Happy Halloween!

Taken on Thursday afternoon, while spending the whole afternoon on the couch doing my BP assignment, which is a killer one haha. And for only 4% too, hrm. Anyway, after that we had Luv's birthday celebration at Hard Rock, where we furtively crept around trying to 1) surprise her with an a cappella angels version of Happy Birthday, 2) hide her big box of a present from her.

Friday saw Da and I going Halloween shopping at Masquerade and Aliwal Street... was kinda unproductive and tiring, but we took pictures with this cutest gingerbread man mascot thing which I immediately squealed upon seeing. Haha and which Lionel Kong from my school turned up in for the Halloween party at Coco Latte on Saturday. It's damn funny lah to see a giant gingerbread man, bright yellow bee and duck, and orange soft toy thing prancing around and on the podium. So cute! :p

Went for the Caderas La Salsa night in SMU's Arts and Cultural Centre after that, and danced a hell lot, was quite fun actually; and then we were so exhausted we skipped Union and just went for supper at Newton and went home to crash.
And Saturday was the Halloween partttaaayyyy at Cocco Latte!

The party was pretty good; the music was happening and all and it got pretty crowded after a while, but boo lah, too few cute/hot guys to dance with =p and hmm wished I could've popped by Zouk to see all the wacky costumes people came in too! And perhaps ahem, look for eye candy too ;p
Haha anyway here's a random assortment of pictures from Boons', Da's and Crystal's cameras; mine ran out of battery haha but well plenty of cameras to go around!

Okay just ONE more, I promise!

And so concludes this year's Halloween party :) though supposed to go for Union's tomorrow - when I ought to be a good girl studying psych at home. Ah well. I'll study in the day; a girl needs a (few) break(s) at times! :p
Strangely enough, but not surprisingly, that made me happier than this did.
:2:42 AM: :sugah~plum
And he walked away.

My ex-form teacher, when sober, is a very funny and witty person. When (slightly?) inebriated, he is absolutely hilarious. Add a kind-of-high Xiangwei and Howard to the equation, you get - an absolute RIOT. Haha. They KEPT making fun of Jasmine, who was very game about everything, and went along with it all.
Spent the whole night laughing my head off; was a pretty good impromptu kind of drinking session thing there. It was nice to see some people again after so long... and heartwarming to hear nice, sincere things being said to you, about you. They may be kinda drunk, but sweet drunks nevertheless. :p
Something kind of happened though; I saw Joel yesterday for the first time in a year and a month. Don't know what to make of it, although I've been advised, that there's nothing to make of it. I think he and Jinx were supposed to join us at Badens... but well, I don't know if it's because of the supposed lack of space or my presence, that made them walk out. And... he looks.... exactly the same. Sigh. Just a little reminiscent, and sad, that we aren't even friends anymore. Perhaps it's my fault that it ended up like this; but I honestly never meant for it to be this way.
I'm sentimental. And I remember things that matter to me, goldfish memory or not. But sometimes I wonder why I bother caring when everyone else has already thrown in the towel.
Nevermind... it's all said and done, and over.
Wellll, last night was fun anyway, incident notwithstanding.
AC forever.
And... sometimes I think I'd rather not know, that ignorance is bliss. But it isn't, and knowing makes the acceptance easier, more gradual.
Oh and...
:11:08 AM: :sugah~plum
An Epicurean Adventure!

Dinner at Michelangelo's with Crystal and Brandon last night was just great - heard alot of things about it, but never actually been there. And wow. The pasta is just fantastic. Funny how I go to Holland Village so often, but haven't actually gone to any of the restaurants at Chip Bee Gardens.
Crystal had the Tagliatelle con Lobster ("Fresh local lobster tail tossed in clarified butter with leek and asparagus flamed in Cognac and served with tagliatelle pasta") which I was tempted to order as well but glad I didn't because I love, love, loved mine, haha. But hers was gooooood too. And Brandon had the famous Penne Vodka ("A medley of slivered sweet onion, light cream and a dash of tomato sauce sauteed in clarified butter and flamed with Russian vodka adorned with Parmesan cheese shavings") which was, as Gupson would say it, bee-aaauuu-tiii-fuul. Like seriously, haha. I don't even like vodka or plain-ish kind of pasta, but the sauce for this was damn yummy la. Mmm.
I had the Spaghetti Frutti de Mare ("An ensemble of local & imported seafood sauteed in garlic, extra virgin olive oil and fresh chili served on a bed of spaghetti pasta in a zesty tomato sauce"), which made me TREMENDOUSLY happy because it had a HUUUGGEE giant prawn in it, swoon, which was so gorgeous and firm and oh, so, delicious. The seafood was fresh and well cooked, and the sauce was just the right parts of tomato and zest. Oh, wow.
And since I forgot to take my camera out of the car, I just used someone's flickr pictures (linked below). Anyway; here it is -

My prawns were bigger tho! Giaaaannt praaawwwn. :p We also shared the Calamari Fritti for appetizers, which was pretty good, and an Italian ice cream cake Casata thingie which was not too bad as well, but well, basically tasted like.... ice cream cake. Haha.

