Almost happy.
Nice weather is rare in Singapore. But, over the past 2 days, I've experienced exceptionally good weather - cool air, accompanied by a nice refreshing breeze, not humid, not hot, and just beautiful. The kind of weather you get on holiday, when you're in a faraway exotic land and feel refreshed, and relaxed. That same weather I felt in our little Singapore, made me feel the same way. When the wind caressed my skin and washed over my whole being - I felt alive. And it's great, to be alive. Despite all the ills of mankind, all our flaws, human suffering and everything, it's still wonderful to possess that spark of life given to us by well... whichever higher being you believe in. Of course, it's always easy to just say these things, especially when I'm not a starving child, a destitute petty thief, an abused prostitute, or tormented in any visible, significant way. But I believe in humanity, and in the goodness of the heart... and I can only hope that it is indeed true.
It's sad to be jaded. But so, so many people are. And I thought I was... but perhaps I'm not. Despite repeated proofs, I refuse to be resigned that it will always be like that. I refuse, refuse, refuse, to believe that people, and life are really like that. So well. As usual, we wait.
Anyway, last Sunday was the ADS Social, 007 Salsa Royale. Was really cool; I think the whole event turned out quite well! Having a large group of swarming paparazzi-like photographers around was quite cool too, machiam like damn big shot event kind hahaha. I screwed up a little in my performances though, but ah well, it was still okay I hope. For some reason, everything just passed me by so fast though; it was as if my brain wasn't registering the events of the night quickly enough. But I do know and realise now, that salsa is really quite a big part of my life now, and that's not about to change anytime soon. Anyway, here are some photos from Sunday -

And - something amusing...

Heh. Taken at home right after I got back, and after I showered and washed up. What a world of difference a bit of coloured powder can make, hmm? :p And guys still wonder why girls are so obsessed over makeup hahahaha. Okay I'm not, I swear! Just for performances la haha ;p Wahlao... I'm jacking myself... (again) haha.
And well, one more little bit of news. I got into the New York BSM! Yayy I get to go to New York, finallly. I've wanted to go there for so long... but well. It's not really the same now... because Da and Crystal aren't going :( And we all wanted to go together so much. And Crystal and I were so excited about going to the Jimmy Anton social too. And Da and I wanted to visit Weiming. It's kinda awful that we can't go together. And they might go on exchange in Y3T1 too, which means I might not see either of them for a whole year, if I go for exchange in Y3T2 :(:(:( But ah well, hopefully it'll be a good experience and all lah, make new friends etc I guess. Ohwell, we can't all have everything.
"Now I'm almost over you
I've almost shook these blues
So when you come back around
After painting the town, you'll see
I'm almost over you......."
:3:02 PM: :sugah~plum
And so the festivities come to an end.
Haha. For the uninformed, today (yesterday?) is/was the day of my 21st birthday, and at this very moment, I now declare the celebrations, closed. Haha. There was a whole multitude of festivities over the weekend - extended family celebration at Hotel Rendevous, surprise (okay maybe not SO surprise) birthday thing at Union Square by the team on Saturday night, and a little catered party at my function room on Sunday night. Was really quite fun and exciting haha many people wishing me happy birthday kind; though I was quite blur and tried to say happy birthday back to my relatives haha. Like so long never really celebrate birthday like that haha. But well, since it's my 21st..... I suppose I ought to.
OMG I FEEL OLD. Like, seriously. I'm officially an adult now. I hope that doesn't mean I have to start behaving like one. Aiee. But anyway, it was nice to have so many people celebrate it for/with me. THANKS YOU ALL!! Much love :)
And now, for pictures. Of course =p

At Union Square... (most of the pics still with Da so this is all I have...)

