I'm getting old, I swear. Or at least my joints, bones and muscles are.
My knees feel weird, wobbly and sad now; the joints not well connected and able to move from side to side; I think I've somehow managed to damage the left knee abit such that straightening it out properly hurts a little. Something's moving around inside that should not be moving, and making disturbing little noises. Crack rates are also now one per minute, on average.
But ohwell, it'll be okay, I suppose.
I'm starting my glucosamine pill-popping once again; still remember someone's reaction to me taking those pills - "My grandfather takes those!". Thanks guys. Haha.
What have I done to my poor body.
And oh this is really random, but here's a cucumber flower I made at Boon Tong Kee last night, I like this picture yay!

Oh and - this is what we were busy with during the weekend; taming stingrays with our bare hands!

Haha actually, we were attending Steve's 22nd birthday party last Sunday. It was quite a blast, complete with pool dunking and pinata hitting. We hope Steve enjoyed it, happy birthday Steve! :) For more pictures and commentaries, please refer to Boons or Dalena.
Sometimes, things just leave you with an empty or vague, lost and sad kind of feeling. A bitter aftertaste following a sweet encounter; a strange phantasm of a thought, or a feeling, trailing after you even after you've already left, and your heart has closed.
:7:32 AM: :sugah~plum
Looking at the world through
Perhaps there's some ingenue and hope left in all of us, contrary to what we think. And I think it's that spirit, the ability to feel, that will save us.
I find it amazing, that at this point, I still have that ability. And talking about things which make me feel, has the strangest ability to make me feel like crying, still. As remote as it seems.
I very nearly cried over discussing OCIP on MSN today.
Am I turning soft, or what?
The very mention of it being called ultimately 'dumb', no matter what or where, set me off into a tirade of arguments defending it and trying to justify its meaning.
And... I would post all my arguments here, but I'm just so tired of trying to make someone see how helping people is a good and important thing, even though its for so short a time, and even though there may be personal reasons for going on an (school) OCIP (fun, going overseas, fulfill cip hours), and it's not purposely going out of one's way to help.
Against the idea that it would simply be more efficient to send money;
"But I dunno lah. I think things would get done eventually, and the important thing is that you work together and interact with the people in the village; have some cross cultural communication, and let them feel as if there are people out there who care enough to come all the way there to help them personally, even if yes, there are some selfish motivators. Efficiency is not everything."
I haven't argued with anyone over something so strongly, for such a long time. And the most ironic thing is that its over OCIP, of all things. Something which I've never done, or even usually feel strongly about, just believe in.
Today, I discovered that the naive idealist inside me, is still alive.
When you look at the world through rose-coloured glasses, everything looks pink and rosy, and pretty. Everything seems wonderful; the flaws are disguised by the flush the colour lends to it, the imperfections melting away under the pink glow. But when you look at the world, with blurry vision, through faulty eyes that sees only vague shapes and forms, perhaps these flaws are, even more so; hidden. Then you put the glasses on, and perfect vision of a imperfect world is restored.
Ah okay, not feeling so angsty anymore. I think it's the rainbow shoes that did it. Nothing like rainbow shoes and glittery skanky dresses with butterfly sequins on them to cheer someone up, mmm?
But well... there's just so many things in this world that's just sad. And I can't help feeling sad for it, though its not going to change anything.
Maybe this is something I can do, though. I'll think about it.
Right now, get through all the salsa and exotic dance for Malaysia first, then finalise school matters, then think about such things.
Perhaps one's life should be in order first, anyway.
:3:27 AM: :sugah~plum
Clubbing Mania.
Okay, I do believe, that clubbing is starting to lose its lure and attraction for me. But anyway, first things first.
Met up with Brandon yesterday for a nice pasta dinner and cute drinks at Book Cafe after. The boy was such a dear and drove me to the vicinity of Butterfactory, where I was headed that night.

Anyway, it was a result of - Cheap China shimmer (dark sparkly brown) applied over black eyeliner, Pureluxe Supernova (pinkish gold shimmer) applied across lid, Pureluxe Driftwood (gold shimmer) applied on outer upper lid, and U-Nuco Iris Multi-stick in Angel Yellow applied on inner and upper lid. And yes, mascara, of course. Talk about complicated. Haha.

