It's been a long time since I've watched such a sweet, beautiful, artistic movie. Since... I don't know. Life is Beautiful, Le Papillon, Love Me if You Dare, or perhaps Viva Cuba, but in different ways. Perhaps it's being biased, but to say that foreign arthouse films are more thoughtful and meaningful, is probably not far from the truth. Maybe French just makes some movies seem more... beautiful.
It offers hope. For dreamers, social misfits, someone who is different; and really, even the average person on the street. That there is beauty in the little things in life, and in oneself, and that there is someone who is like you, just like you, who you could meet, and could share dreams with, if only you take the chance. And that although, at one point in time, at the exact same moment, a million other things are happening around you, to other people; each is equally important, each is significant, because it means something to someone.
That one person, one single person, with just one small thing, can make such a difference in another's life. It's a beautiful world in dreams, but sometimes, we need to stop dreaming, and start living. But sometimes, we need to remember to dream. And perhaps, hope, too.
:3:31 AM: :sugah~plum
New Bed!! :)

My sad, old, creaky 10-year old bed has finally been replaced! With a nice new bed - made up of a super single 6-inch Slumberland pillow topped, pocketed spring, back support mattress and a soft beige pleather bed frame and headboard! Happy happy happy! :):):)
Okay I kinda miss my old bed, pillow and bolster... it was nice and cosy and comforting haha. But it was really time for it to go already lah. Oh well. Haha while I was clearing out the old bed yesterday, I managed to clear out my table a bit as well, and now, the visible table surface area is about 80%, as compared to a umm 1% before. Happy and cleansed :)
And don't ask me why I'm wasting my time blogging when I ought to be studying :p 2 more days to my BP exam. I think I ought to at least find out what time it is, hmm.
Anyways, after a hard day of studying, we went for supper at Newton on Thursday night, and oh man, did we EAT. The grand total - 31 chicken wings, 2 huuuuge plates of hokkien mee, 2 plates of stingray, 1 plate of gonggong, 5 bowls of beef noodles, and 1 plate of mee goreng or something. For... about 8 people to eat. Crazy, ain't it?!

The great hoohah over who 'koped the chicken wings' was hilarious - ended up with an amusing little phrase, courtesy of dzarrin - 'weiming kope prawns, jayne kope teh tarik, kwo kope terjohn, boons kope wings, phebs kope hokkien mee, dalena kope mark'. Hurhur.
Haha. And following the huge feast on Thursday, were two nights of dancing, at Union on Friday night and ADS social on Saturday night. Got quite a bit of shopping done on Wednesday too, first with mum and sis, then with da(yayy new specs, contacts, sunglasses, top, shoes, and earrings!), and a short little Union trip, yayy. Doesn't quite sound like appropriate activities for the week before the exams, actually. But hey, I study in the day! ;p
Oookay time to go back to "studying"!
"You could be happy and I won't know
But you weren't happy the day I watched you go
And all the things that I wish I had not said
Are played in loops 'till it's madness in my head
Is it too late to remind you how we were
But not our last days of silence, screaming, blur
Most of what I remember makes me sure
I should have stopped you from walking out the door
You could be happy, I hope you are
You made me happier than I'd been by far"
Listening to: You Could Be Happy by Snow Patrol
:7:12 PM: :sugah~plum
The name is Bond, James Bond.

The intense and brooding James Bond, the gorgeous and witty Vesper Lynd, and the beautiful and sleek Aston Martin DBS. Exciting plot which unravels at a suitable pace, with just the right amount of suspenseful and thrilling action scenes, depicting the becoming of the legendary James Bond. A movie that is worth watching, in my opinion. :)
Watched Casino Royale on it's opening night, with Brandon, Sze and Po Yew, in a nice plush theatre at Great World City. T'was good.
After which, rushed to the studio for Gupson's birthday thing, Part One, but missed the singing, cake cutting and champagne. :( Only just managed to pass him his 'ARE U DOING' present and wish him happy birthday but well.... there was still Part Two! (which we were late for too omg.) Haha. Went to Ian's house for Steve's end of term dinner thing, and promptly decided that we were having too much fun and were too comfortable to move, so we ended up skipping prac :x went to Union after, for Gupson's birthday, but we nearly missed it (!!!) Ran into Union *just* on time to dance with him and hug him and sing happy birthday and all. Haha.

