Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.

Been trying to post an entry since Saturday night, but have been unsuccessful each time. So here is the culmination of all the posts. Beware, it's going to be long, and it's going to have a lot of pictures. And this time, I swear, I'll click publish instead of falling asleep on the keyboard.
Saturday, 1am
It's over.
And much as it was a huge pain for quite a bit of it, I must admit it was still rather fun, and a good chance to get to know some people better. But then again, I think this particular description applies to almost all productions I've ever done. Haha. I do enjoy performing though, and the feeling of togetherness for the short compressed period of time leading up to an event, but it did render me too busy and tired. Mixed feelings towards it I guess, as with everything.

Funny how my posts are so ridiculously whiny about how tired and busy I am. Yes, I do know it. But I can't help it either that school is this way, really. Of course there's the option to just stop being whiny and not simply declare that I am, yet do absolutely nothing about it, but well can't be bothered to. It's oh so often that people declare themseleves as something and perhaps apologize for it, or the opposite, but never do anything about it. I just seem to think that if people really wanted to change something they wouldn't just say things, they'd just do it.
Well, I fell asleep yet again.
Dwindling sympathy. Maybe I'm just too tired, or maybe;
Your life is as happy as you make it to be.
Sunday afternoon, 4pm
Oh dear. It's 4pm now and I'm sitting in school, finally awake and supposed to start studying FA. But there's a ton of LTB stuff to do still. And I'm hopelessly addicted to sgspree; someone stop me!
Wednesday night, 3am
Haha ok that was from Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. Wednesday night now... Been so busy that I didn't manage to finish posting haha. -Finally- have time now and so this shall be a nice long post peppered with pictures.
Stuff which happened in school when we're all tired and dead.


And now... Thursday afternoon, 5pm.
Haha been busy, no doubt about that. But as busy and tiring as it was, it's been fun. After two weeks of being in school every single day (including Saturdays and Sundays), I was finally free from it yesterday and today. Was so terribly delighted on Tuesday night, after finally finishing all the back-to-back work that we had to do. FA report and presentation, Comms presentation, the opening, LTB meetings, FA exam, LTB presentation, etcera. And although by right, yesterday and today was meant to be spent doing my Democracy essay, due tomorrow 830am, I took a much needed break instead.
Had a most wonderful day yesterday.
Slept before 12am on Tuesday for the first time in the longest time, and managed to catch nearly 11 hours of sleep! Needless to say, I was rather pleased upon waking up. Had a nice long conversational lunch with Lance and Weims where we chanced upon a most strange new dessert, Lime Cheesecake.

After which, went shopping with Lance and completely forgot about my plans to do my Democ paper in school. Ended up rather late in meeting Giles, a rather nice and funny guy I met at law bash, courtesy of Dawn dear. Luckily enough, didn't miss any part of the movie, and oh my gosh, am I glad that we didn't. V for Vendetta was such a great movie, that I cried about twice during it. And it wasn't crying so much as sobbing for the last part. How I qualify a movie as great, is when it makes you feel deeply and strongly about it, when the actors are so skilled that they themselves believe what they're saying and can make the audience believe it as well, when the plot keeps you entralled throughout, and when it simply, paints such a visual picture of verisimilitude with a veneer of veracity, which V for Vendetta very much was, speaking volumes with its vision.
I loved it.
Remember, Remember
The fifth of November,
The gunpowder treason and plot
I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason,
Should ever be forgot

The power of ideas, of feelings, of love, of determination, of freedom, justice and hope, never fails to get to me. The same can be said for the beautiful magic of cinematography.
Haha... first movie I've watched in a long, long time. Had good company too, so that was great too haha. Oh my goodness la, can't believe the busyness of uni life. But like I said, it really isn't all that bad despite all the deadlines, stress and work. I think sometimes working life is worse. Of course, it depends on what you work as. But no matter what, I do believe that schooling life is really one of the best times of our lives. Pain aside, it stimulates the brain (hah I can't believe I'm saying this.) and allows you to spend time with and bond with your friends and such. Right right, enough gibberish. Oh just found out that Cathay Cineplex is reopening or something, and it's right next to my school! Hooray.
Oh and went for a salsa fix at night, at training and Union! Feet hurt lots after that though. And... can you tell where I'm sitting?

You didn't see wrongly, I was in the driver's seat! Got to drive Clarence's car halfway the way home from Newton yesterday hahaha. Cheap thrill la, but heck, fun nevertheless hehe. :)

And no other reason than just because I feel like being sappy today...

To the two abovementioned people, one more word for you both... POPCORN!! Grin.

