Pleased to meet you, Miss Limonata.

I was presented with and introduced to the most beautiful, perfect, sweet, gorgeous little..... cupcake on Thursday evening by Brandon and oh, was it wonderful. Marmalade Pantry is SO fabulous. The sticky date pudding and the foie gras... oh, heaven. Now if only I had more money haha, I would totally go there like, soon.
Anyway, wanted to take a picture of that delightful cupcake in the cutest little box before I ate it but... I forgot. So no pictures... ohwell. :( and note; they have to be ordered beforehand! Otherwise you may not be able to get one. Oh, swoon.

A restaurant which lives up to it's tagline, 'WITH GOOD THINGS TO EAT'.
Haha, ok enough with the Marmalade Pantry advertisement... :p Shall swoon about clothes and shoes and accessories instead! Watched The Devil Wears Prada recently and OH THE SHOES! The Jimmy Choos, the Chanel boots and all the fabulous, fabulous shoes :) I'm hardly a brand-conscious person, but the high couture clothes from Chanel and Valentino and the like, on Anne Hathaway, Meryl Streep and Emily Blunt... were, arguably, verrrryyyy easy on the eyes. Woot!
Oh, out of point, but am currently very unhappy with my hair. :( I want my V shape back right now its just a stupid straight line! Sobs. But it seems kinda ridiculous to go for another haircut so soon, so, ohwell. Hah okay I take that tone of resignation back, got so fed up i took a pair of scissors to my hair. Hope it looks er, okay.
Haha oh oh, a picture I wanted to post but only just got is this one; taken at the first night of the third run of SMU Orientation 2006, at one of the stations where I was helping out as a umm, ghost.

Realistic, eh?
Oh and just watched the finals of So You Think You Can Dance 2, and the winner, was my favourite male dancer! Yay. Although - I don't think he's the best dancer on the show, or particularly suitable to be like a dancer for the Celine Dion show (?) but hey he's sooooo lovable and he exudes loooaaads of personality. Somehow this just really makes me think that sometimes its not the most talented who win such competitions, but the most talented one with the most lovable and unique personality would win instead. Haha not that I disagree with that or anything; I've got absolutely nothing against the most popular guy winning, as long as he's fantastic at what he does. And the winner of SYTYCD2 is. He rocks! Swoon.
I've got unbelievable luck; actually managed to forget to bid, but by some amazing stroke of luck bidding was extended because they opened some new classes (thank god, there is SO an undersupply of classes lah).
Now just to hope that my luck will hold out, just for a little while more.
Listening to: Ruk Ter Do Lae Mai Dai by Potato
:4:39 PM: :sugah~plum
Mood swings.
What do you do when the main pillar in your life shatters?
Perhaps you find another. Or so you think.
But what if that other pillar isn't yours to lean on in the first place?
Then, too bad, you're just alone...
Then you borrow other people's pillars to hold you up in times of need.
Until you find your own.
Or just crumble.
Which is unacceptable, of course.
So one... just has to be strong, I suppose.
:1:11 PM: :sugah~plum
Wow. My blog's dead boring, haha.
Don't seem to have much inspiration for blogging anything these days. I guess because nothing much's happening recently... and I suppose some things, you just don't want everybody to read.
When fixated, I stop thinking... about things, about life, love, heart, soul...
I've got bad sensory memory it seems. I can't, for the life of me, remember how some things felt, even though I'd really like to. And what's visual memory without the sensory details, anyway? What a waste. Especially since I don't even have a good memory to begin with haha.
And daamnn, I very nearly got the Maroon V3i recently, but many complications arose and now I'm back to forlornly waiting for it to go on offer or something, sigh. In result, I continue the sad long wait for a new phone.
Back acccchhhing terribly too, for strange unidentified reason.
Don't start cutting again.
I don't know what's wrong with me today, my brain keeps running circles around itself thinking strange unrelated, random, unwarranted thoughts. Things like that. And they're thoughts I normally wouldn't, shouldn't, ought not have conjured out of the blue.
But it's okay. I'll be back to being me again, soon.
NOOOOOO... I don't want school to start again already! :(
:10:56 PM: :sugah~plum
Words of love, once spoken, but now turned to dust, blown away by the wind.
I still remember, but do you?
:5:52 PM: :sugah~plum
Malaysian Salsa Festival 4th - 7th Aug 2006
And so we got back from the Malaysian Salsa Festival at Cherating on Monday night. Took SOOOOOOOO many photos, that it'd probably be impossible to post them up here. Spent the whole of Tuesday afternoon trying to upload it and arrange it on Shutterfly, but have yet to be successful. Hopefully it'll be done by tonight. Haha. Anyway; it was a pretty great experience, went for some really cool workshops by Susana Montero, Santo Rico, and Jaime Jesus and Little Liz. Only went for 4 out of the 8 workshops I could have gone for during the two days haha; partly because I was so tired on the day of performance, and we slept in a little on Sunday as well. But they were GOOD.

The dancing at night was pretty good too! Danced with some people from KL (well, duh :p), HongKong, Korea, (Singapore too, of course) and managed to get a dance with the Santo Rico guys from New York and Lautaro from Switzerland as well. It was really quite fun, actually! But pity; I really wanted to dance with Jaime Jesus, but the queue to dance with him was amazingly long, and didn't get to in the end, oh well. All the famous great dancers looked SO tired by the end of the night... because all the people who were clamouring to dance with them. I feel a bit bad for asking them to dance because of that... but haha well what to do, they're so popular! :p

Oh, and Two Left Feet's performance was absolutely fantastic! It was SO synchronised, it made everything look all the more wonderful. Sighs. I love synchronity in dancing, it just makes almost everything look so much better. Hmm our own performance I feel, was not too bad, but we were definitely not as synchronised as I'd have liked it to be but really, that's not up to me lah. I'm happy with my own performance though, thank goodness... was so nervous during the morning tech run that I was screwing up quite a bit. But when night came it was all okay in the end.

Admist all the salsa, we also managed to get a bit of swimming and prancing along the beach done as well; though I didn't get the tan I was hoping to get, damn :(

We also, of course, engaged in some harmless photowhoring as well :p

Of course, this is only a sampler of the amount of photos we took... between the three of us, I'd say we have at least 300 photos :p only going to upload about 200 because by the time anyone looks through them they'd die of impatience. For the rest of the 24783521 photos (okay I'm exaggerating lah ;p) click HERE.
Oh something occured yesterday relating to this salsa festival that really kinda pissed me off though. Click HERE, to find out what kind of flagrant exaggerating exists here. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, yes, but come on. Have some courtesy, seriously. No need to be so insulting, too. It very nearly spoiled my day, hrmpf.
But well, the festival was good! And it would have been better if I had more time and uhm, means to swim and tan, and if a certain unplanned contingency which threatened to impede my performance had not occured. Haha. Practising was damn tiring, but the performing was damn shiok. Felt good to be on stage again. Was also really quite fun to dance with new people though, and with pretty good music too! Oh how I love good music... seemingly getting more rare these days in certain places.
Anyways, Happy National Day everyone! :)
And I just HAVE to end off with an angels photo lah... a proper one this time ;p

And I keep falling asleep at my computer so I still haven't gotten around to posting it but here it is finally!
:12:37 PM: :sugah~plum
3 days to Malaysia!
:3:51 PM: :sugah~plum