Viva Sentosa.

Haha simply put, we didn't win anything.
And despite all those silly cliched spiels about 'gaining experience', I do believe I've learnt a lot from this. I'm still happy because we tried our very best, holding our own against many experienced and brillant dancers and performers and put up a good show for the audience, while doing justice to the music (I hope? :p). And had fun while doing it. That's good enough for me.
But that doesn't mean I'll stop striving to win or to get better :p still so many things to work at - but that's a good thing I guess because to me, learning keeps things fresh.
And well, personally for me, even though there's still a long way to go - I'm happy that I didn't do all too bad a job.
Haha. Also hope I didn't disappoint my partner too much. Jared you need a better partner next time! Haha :p one more to go.... time to work hard again!
Well, at least it's a start. :)
And congratulations to Zee and Nicole on winning third place!
We had lots of fun anyway, and here's some photos for this event (disclaimer - some of them have been photoshopped slightly... coz of my shiny boob!):

Haha. All pictures courtesy of Chiew! More pictures of the heats and the finals here, and links to videos of Jared and I, finals, Zee and Nicole, finals, and Jared and I, heats and the social dance round 1, round 2 of the finals here.
Haha this post was supposed to be up like on Monday night :p but I was tired and busy and never got the chance haha. Ended up at East Coast Park being a guinea pig for orientation activities but think I was abit too tired too be all that enthusiastic, oops.
And no, I do NOT understand.
Hehe Da's glitter rocks! It's so powerful :) My pureluxe ones are missing though they should've arrived on Saturday or yesterday at the latest! :(
And - I love my new La Senza bikini! Online shopping rocks!
:5:12 PM: :sugah~plum
I'm spinning around...
"Usually a kind of a simmering bubbly, but a boiling kind of bubbly when drunk."
Been SO busy and tired this past week, not quite sure what I've been doing, but I think my life has mostly revolved around salsa, salsa, salsa, and some ex-class gatherings. That's about it, haha. Aching alllll over now. But I guess I do enjoy it, this torturing-yourself-and-practising-so-hard-then-perform thing hmm. I think.
And, first time in a LONG time that I've sat in a non-aircon bus. It's such an amusing experience; the entire bus rattles and creaks whenever it goes over a bump in the road, and the wind blowing through your hair.... cool.
Oh gosh really, really sleepy and achey... will blog properly when I've got more time. Seems I'm low on inspiration and pictures lately... mmm hope my spirits and energy lift by the weekend; I'll need it.
:4:31 AM: :sugah~plum
How To Tell a True
When people relate an occurrence, or a story regarding their lives, they feel that what they are telling is the truth, their truth, and a presentation of facts as they know it. For something which you see and experience, and know, is indeed a fact to oneself. But is it story-truth or happening-truth, as Tim O'Brien so puts it? When telling a story, do you want to make your listener or audience feel what you feel and see what you saw, make the story burn with the power of your emotions?
People colour their stories, with their emotions. I think there's hardly any human being who can tell a story which has any personal relation to themselves, without altering the "happening-truth" somewhat. Because an occurrence is just that - something that happened. Someone has to tell it for it to be made known to others who know not of it.
The "story-truth", may not be a proper presentation of the facts, but who's to argue that a presentation of emotions is not truth in itself as well.
So who's telling the truth? And the hardest part is - when no one is lying.
Who's right, and who's wrong? It's up to the individual to decide; and inevitably, it all boils down to a matter of perception. The same story can be told by various different people in an assortment of ways, and resulting in a variety of responses and feelings. It's the way the story is told. As was once played out under the gates of Rashomon, what indeed, is the real truth?
It's always nice to know that what you're hearing is the "real" truth though. I guess for me, I'd pick the veracity of both story-truth and happening-truth... a balance struck where both feelings and fact are done justice to.
But who'd ever really know.
Ah well, I'm just rambling, as usual. Pay no attention to my words if it makes no sense to you. Often what I think, sounds completely logical and feasible in my head, but ends up not making sense in speech or prose.
Gah. So much for being expressive.
:4:58 PM: :sugah~plum
My world lies in a sea of shards at my feet.
:1:12 PM: :sugah~plum
Green Eyed Monster.

