloody on and active in AC... but now I'm just kind of... apathetic.
Friday was absolutely crappy; got shunned, and had a terribly disturbing and traumatising dream when I fell asleep in school in the afternoon. Salsa was okay I guess, but the aftereffects of a cranky morning/afternoon carried over a little I think. Also because the shoe uncle totally forgot to make my shoes and I -still- don't have any dance shoes to dance in -_- He better remember to make them this time!! Bahs. And ironically indulged in a moment of schadenfreude, but realising the next moment that I'm the one who's more misfortunate, really. Not a particularly good weekend. But it's alright... give some take some. Been getting some inspiration to make some tops though so that's good I guess. Now to actually follow up on it, I keep starting these craft projects, but I never seem to finish them. Damn haha.
Time to "continue" studying FA then I guess... especially since I'm actually going shopping later..... =p

sigh here's a cute picture to cheer us all up.
:11:48 AM: :sugah~plum
Not too bad, not too bad. The weekend as usual was a flurry of events, Friday; catching up with Derrick and Sam and then Union, with lots of dancing, surprisingly, and where Da's birthday dance occured!

Da aptly named it Jared's Angels haha =p
Saturday; spent the day doing LTB at an old folks' home, where I pushed an old man around in a wheelchair for a couple of hours (it takes skill to push one omg), trying to speak to him in chinese and (bad) dialect before realising finally that he speaks only english :x was quite a nice, heartwarming experience actually, and didn't even expect it because we were planning on observing and figuring out how to run the carnival but ended up volunteering in the end. But was pretty cool. Went for class, and Union again, but only for about one and a half hours, was quite a waste of money haha, but well it felt kinda sian and I was really tired, so oh well.
And Sunday was our darling Dalena's birthday dinner celebrations!
And since Da's put up most of the photos on her blog already, here's some random ones which didn't make the cut =p

The mandatory gay picture of Lance, complete with (very) tight t-shirt and a pink clutch. Fetching, isn't he?

Photo in the car, so cute that there's like 3 layers!

With the birthday girl - Happy birthday dear, much love to you! :)
Got home reasonably early after drinks at Carnaval (yes the whopping 25 coupons of which we used less than half of), and had a pleasant surprise in the form of a phone call to arrange a gym session today. And so, my new year resolution has thus been accomplished, as I went to the SMU gym for the first time this term! Haha ok I know its not a very difficult resolution or anything, but it really is a rather tall task for me! =p nevermind... still quite happy that I finally got some exercise, approximately 1.2km of running, 1.2km of rowing, and 2.5km of cross training! Haha ok it's the first time in a LOONNG time ok so must start small :x don't laugh ok hahaha. Am considering going again. (I must be insane.)
Alright off to do some more dancing, hope I don't falter and die :)
:8:32 PM: :sugah~plum
Things seem to be looking down these few days. I have no idea why, but school seems a lot more work than it's supposed to be. There are so many things to do. Taking a break from FA... though not sure I can finish it in time. Life has suddenly taken a slightly more complicated turn for the worse, and I know very well that I am not well equipped to make the right or least horrible decisions, but I try. But there are some things I'm not willing to give up in the pursuit of the best decisions for everyone. I think I'm so terribly foolish these days; or maybe I'm making up for lost time and stuff, that I'm a bit more open and wild in just having fun and letting loose now. But then again, it's in a very different way from before. Before was just stupid, now, slightly foolish. But then again I think I'll always be a little blur and silly and foolish, in a way. Although perhaps a little foolishness in our lives could be good.
So very tired now... at least I had fun last night, with a raunchy, loud and funny bunch, of whom I only knew a few. Seem to be clubbing quite a bit with strangers and semi-strangers these days, no idea why. But then again, I must say it's rather fun; and less inhibiting, but not that clubbing with friends isn't fun too but well, it's different. Feel like a total bitch these days too... and becoming rather cranky. Don't know what's gotten into me... I think I'm not as nice as I used to be anymore. But then again, maybe tiredness and school and age does that to people. I don't know, perhaps. Or maybe it's just me.
Sometimes there are only two paths to take, and you have to be careful which to take. Sometimes... you don't get to choose the path, or some strange twist of fate brings an otherwise unlikely choice of paths to you. I'm so tired; I just feel like finding a bench, sitting down on it, and refuse to budge until I have a good reason to. Sigh.
And where is the shoe uncle :(
:1:08 PM: :sugah~plum