And then it was off to Butterfactory for a night of fun clubbing.... not. Haha when Da finally showed up, we decided that there were simply too few people there (although the music was really quite good!) and ran off to Zouk instead. (Sorry Rehan and Ashley!) When we got there, it went from no crowd, to MADHOUSE. There were SO many people there it was scary. One reason why clubbing isn't all that fun anymore - too crowded; being jostled by people left, right and centre, and having absolutely no space to dance, is not particularly pleasant. But admist all the mayhem, we still managed to photowhore, with the somewhat inebriated Boons and Rachel as well.

And - something amusing.

Well, girls' night out was pretty fun after all, when the music got good and when we had space to dance. Also ran into Dawn, Ulynn, Andrea and omg ASHLEY haha who's back in Singapore for now, it seems. Pity I felt quite sick for a while and had a contact lens situation when I got home though, otherwise the night would've been much better.
Oh, well.

:5:16 PM: :sugah~plum
Sex and the City.

Ooh. This is what I'd look like with shoulder length hair - old. -_-
My 2 year love affair, with Sex and the City, is now, as of this moment, officially over.
And it still stands, as my favourite show of all time.
I love, love, loved how it all ended, and how the storylines through all 6 seasons link up beautifully to culminate in such a ending. But then again, there isn't much this posse of four could do that I would hate.
Well, I guess all good things come to an end, eventually. But at least it ends well; without a bitter aftertaste, and leaving good memories behind.
Not like some shows; which take the plot so out of hand that sometimes there's really nowhere else to go but down. Bowing out gracefully is a much classier way to end, and SATC was smart enough to do that.
But I think I could watch this show for like decades and still not get sick of it. I think I'll always love it.
It isn't really only a comedy, it's real.
And true, of course it isn't as significant as important world events or disasters and things of those sort, but its real because it's true, and it's about issues which concern women all over the world. So yes, it's a terribly frivolous show, that I have to admit, but haha it's not all that bad :p
Okay, okay so I love it for the clothes and shoes too. Haha. :)
Ugh, getting a headache trying to arrange my timetable.
Need an ASOS spree like now! :(
:4:42 PM: :sugah~plum
Deja vu.
Instead of opening a big bag of Chips Ahoy and you can't stop, it's more like watching yourself cut yourself repeatedly with a sharp knife but you can't stop yourself from doing it.
But it's okay. I'm used to it, I guess.
I feel so utterly and totally stupid too; I've never had to appeal like crazy to remain in a program, my grades were usually fairly decent and able to pull me through. All because I missed the stupid grade by a sliver... So bloody frustrated now. I came to SMU because I wanted to do the Business and Social Science double degree, but now it seems that I can't. Argh. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Regret not working harder.
I cried, when I first got the call.
But anyway. Enough about unpleasant things.
Check out my pretty Pureluxe glitter!

Aren't they pretty :)
And, see the result!

Haha. In case you were wondering, this extravagent makeup had a purpose. It was for the Merlion International Dancesport Salsa Open just this Sunday. Well it seems like the salsa wasn't a very publicised event; the Beginner category had like 6 couples, and the Open category, three.

Well... was a quite sedate and unexciting competition, for the salsa open anyway, but glad we came in second anyhow, it's not so bad :p
Okay off to indulge in many, many episodes of SATC before styling class later. THANKS DA for lending me the DVDs I've been waiting a longggg time to finish watching the last two seasons of my favourite sitcom... And I'm remembering more and more, why it's my favourite sitcom.
It may be over-rated, or over-hyped, I don't care. I love it. And people who don't, can't truly identify. Haha, and well, sex may be terribly over-rated, but it's still an integral part of our lives; well most of us anyway ;p Grey's Anatomy totally rocked, but it kind of got downhill after a while. SATC.... well the characters really grow with you and on you as the seasons go by. But then again, haha, I should wait til I finish them all before saying.

The camaraderie is like Friends, with funnier exploits of the more sexual nature, well okay, mostly sexual nature, and the voiceover sentiments remind me a little of Grey's Anatomy. I guess it's so cool because it's fresh, it's funny, and it's emotional as well.
I guess, I just love things that make me really feel something.
Just human, after all.
:2:23 PM: :sugah~plum