
Ugh, been trying to put up a post which I've typed up halfway but never got around to doing it - been too tired; practising and dancing, suppering, etc, reaching home never earlier than 3am almost every night and usually sleeping around 4 or 5 or even 6am. Damn tiring. Aching like mad too, sititng here with a deep heat plaster seeping into my calve muscles. Ahhh.... wish I had more. Haha ah well, think by right I should go to sleep now and rest my poor, dry, tired eyes, but I guess I'll just post first la before everything gets super outdated haha. And well, hair's wet, anyway.
Have yourself a merry little christmas.
So Christmas this year came and went. It was filled with family meals, some sparkling rose, wine, and resultant (extra happy) holiday cheer, meeting new people, and relaxing in an ab-so-luuuute-ly wonderful jacuzzi. Had Christmas lunch at Muthu's Curry, which I found slightly amusing; people have turkey or whatever, I spend Christmas eating instant mee, McDonalds, and... Indian curry. Haha. But well I guess it really doesn't matter, as long as you get to spend it with your loved ones and all.
Went down to Union as well, on Christmas Day, it wasn't too bad, but somehow not too happening either. Haha went again last night, much better this time but was kinda too tired to dance very much/well. Discovered a(nother) flaw in my dancing again! Hmm time to rectify it.
Haha and got some Christmas gifts from Hsiao Ching and Gloria; was very nice of them, I think they got stuff for most people in the team. So sweet! Also receieved this very cute little package of cookies yesterday which I think, is almost too pretty to eat -

Mmm. Dozing off at the computer already... and seem to have developed a habit of typing my tongue very hard for some reason, waking up and realising it a bit too late haha ooppps.
31/12/06 1:18am
(HAHA OMG I *just* realised that I wrote 'typed my tongue'! I must've been very sleepy :x and... it's now 21 hours and 12 minutes to the competition!!)
:5:42 AM: :sugah~plum
Little snipplets.
Of the past week - Practices, dancing, smiling, mahjong, money, soft shell crab curry, laughter, happy feet, songs, shopping, eating, waiting, sighing, snickers, rain, boobrella, teh, thinking, wonder, amusement, chinatown, cheap, weird guys, tiredness, exposes, puzzlement, strangeness, delight, repartee, wind, upside down, right side up, fun, laughter, excitement and warmth.
And in plain english; I had a pretty good couple of days so far, since I last posted.
A funny quote Serene said during lunch on Monday - "I remember she had a mother."
Ok I think this post is gonna be kinda random...

And, in the spirit of being less self-absorbed, I shall not post the picture I took of myself suntanning in a bikini =p
(Or lest someone I swear I've never seen before, sees my photos on my blog/da's blog/sggirls/goodness knows where and approaches me at say, Chinatown, and says hey you're Michelle right, I seem to have met you somewhere, through a friend's friend or at some club - can I have your number?) Hur.
Will post however, a picture of my newest purchase -

Oh and yesterday, on one of the few free nights of no prac, went for dinner with Phebs, Aaron and Lance, and later, caught The Nightmare Before Christmas by Tim Burton, in 3D. Was so exciting, felt like a little kid all over again, with the 3D glasses and the omnimax kinda feel, with supercool realistic pumpkins jumping out right in front of your face kinda things. Haha pity the rest of the movie wasn't exactly very exciting though; the plot and the singing were cute and all, and the last part of the movie was really quite interesting, but the build up to it was umm.... kinda zzz-inducing, 3D or not.

Vivo City is really kinda nice.
Oh and another photo which I find quite amusing -

Oh oh one more funny pic! Of a huuuuuuuuugggeee fan at Bugis Village... and you know the centre of the fan, the white part with blurry black words you can't see very well, well, it says...