Yay. Absolute yumminess.

Teehee. And Sze gave me a cow! I don't know why, but it's cute, and I now have a cow hanging on my pencil case. Yaaaayyy thanks lubb chuuu =) Oh oh and Brandon bought us all a cupcake each! Cloud Nine for himself, Elvis for Sze, and a Chocolate Deluxe each for me and Crystal. :):):)

And I've finally, finally, finally, got a new phone; the one which I've been coveting for months - the Motorola Razr V3i in Maroon! Yaaaaaaayyyy. No more not being able to charge my phone and living on perilously low battery most of the time, and stealing my sister's battery to feed my phone.

I am pleased. Haha I got out of bed for this; even though I was aching ALL over when I woke up, legs and arms aching from dancing and trying to dip Crystal, and butt hurt from the bruising it suffered from my very unglam fall in MPW class yesterday, where I tripped on a step in high-heel wedges and tumbled over a couple more and landed, hard, on the carpeted seminar room floor. Ouch. My strap broke too, so sad. I liked that pair of wedges :(
Well and went to Union too, after drilling to dance abit and then catch the last bus home, came home before 12! Not bad haha somemore it was quite happening too, being a public holiday with free entry and all. Yay. Not a bad idea to go on a Saturday actually, can go home early too. Ohwell, it's Sunday morning, having fallen asleep at my laptop again last night, and it's time to go to school again :x so... that's the end of my very long and swoony post =p
:11:24 PM: :sugah~plum
Salsa Marathon.

I'm on CLOUUDDD NINE now. :):):):):):):):):) Had the most FANTASTIC dances with Super Mario and Milton one after the other yesterday and omg omg omg it was how cool I was practically swooning all over the dance floor haha. Haha and residual euphoria is spilling over to today.... last night was goooooooooooooodd. Oh, yeah. Got to dance with Brandon too and oh was THAT a swoonworthy dance as well. Smooth. Ooh. Haha all this and plus I think we did pretty well for the performance, a few glitches here and there aside. I know I did my best (haha yeah so tired until I can nearly trip while bowing), so I'm happy.

Haha. I typed that yesterday in the morning after strangely, waking up at 11plus when I only got to sleep at 6plus the night before.
Now it's Monday afternoon, and sadly, I'm back in class now. Haha. Was a pretty good salsa marathon starting Thursday with the Dan:s Fest at the Esplanade following that with some dancing at Hard Rock, and more Dan:s Fest social and performances and the first night of the Singapore Salsa Festival, which continued on Saturday and Sunday. Omg there was SO much dancing, I kid you not.

Teehee. It was kinda gritty and warm dancing outdoors though but it was pretty fun and the performances were all pretty good haha, ours included, hopefully.
Also managed to have a spontaneous outing at Vivo City on Sunday afternoon with Po Yew as well before going for the salsa fest; which randomly started off as a trip to Ikea for meatballs and a tv rack; but Ikea was SO crowded that we decided to go to Vivo City at the spur of the moment since we were on the route towards it. Vivo City is DAAAMNN big! Talk about megamall omg. It's got sooooooo many shops (but almost made me starve to death because alot of the restaurants not open yet and those which are are SO crowded and hard to find amongst all the retail shops), and stuff! Like some overseas hypermall lah. Haha. Check out the pics I took of it! (damn touristy lah... and take note of the sheer number of people omg)

There's even an outdoor playground/wading pool thingie on the rooftop, with an ampitheatre like thing, where we had lunch haha. Damn cool lah.