This is the story of how I lost the arduous battle with my navel ring.
(Warning: slightly explicit details and images; proceed at own discretion and with caution.)
For days, not one, but three warriors have tried, and failed, to unscrew the top off the navel ring. So it remained stuck, and unable to be removed. Today, after many attempts at heating it with hot water and twisting it off, it finally came off (but not without a tough fight). Aaaannnd..... the damn jewel promptly slips right out of the hole and clatters onto the table. So, I decided, since it fell out, I shall try to use my new butterfly stud instead. And while embarking on this daunting task of inserting it into the hole I couldn't see; the other end it was supposed to emerge on looked suspiciously raw and swollen, and when I saw bright pinkish raw flesh poking out instead of the metal stud.......... I freaked out. Decided to put the original jewel back and wait for some time more for it to heal.
But..... while putting it back, the bright pinkish raw flesh decided to appear again, and even more of it this time! Finally managed to poke it all the way through, but the raw flesh was still staring at me angrily, and suddenly, had an awful dizzy spell and (I swear) my hearing went all fuzzy and I couldn't even hear myself. Went kind of numb and I think I broke out in cold sweat too. Had to lie down for a while because I couldn't move. So, I never knew; stabbing a hole in your tummy does that to you.
Well so readjusted it a bit because I didn't want it to heal and set in the wrong hole or something. Ended up with bruised fingers from all this too, boo.

So well, boys and girls, this is what happens to some people who pierce their navels. So think carefully before proceeding! Can't say I regret it that much though. I still love it. Haha.
Anyways... a cute little random thing taken from Brandon's and Sze's blogs. Decided to try it as well.
1. List ten things you want to say to 10 people but know you never will.
2. Don't say who they are.
3. Feel free to comment, but leave a name, or at least something I can refer you by.
1. I'm so very sorry. You may not know what I did to you, but I'm so very sorry nonetheless. Nothing can excuse what I did, and I'd understand if you hate me to the core if you ever knew.
2. You really do piss me off sometimes, but I don't say it, because I just take it and accept it because I love you. You do have to stop taking things for granted though; the world does not revolve around you. And I do wish you'd learn, because you have a good heart. And I'll always be sorry for what I did to you back then, and I will be there if you need me.
3. That kiss, that night, was the most wonderful, tingly, sweet, romantic, soft, gentle and comforting one I'd ever had, but you'll never know it. Or maybe you do. I never would have got through it without you. Thank you.
4. Just shut up already, sometimes.
5. I really did love you, and you really did make me the happiest girl around for the longest time. But I don't think we were meant to be. I do wish we could still be friends though. And that you could stop hating me.
6. I'm glad to have you as a friend, I really am. I don't know what I'd do without you. But I think, good friends is all we can be. Thank you for everything; and I'm deeply sorry I ever hurt you.
7. I hate what happened between us. I like it very, very much, but at the same time I hate it. And I don't believe that your excuses are totally true, and I hate myself for simply accepting it. And I hate that I'm not sure what I feel about you. And that some things will just never be the same again for me. And I hate that you simply don't like me enough. But then again, I'm not all that sure I like you enough. And I really wish circumstances were different.
8. You ass. People who don't know me can judge me all they want, but you. Being judged by you, hurt. And really, you hurt me more than you could ever imagine. Because I truly believed, and trusted in you. But I do believe, I will always care about you, still.
9. I'm still not sure if I regret it, and I don't know if you do. It really was pretty nice, but probably not right, and is probably going to be detrimental for us, at least for me and my emotional health. I have a feeling things are going to be slightly strange now, but I hope it all turns out fine in the end.
10. I love you both, and I really do appreciate all the concern, but I've got to live my own life for myself. And I really hope you'd support me in what I do. I'm sorry for all the yelling I ever did to you, and I hope, very very much, that you weren't too hurt by it. I wish you both will be happy, and I will try, as much as possible not to get in the way of that.
11. (This doesn't count because its not to someone else.)
Sometimes I wish I never changed to what I am now. Perhaps it was better to be nice and getting taken for granted or taken advantage of but have almost everyone like you, then fending for yourself and being assertive and apathetic and have more people dislike you. And well, she's right, people can't love you if you don't love yourself first. But I can't; because it's hard to love what is so terribly flawed in a certain way. The flaw could possibly be corrected, but it's not me. And I think I'm going to stop rambling now, because if not, I won't stop.
Meh meh. I think I'm going to get lynched tomorrow.
:12:45 PM: :sugah~plum