Yayy! The packages I were expecting just showed up at my door - my three tops and one skirt, Crystal's top/dress and Chiew's 2 tops and 1 skirt. The Wetseal top turned out to be a damn weird colour!! Not true to the pictures on the site. And Crystal, your top turned out to be SUPERHOT pink hahaha oops!
Listening to: Right Kinda Wrong by Leann Rimes
:5:24 PM: :sugah~plum
Because I'm bored.
I have...
(x) snuck out of the house
(x) gotten lost in my city
(x) seen a shooting star (in South Africa, I think)
( ) had a serious surgery
(x) gone out in public in your pajamas (sort of :p)
(x) kissed a stranger (possibly... I don't remember!)
(x) hugged a stranger (more like a stranger hugged me)
( ) been in a fistfight
( ) been arrested
( ) done drugs
(x) had alcohol
( ) laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose
(x) pushed all the buttons on an elevator
(x) swore at your parents
(x) been in love
(x) been close to love
(x) been to a casino (ironically, when I was 8)
( ) been skydiving
( ) broken a bone
(x) been high (sadly, not quite enough =p)
( ) skinny-dipped
(x) skipped school (does skipping a Saturday class count?)
( ) flashed someone
( ) saw a therapist
(x) played spin the bottle (ironically, again, when I was 8)
(x) gotten stitches
( ) drank a whole gallon of milk or water in one hour
(x) bitten someone
(x) been to Disneyland
(x) gotten the chicken pox
(x) kissed a member of the same sex (teehee that depends on where!)
( ) crashed into a friend's car
(x) been to Japan
(x) ridden in a taxi
( ) shoplifted
( ) been fired
(x) had a crush on someone of the same sex (umm. I suppose? depending on definition of 'crush' :p)
(x) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back
( ) stolen something from your job
( ) gone on a blind date
(x) lied to a friend
( ) had a crush on a teacher (ahahaa again, MAYBE)
( ) celebrated mardi-gras
(x) been to Europe
( ) slept with a co-worker (hurhur. define co-worker)
( ) been married
( ) gotten divorced
( ) had children
( ) seen someone die
( ) had a friend die
(x) been to Africa (does South Africa count?)
( ) driven over 400 miles in one day
(x) been to Canada
( ) been to Mexico
(x) been on a plane
( ) seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
( ) thrown up in a bar
( ) purposely set a part of myself on fire
(x) eaten Sushi
( ) been snowboarding
(x) met someone in person from the internet (mud outings hah)
( ) lost a child
(x) gone to college
( ) graduated college
( ) done hard drugs
( ) tried killing yourself
( ) fired a gun
( ) purposely hurt yourself
( ) taken painkillers
(x) miss someone right now
I think I fail this one, hmm. Shall take another!
1. Michelle
2. Miche
3. Umm.... Boobs (don't ask)
1. Nonono I will not say my boobs... ok yes fine, my boobs :p
2. My hair - *usually* quite tame and soft and smooth.
3. Dimple!
1. Fat thighs - yck.
2. Feet - they're too wide and undainty :(
3. Er, does skin count? Eczema... unsightly -_-
1. Chinese,
2. Chinese,
3. And more Chinese.
1. Walking home alone, from the main road.
2. Cold, dark and loneliness.
3. Getting kicked out of the scholarship program.
1. Many hours of sleeeeeepppp.
2. Aircon/fan.
3. MSN, haha.
1. Short grey nightdress
2. White specs!
3. Umm, a rubberband in my hair?
1. Hao Xin Fen Shou - Candy Lo and Wang Lee Hom
2. Set Fire to the Third Bar - Snow Patrol feat. Martha Wainwright
3. El Sabroso Son - Orquesta La Palabra
1. Deep mutual love/like.
2. A certain amount of commitment and honesty.
3. Laughter and happiness.
TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE (in no particular order):
1. I'm happier now.
2. I'm lonely.
3. I hate you.
1. Nice and defined, not too big/hard/scary, abs/pecs/biceps.
2. That's about it really... don't have much; think personality and dressing makes more of a difference in a man than pure physical attributes.
3. Ooh, dimples!
Well, and something else that shouldn't be said here.
1. Hugging/cuddling/snuggling/making out. (oh not with just anyone, of course :p)
3. Watching movies.
1. Have someone to hug and cuddle up with in bed.
2. Watch a movie/The OC Season 2.
3. Eat piping hot french fries with mayonnaise.
1. Marketing
2. PR
3. Actress/Dancer/Singer some unrealistic thing along those lines :p
1. France
2. Bahamas
3. New York!!
1. Skydive/bungee jump.
2. Umm this isn't legal, but I'd (maybe) like to try acid/pot.
3. REALLY fall in love.
1. I open doors and pour water for both guys and girls... That's gentlemanly, right?
2. I'm... how do you say it, chor lor, and not particularly very demure? Game for most things and such.
3. HAHA. I know, I know! In this way I am most like a guy... But I'm not telling :p
1. I have that foreign thing which guys don't seem to comprehend very well, called EMOTION. I can get hurt.
2. I love and appreciate sweet/romantic gestures.
3. I shop. Non-stop.
1. Johhny Depp
2. Ryan Gosling
3. Errr.... random hot male celeb?
Booo. Still bored. But have to go out already so ah, well.
:5:30 PM: :sugah~plum
Technicolour dreams.