And Sunday -

Yay. Was really rather fun. Though was quite tired out by all that, by Sunday night after everyone left it wasn't long til I crashed out. Haha. My actual birthday itself was rather boring though - went for US class, stoned in the room for a while then went to grab a bite from Raffles City (because everyone forgot to not wear slippers, so we couldn't go to Morton's :(:(:(), went for singing rehearsals, then had dinner with Da, Lance and Aaron at the SESS Kops and bummed around in the room with the two guys and some ice cream. Quite normal and all. Haha perhaps I should've held my celebration on Monday night instead! Now it just seems rather bland compared to the festivities over the weekend. Haha. Ah well who ask me to celebrate so early :p
But anyway, the point is, I am 21 now. Legal. What for, I'm not exactly sure, but in any case.... oh my god, I'm an adult now.
And strangely enough, today, after T&A and Finance class, I didn't feel like one at all. Was suddenly filled with a short burst of something which could only be described as teenage angst, and was terribly grumpy after because I was bruised (one from walking past/into a wall and one from an unknown source) and hungry, sleepy and cold in class, although these three traits are so common while in class it should cease to bother me already, really. But yeah well... back to the dreary miseries of ol' school life.
'Love is not a victory march,
It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah...'
'When you have to look away
When you don't have much to say
That's when I love you
I love you
Just that way...'
:3:19 AM: :sugah~plum
And we all know, no one buys things which are broken.
Haha. It's sad, I can't reply to my own tagboard! And it's getting rather umm, out of point there, hmm.
Anyway, haven't been updating, as there is really not much to update. Unless you want to read whiny/introspective complaints/musings, which I'm sure is not all that appealing, really. But since I'm currently in the process of procrastinating instead of going through my T&A readings, I shall blog.
I wonder if, most couples are together just because it's convenient. So many seem to be in the same social class, or same school, or same community, or live nearby, or basically have a whole horde of similar interests and ideals. Or, as my psychology textbook asserts, are both physically attractive/unattractive; as those with similar attractiveness tend to gravitate towards each other. Similarity and proximity breeds familiarity and attraction; or is it simply, easier?
I think only the most dedicated couples can stick it through distance, clash of values, third parties, or any kind of difficulties and obstacles thrown at them. If they can't, then perhaps... it was only meant to be for the short term, for company, for convenience, for happiness. I guess, no one really likes to be alone.
I really kinda miss being cared for.
But oh well, these kind of sentiments usually arise a bit more when I'm sick. Which I am - coughing my guts out regularly and been sniffing and blowing my nose for the whole weekend and most of today. Finally gave in and went to see the doctor and got medicine. Bah. Oh and collected my cheap Gojane boots today YAYYY. Yay for end of year sales. I should've gotten the garnet heels during the supersale too lah totally. Damn.
Sigh back to T&A readings then, boo.
Random thought of the day... I wonder if he stopped wearing that shirt totally, just because I bought it for him.
Yes, I think I really do miss it.
:11:22 PM: :sugah~plum
Simple Pleasures.
I love the feeling of being in an air conditioned room, especially mine, or in an unheated room in a cool climate, right after a shower. Lying in bed and feeling the cool air on my smooth and clean skin, while stretching and savouring the rustle of the sheets against my bare arms and legs... Mmm. Bliss.
In case you're wondering, the picture above is of Pulau Ubin. Went there for a little day trip on Friday with Boons, Aaron and Lance and a conclusion was reached - I really suck at cycling. It was so super fun though, the exhilarating feeling of breezing down a slope is UNBELIEVABLE. The rush! The wind! The speed... Wow. Unfortunately what goes down must go up, and pedaling furiously to climb a steep (and sometimes pebbly :x) slope is NOT something particularly pleasant. Haha well, at least we got a bit of exercise, though it was not long before we gave up, after being splashed repeatedly by muddy water and bitten at least ten times by ferocious mosquitoes. I do admit though, I bet they could've gone on a bit longer if not for me lah. Oops :p
Haha and forgot to add, I got LAUGHED AT by some Bukit Batok Secondary School students lah! So embarrassing!! :(

Damn funny lah, the act scarecrows picture haha. There was also a poster of a girl in a pink bikini (coincidentally, I was in one as well =p) which Lance and Aaron christened the 'seafood goddess' and told me since I looked like her I should go ask for discount kindd. Geee :p
After that, Crystal joined us for ji pah hor fun at Changi V yayy (sorry Steve!!). Check out my food collage! Hurhur.