And, finally got the exotic dance pics! And the SISF performance ones too! YAYY. Okay here's some of them, whee! (I heart photoshop :)

And okay, yes, this is kinda narcisstic, but umm... :p

Haha. And btw, if anyone is interested to find out more about ADS, the link is at the side. :)
Haha ah well, that's more or less it to my eventful weekend. Today was not too bad as well; bought - a new bed(finally, yay!), some real shirts for formal/presentation wear, some tanks, and a pretty new necklace. :) Saturday was afro-carribean class, drills, some dancing at Union, and finally catching the very last bus home. Poor Crystal left her textbooks at the atm before Union, and we both didn't notice until we were about to go home. :(
And to top off a pretty good Saturday night, I had little beauty from Chiew for dessert!

Love love :)
:11:49 PM: :sugah~plum
Very little, sometimes.

Went bed shopping on Tuesday with Po Yew at Ikea, and found that Ikea has like NO nice double or super single beds; just singles or queens. Cabbed over to Courts too, and discovered that omg King Coil and Slumberland matteresses are soooo thick and luxurious, with gasp, springs. Haha. My bed, is in a sad, sad state. Need to find a new one, and soon.
Been mugging for marketing and mpw tests on Weds and Thurs, and don't think I did particularly well for either. Sigh. Fell asleep while studying both nights, been eating a lot of cough medicine la - I swear it's a good cure for insomnia. Walked around in the dark with my one-thousand-degree-myopia last night looking for my teriyaki-boyz-ringing-handphone (Da called to ask to go for supper :x) and managed to walk realllyy hard into a wooden thing. So my foot is bruised now. And my hand has skin peeled off - because i stabbed it with my nail. DAMN accident prone la.
And now trying to sit through MPW makeup before running off to THREE more hours of psych class. I just want to sleep, sigh. Crystal and I (and Tze Hern, who was going for make-up too) had to wander around the school looking for the class because it WASN'T at the classroom it was supposed to be in, OR our own MPW classroom too. Ended up really late for the quiz and had much less time to do it. Oh well. Bad luck!
And well, a rather funny and controversial picture I took in school - on the couch which I spent an entire week studying psych on...

Haha. Quite funny right. I AM wearing something underneath, BTW. (Heard of tubes and halters? Yeps.) The kind of comments I've had on this picture is nothing short of funny, including 'lucky textbook', 'are you wearing anything?!!' and 'you look like rose from titantic'. Er. And - 'you're circulating this picture on the internet?!' Well nothing wrong with this picture, considering I am actually wearing clothes under the blanket. The funniest comment yet though, came from Maccann, on the actual day itself - "Omg! Don't move! Wait let me take a picture and show my girlfriend!"
It's really too early to be up and about.
:9:29 AM: :sugah~plum
What does it take to be happy? Too much, sometimes.
Really regret exploding the other night; I think it just made everything worse. Or perhaps not; it just guaranteed a full complete end to everything. It's been so long, since I totally lost control like that.... about a year and a bit ago I think, in fact. I think I could have handled things better, but sometimes emotions have a sneaky way of taking over all logical and rational facilities.
But anyway. One last post on this subject, that I actually posted somewhere a month ago, which I think more or less encapsulates what I really felt about this whole situation. Well, at least the things that can be said.
Thursday, October 12th, 2006
3:32 pm - Whisperings in the wind
Oh no, it's not love. It's not like either. If you loved, or liked someone, you'd want them to be happy, even if they're happy with another girl. Perhaps it's spite, or perhaps it's simply a part of human nature which makes you want to get even with someone for hurting you, making you hate vehemently, repeating a i-hate-you mantra over and over again to yourself. You want to HURT them back. I never thought it'd happen to me. I've always been nice. But I think, being nice is tiring. And totally overrated. Seriously what's the point of thinking of other people's feelings (when I'm not being blur and oblivious of course), trying to help and make things better, or whatever, when people don't do the same for you. But I guess people do.... it's just the people who really matter, who don't. And even though I keep saying I hate you... the thing is, I don't. Not at all.
No, it's not love, or like. It's... missing the happy, close, sweet times we once had together. And it's... losing the hope that perhaps, just perhaps, it could have been something.
I'm a very simple person. I give a little first, and if it's appreciated, reciprocated, I'll give my all.
Guess I'm just feeling awfully unloved and neglected now. Hah but since when am I not whining about this very subject... Perhaps it's a choice. I can choose to be happy, or I can choose to hang on to this and be unhappy. But it's so hard to let go. Though I guess even if I don't want to, it's going to end soon anyway. There's not much left anymore, anyway. It's just a matter of whether I want to end the pain now, or later. I've always said, that the good parts outweigh the bad, but I'm not so sure anymore. It used to be all good... but I guess nothing ever stays that way. I warned you.
That I'm emotional, sentimental. And even though I was never meant to get emotionally attached, I did. I hate that I'm a slobbering, crying mess very often this past one and a half months. I hate myself, and you, for making me this way.
But well, I guess, you're not the same person who I loved spending time with, laughed with, shared secrets with, and was so close to. You're different now. You don't care now; but I think you did, just a little. Then. And even though it hurts now, I can't, and won't force you to care. And I know you won't anyway.
This is the second time ever I'm typing something like this, on a bus, with tears running down my face.
It doesn't even make sense to me though, because you're not... someone I would usually like, in this way. We're not compatible... I guess. And well, you're happy as you are. I'm not going to interfere with that. I'm never going to let you read this anyway.
Time for project meeting... and for real life to kick in.
No time to hold on to sentiments and sadness.
Now I just wish I wasn't so damn pathetic sometimes.
Well, that's that. Putting it behind me now. Ahh, I'll be fine. It might get to me now and then, but it's just not worth it to be upset about this anymore. Not worth losing a friend over, either.
:1:35 PM: :sugah~plum
Gerbera Love.