Haha and and he sort of stole a flower off one of those 'Congratulations on opening' flower stand things for me too for fun because it was so full and pretty hee. Was great to catch up too :)

Okay oops back to the topic at hand. The salsa fest was awesome. Haha I love salsa festivals(even though I've only been to like two. Malaysia and Singapore. Haha.); we get to dance with people from all over the world; the US, London, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, India etc and yeah of course, the Singaporeans too :p Had lots of fun haha, and quite a lot of good dances (besides the above mentioned fantastic ones); and especially with some guy from Malaysia! Thaaat was good. Haha.
Oh and warning, gross graphic picture coming up; just to prove a point (mostly to Tzeyi actually :p) - I DO put my weight on my balls! Just that maybe I'm too heavy (in front?) or something and thus well I can't put it all fully in front! It's too painful! :(

Okay yeah well hahaa serves me right for dancing so much right. Haha. Anywaaaaaaays - random pictures from the SISF.

Haha no pictures of the costume and stuff because they're all on Gloria's camera. Ohwell... it's over haha. Back to school and projects and tests, sigh. It's been great... but there's much work to be done and no time to dwell on this haha. Just got back my BP midterm and it is.... less than desired. :( have to study harder for the finals.
Welllll, that's it. Time to brave the haze and get some mochi and water (my voice is dead I sound like a man!) to sustain me throughout the rest of BP.
:3:01 PM: :sugah~plum
It's time, to do something significant.
:7:00 PM: :sugah~plum
Thank goodness for my dad. If it weren't for him I think I'd be lying concussed at some bus-stop somewhere.
And this time, it's not even about a guy or anything.
I'm just grouchy and PLAIN EFFING MISERABLE.
Why? Because I feel like throwing up; either from spinning too damn much or from trying to type out an assignment in a moving car. My foot hurts like CRAZY from a big, white, hard blister. I have a huge ulcer in the bottom cavity of my mouth; AND I have an exam on Saturday I haven't studied for. Plus, I'm so tired, I can't move. I think a pimple's developing too. Aaaaaand, I'm aching. And there's a parasitical growth living at my navel.
Whine. Yeah I know, DAMN whiny. But just let me be grumpy today okay :(
Upset. Headaches galore these few days. Puffy eyes. Lack of sleep. Everything is just SHIT.
Okay end of grouchy miserable whiny post.
Going to curl up in a ball now until the nausea and tiredness goes away so I can go wash all the gunk out of my hair. And sleep. Ahh blessed sleep. Meh.
:12:38 AM: :sugah~plum
Whee! Cream puff love :)
Am bored, lost, and confused in BP class now. For the uninformed, BP = Business Processes, which is a course in operations management that studies... processes. With strange things like Gantt Charts, Linear Regression Analysis, and P, X-bar and R charts. Heelllppp.
Hehe. Oh WELL. My turn to have hell week and not show up for prac or union on Friday night. BP midterm this Saturday MORNING. Except that; performance is next Saturday (omgsosoon) so I ought to, by right, show up for all practices. Haha. Have 3 assignments due Thursday/Friday too, so well, need to do them all soon!
Haha. Anyway, was SO bored during MPW on Friday I wrote a depressing little passage thingie; here it is haha.
All relationships, be it friendships or romantic liasions, are like living beings; once dead, can never be ressurrected. Oh of course, one could preserve the body with sweet-smelling salts, chemicals to maintain the structure, or even mummify it. But even if it looks alive, or even feels alive, seemingly restored to its former glory of vibrance and life; its soul is gone, it cannot feel, move, speak, love or hate.
Once dead, its too late.
Likewise, for relationships, when it's over, it's over. It's never the same again, even when people try to continue, after everthing's done. Like someone once said, it's like waiting for someone at a bar, or a party; you're still trying, but the person you had come with has already left. Perhaps some succeed, and stay friends after the end of a romantic relationship, or become friends again years after a broken friendship; but I doubt that it'd ever be the same as before. The body may still be there, well and whole, but the soul, long gone.
Teehee. I'm SO depressive hurhur. Ah but it's true, people don't appreciate life or the people around them until important things are at stake. Guess that's the point SAW and SAW 2 were trying to put across; a life has to be at stake before people truly treasure it. What a story. Brilliant; but so terribly gory, explicit and gross, I squealed gazillion times and uhm, somehow managed to cry at it too. Sheesh.
Lalala and I spent the whole day eating. Like wth haha decided to bring some marshmellows and biscuits and sweets to school so.... well. Let's just say studying is detrimental to the figure! Hmm my hair smells nice though. And my new eyes are coming soon, yay! They're not the pretty pretty ones I wanted at first (stupid Freshlooks doesn't stock above 800 degrees) so well, settled for something else.
And. Waiting for new clothes to come in the mail.... can't wait already please come soon!
Bugis shopping soon too!
:11:41 PM: :sugah~plum