Haha. Just fancy speak for - "I have new bedsheets and it has pictures of cute colourful citrus fruits!"
Ah well, nothing much since my last post - 'cept salsa, salsa, and more salsa. My feet HURT omg. But I thought to take my camera around with me and these are some of the random pictures from Friday and Saturday night...

Oh man... the sun looks AWESOME... and for some strange, inexplicable reason, I woke up at like 10plus today. I think I shall go and soak up some of the sun at my rather-gorgeous-pool-which-I-hardly-ever-go-to, which you can see in the background in this picture!

Okay time to see if I can convince anyone to go swimming with me!
:11:21 AM: :sugah~plum
In the land of Malaysia, there are...

Haha. Headed down to JB on Tuesday with Pam, Alex and Derrick; it was damn fun! Da you missed out :( I hate to sound... Singaporean or whatever, but the food was so cheap! Omg. The clothes and stuff at City Square not say very cheap or whatever lah, normal, but oh the seafood! 4 crabs, 1 cereal prawns, 1 fried squid and 2 plates of hongkong noodles = 34RM per person only can! The crabs were howwwwwww shiokk. :D :D :D Haha also went to Secret Recipe to eat cakes after that... and each cake was like 5 something ringgit (!!!)

Haha. But took quite a while to drive around, from JB to Pasir Gudang to Perling Mall to Pam's house to customs (Lakim?), and then take a bus back into Singapore, I ended up... 2.5 hours late for prac and meeting Jared for 'pre-prac prac'. Wahlao. Talk about late :x haha ah well, not so bad lah at least I'm not performing soon so it's umm, not so bad :p
Wow seems like I'm not wasting any time in kicking off the holidays. Managed to finish the whole of Season 1 of The OC in 5 days; last Weds to Sun, bearing in mind that I had a psychology exam on Saturday. Haha. But that's partly because I watched at least 16 or 17 episodes from 3am on Saturday night until 7am, woke up on Sunday around 1plus and watched non-stop all the way til 6am in the morning. I'm crazy, I know. Haha.
Had dinner with Chiew, Sze, Lisa, Mz and Edward on Weds... amd omg, haven't seen the latter three for donkey ages! Sad how I only see them at these dinner things, not counting Edward of course, haha.