Thank you, my dears. Your sweet gesture cheered me up quite a bit. Pretty pink gerberas are happyfiying. And thank you, for the ice-cream and the hugs, and you for spending time walking around with and talking to me. Much appreciated.
Love you all. I'm more or less okay now.
It's hard, but I'll get over it.
:9:58 PM: :sugah~plum
Suddenly, it all came crashing down.
I didn't expect it to hurt this much.
But it does.
Perhaps, the inability to compartmentalise comes from cognitive dissonance; it just has to mean something, after a while. Because if not, it says something about character, or the lack of. If only I could've dealt with that...
Maybe I'm just way too emotional and sentimental...
Whatever it is,
:3:11 AM: :sugah~plum
September morning... still can make me feel that way.
Words from a random song I heard on the radio, which for some reason, struck a chord.

And, as of now, I am SO angry at bus drivers! I used to smile at bus drivers whenever I board, and say thank you and smile when I hop off the bus at the last stop. But today... my perception has changed. Can't they have SOME consideration for the poor people at bus stops trying to seek shelter from the pouring rain? WHY MUST THEY DRIVE SO FAST PAST THE BUS STOP splashing HUGE puddles of water accumulated at the road side ALL OVER the poor users of public transport? HUH? Like seriously, it's pouring. Drive a bit slower can wth, especially past bus stops where there are huge puddles and many people huddled there? BAH.
Poor me, my birk-like slippers, my bag, laptop case, and my PSYCHOLOGY TEXTBOOK all got kinda drenched, as a result. TMD. As if my mood today wasn't bad enough already.
Luckily exotic prac went pretty well and the prospect of finally dinnering around 12am, and msning, improved my mood considerably.
Also been buried in my psychology textbook for the past few days, have an exam on Saturday at TEN-FRICKING-AM, so been trying to study. As of today, I am about halfway through. Hmmmm. There -are- some rather interesting exerpts though!
"As with faces, symmetry and being near average contribute to the attractiveness of someone's body. This is probably why, for example, individuals who are symmetrical in the size of their hands or feet tend to begin having sex at an earlier age and have more sex partners during their lifetime (Thornhill & Gangestad, 1994)."
Haha. I think that's what keeps me from falling asleep in these chapters =p though I've fallen asleep a total of three times, while reading those on thought and knowledge, and language hahaha. Social behaviour is quite interesting, luckily. :)
Annnnddd.... I went for prac and Union after, with Da and Crystal on Tues even though I know I shouldn't have and should've stayed home to study :x But we had fun and of course, pictures, from the Union Halloween bash. And oh did they decorate!

Don't ask me why I was doing collages instead of studying :x so upsetting - I initially made a pretty WHOLE collage but when uploaded it became sooooooo tiny I had to split them up :( for the whole connected one, ask me!
Travel, coolness, and sweetness. I can be so sadistic sometimes.
:11:45 AM: :sugah~plum