Haha. I'm crazy... and to all whom which I haven't posted a picture with, I love you all too! But I don't have pictures with everyone, and if I really do post pictures with everyone, I think I really won't be able to get started on my Democracy paper, which is STILL calling out plaintively to me. Okay, that's the end of my long-winded post. Ending it off are,

:6:46 PM: :sugah~plum
Better to have cuddled than never cuddled at all.
Okay if the title doesn't make sense to you, that's alright, because it shouldn't. Haha. Slightly delirious at 5am in the morning... and well actually had something to say here yesterday night but didn't have time. And now I've forgotten everything. Hoho. Not unexpected but that's alright too. Okay just a quick post then its off to sleep to recuperate in preparation for this week's action packed activities. I have no voice, by the way. How to sing. Grrr. Hang in there... 5 more days to liberation (sort of.) What if I have no voice on Friday omg!
Anyway, yesterday met up with the class for a cookfest, in Brandy's words. I arrived just in time to help Eugy with the meatballs, which turned out pretty nice (I fried about 3/4 of them, yay)

hee. nice right!
Was great to catch up with everyone too... and quite a surprise to see Joy there too haha. Everyone hasn't really changed much I guess. And it's nice to be yourself sometimes... and to just freely talk to some people about things, and knowing they understand. The familiar faces, voices, jokes, and comfort was somewhat reassuring. Safe in a crazy world, perhaps. Missed the boys and their silly antics haha. And yes, it really is hard not to like someone who loves life. Their zest and passion for life inevitably just rubs off on you, and its great.
Oops. I'm falling asleep as I type this, so freaking tired. Okay why am I blogging if I'm so tired hmmm.... just sort of finished parts of an FA report or something. Presentation tomorrow. Okay actually I didn't even do most of it hahahaha (thanks Shan'er). Third day in a row sleeping at 6plus in the morning... probably not very healthy. Hmm... haven't blogged for a week. I can't even remember what happened this week really... except rehearsals, rehearsals and more rehearsals. A bit of other stuff too I guess, catching up with people (person?) and studying, salsaing on Thursday and Friday, and other random project stuff. Tiring. Especially Friday; was pretty freaked out. Ahaha and missed two performance team trainings already oh DEAR. Too busy. Too, too busy.
Oops. Not awake anymore.
:6:27 AM: :sugah~plum
I keep on falling...
Yeah, literally. I've crumpled to my feet 3 times in the span of less than 24 hours. And I haven't fallen down in the longest time too, not sure why its suddenly occuring so frequently these few days. I attribute it to tiredness. Hah, an excuse for being clumsy and unglam, really, but who cares. First I quite embarrassingly fell while dancing with Jared at Union on Friday night, then tripped and fell while climbing up (yes, up.) the stairs at the old folks' home on Saturday afternoon, and finally, I fell to my knees, at Tzeyi's feet, into his arms while dancing with him in his I2 class. Amazing. What is wrong with me!
Somehow evolved into a lame joke about falling for the both of them too (oops I think I said it), when everyone was making lame comments at dinner yesterday, because of the propagation of Jared's lameness! And how do you suppose a girl is to eat her ice cream with half the table staring! Haha. But finally had my (much-needed) sleep last night, when we resisted the (great) temptation to go to Union and went home instead.
And managed to get lost on the way to the studio as well. (???) Okay not really lost, but I took the wrong bus, and managed to take Shan on a big roundabout way to the studio too. It's not my fault if you get lost on Wednesday though! I give good directions, really. (At least I don't point out the nearest sign as 'Merry Christmas'! ;p) Very pleased with my manicure and pedicure at SMU's Wellness Centre on Friday too, yay. Did a (rare!) bimbotic thing and actually turned up nearly 10 minutes late for my LTB quiz because my toes were still being painted. Thank goodness it wasn't very hard, hee.
Vegetating at home on yet another Sunday afternoon now. It seems like that's all I'm capable of doing on Sundays. Sit around, slack, and ponder. It's probably the pondering part which isn't particularly good. And as much as I wonder, I believe I already do know the answers. I just don't want to know it, I guess. But then I've always been contrary to expected, or perceived, even to myself, so I guess that confuses me. A perpetual fear of a certain something is also somewhat debilitating, too. Cryptic as this sounds, it doesn't miss the point. And perhaps I'm falling, in more ways than one.
Getting fat. Maybe I'll go to the gym myself tomorrow. It'll be a first.
:4:37 AM: :sugah~plum
Mr Brightside - The Killers
Coming out of my cage
And I've been doing just fine
Gotta gotta be down
Because I want it all
It started out with a kiss
How did it end up like this?
It was only a kiss
It was only a kiss
Now I'm falling asleep
And she's calling a cab
While he's having a smoke
And she's taking a drag
Now they're going to bed
And my stomach is sick
And it's all in my head
But she's touching his chest now
He takes off her dress now
Let me go
And I just can't look
It's killing me
And taking control
Turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies
Choking on your alibis
But it's just the price I pay
Destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes
I'm Mr. Brightside
Only you knew what song it was from.
:9:02 AM: :sugah~plum
I am so pissed. I don't think I ever have been so pissed. But so tired now that I can't even explain why. Except that I don't think I've been quite as annoyed at anyone before. And - my world momentarily crashed on me just now. One thing at a time I can handle, but I've never been quite so good at a long spate of problems culminating in a whole big, messy jumble.
Dropping my charger on my navel ring really doesn't help matters very much either. Pain.
SO tired. Too much work, and things to do. All of a sudden, for the past few days. Too busy to even think about other things. But funny enough, in the heat of the activities, my mind wanders and it just adds to my problems.

Mmm. Just woke up, less pissed now. Just plain tired. And sick, coughing my guts out again. And - knowing the fact that people come and go doesn't make things much easier.

Can't change my piercing yet. Well, everything was nice. But walls do come in useful sometimes. Can't wait for summer to come now. Need a break quite badly, and I think we all do. Time for us to get well proper and not fall sick every so often after almost getting well. And glad that my following seems to be improving, although I'm totally lost in ladies shines and styling class.
Back to LTB now.
:4:08 AM: :sugah~plum