Haha. Twas fun. :) Headed over to Mambo after that with Chiew and Edward so he could find his friends and I could find Alex and Derrick. And after that day, I've once again swore that I don't want to drink again. Of course this is something that wouldn't be upheld again, but oh nevermind. It really, really sucks to be almost completely sober and un-high, yet still puke because your body is intolerant of/allergic to and cannot stomach the alcohol. Geez.
Also, never go clubbing just after doing a nice pedicure, and try not to go with people who will potentially get drunk. Haha. I kinda miss good proper clubbing though.
Ah well, off for dinner and dancing now then, happy holidays everyone!
:5:19 PM: :sugah~plum

YAY. Haha ok I have no idea why I'm so happy, considering I only had two exams and was doing lots of non-studying things before/during them, but I AM. Even two, are tiring to even just do and study for. Ughs. And plus, just realised that I'm gonna have FIVE exams next term (oh, bummer) to make up for this term's, umm shall we say, lack of exams. Sigh -_- but annnyyways.
Yesterday was good! Went to audition for the school's next annual production (which honestly, I'm still not so sure I wanna do; and probably kinda messed up the audition anyway; I'm so rusty, and my heart was beating damn fast can), then met Steve, Dzar and Phebs for lunch at gasp, Cafe Cartel. Haven't been there in sooooooo long. Had this GIANT plate of ribs which was not bad lah, quite song. Then went to buy new bedsheets for my new bed (yay!), and then went to Bugis with Phebs and Sil to all do our nails, and buy some earrings along the way too. All three of us did express manicures and pedicures (which actually, were not quite so express, but pretty good anyway la), and by the time we were done, we were SO tired Phebs went home to crash and I went to school to sleep before Union.
And Union, omg, was that gooood too. I danced from 9pm to 245am, with only a few breaks in between. TIRED. Go home feet and toes cramp man. Hahaha. The music was actually really good, for once! Merecumbe, La Palomina, Clasiqueando con Ruben, Juvia, Pa La Paloma, El Sabroso Son and many moreee. Can't blame a girl for wanting to dance to all these great songs! (Which are also very RARELY played, sigh.) Whole night whaaaaack with Andy and Jared hahaha was damn fun la =p
Oh and I've *finally* gotten around to taking a pic of my new hippie chestnut eyes :) Do I seriously look like a safari animal? :(

Wanna get new contacts too! From some Korean brand thing... well; assuming they stock my degree :(

Anyway, stuff I've been doing before the exams (besides studying, of course): Monday - Take a few silly OkCupid tests, Tuesday - Online shop and watch 3 episodes of The OC, starting from Season 1 Episode 1, Thursday - Shop with Da at Bugis and bought one top, one capris, 3 pairs of earrings and 1 bangle, =D.
The funny thing is, my result for the Dating Persona Test is the TOTAL, complete, diametrically opposite of Da's haha. And well, it is *fairly* true, but sorta off in some parts. Which parts are true... well you can only guess ;p
The Playstation
Random Gentle Sex Master (RGSMf)
Random - As opposed to Deliberate. Rash, bold, unpredictable. Makes decisions faster and less carefully than the average person.
Gentle - As opposed to Brutal. Kind, considerate, less selfish than the average person. Cares about the happiness of nearby people.
Sex - As opposed to Love. Sex is the subject's primary motivation. [?!?!?! not (entirely) true?!]
Master - As opposed to Dreamer. Seasoned. Refined. Possessing perspective and thorough knowledge.
"Easy to turn on. Hard to beat. You are The Playstation.
You're a nice girl, and you have lots of sex. It's therefore highly likely that you're attractive, and you're certainly outgoing & friendly. Plus, this healthy physical attitude of yours indicates deeper emotional well-being and stability. Unheard of. When guys dare to dream, they dream of you.
You don't get attached too easily, and, to wit, you're not necessarily looking for something long-term right now. That's a bigger asset than you know. Though, physically speaking, you're open to anything, you're keeping your emotional side well-protected. This means there won't be a lot of wreckage to clean up whenever you decide to settle down.
In the meantime, the men you share yourself with actually respect you. Like them, you enjoy sex for its own sake and don't need any other validation for pleasure than pleasure itself. Hopefully, you have the good sense to blow off anyone who thinks less of you for that. Usually, this is the part of the description where we offer some life-correcting advice, but honestly, we can't think of anything about you we'd change. Keep on fucking, partner."
Haha. Y'think?!
:5:37 PM: :sugah~plum