The chicken ball tanghoon soup (boulder soup!) was from Thai Express on Wednesday, and the creme brulee, Menotti breakfast, and pork curry rice was from Thursday haha which was a major PIGOUT day. Haha. All of those food was consumed within about 3 hours hurhur. The creme brulee was free from Edmunds' because they were giving them out free for people to try, so Crystal and I went to get some after our superearly 830 T&A class, after which, we were being greedy, so went to Menotti for a 1 and a half hour breakfast, after which I went straight for lunch with Eugene at Curry Flavour. Haha ridiculous lah, damn piggish!! :p
Haha. Went for Weilin's 21st on Friday night and pigged out even more! Her mum's a damn good cook omg. And haven't seen Weilin for damn super long! Haha and Shane from The L-Word is daaaamnnn hottt and uhm, reminds me of her actually. Haha. Spent the whole of Saturday night til 5am watching that show, at Ashley's 21st. Haha I think there will be very many to attend this year.
Oh WELL okay time to bury myself in sociology readings. I'm dead - taking two sociology modules with two textbooks each with mountains and mountains of readings! Haha oh DEAR. Wish me luck. Haha!
Dancing, laughing, and crying.
:1:17 AM: :sugah~plum
Happy (Belated) New Year!
Haha haven't actually gotten a chance to sit down and breathe and write a blog post for New Years' so here it is finally. Tuesday, the day before school starts once again. Noooooooo I can't believe the holidays are over :( sigh. Haha anyways, this year's New Year was a culmination of the past two to three weeks of hard work - at the annual USQ Salsa Competition which took place on New Years' Eve 2 days ago.
It was the best New Year's Eve I've ever had - winning a salsa competition which we worked so hard for, with a choreo we crafted by ourselves (umm, with the help of many, many youtube videos to inspire us, and comments from friends too), evolving across the time we worked on it. And it was fun, the process, but performing it was just as exhilarating. Practising in the studio together with Jared, Andy and Crystal was great too, all our gossiping and being tired together and going to eat together was fun too haha.
And the support, and the faith people had in us, that, that was completely amazing. The team coming to support, and the superloud screams and cheers from the ADS crowd, the hugs and the well wishes, and the congratulatory handshakes from friends and strangers alike... and everything, really warmed my heart, and made it a wonderful competing experience and a terrific New Year. Standing in a circle, jumping up and down and counting down to 2007 and then enthusiastic hugging everyone in the fray... after the results were announced and we found out that we came in first, and after which the 1st and 2nd couples social danced to the song that was played after.
There was so much tension in waiting for the first prize to be announced; determining the fate of the remaining 6 couples - first, or nothing. But what was really, really, really wonderful for me, for that night, was the crowd (okay mostly Tze Yi actually, and the ADS people) shouting/chanting our names just before it was announced. Because that's what's really important; that we entertained, that people love our choreo and performance. And that, made me happy, and feel that all the hard work was worth it. And grateful, for having so much support. Okay I feel like crying now hahahaa shall stop waxing lyrical about everything. In any case... I love you all - everyone who offered support, faith, well wishes, and congratulations in any way :)
Haha ok of course after that terribly long speech, here are some photos from that night. Okay kinda too tired to make nice fancy schmancy collages so here's just some plain photos =p

Okay yeah we took quite a few photos, heh. =p I'll put up a video soon if I can get a copy soon! Mine are currently soundless, boo.
Spent New Years' Day sleeping and resting, then heading over to Ian's house for dinner. Super overload of food, Steve, Phebs, Dzar, Sil and I went to Holland V to buy food before going, and we ended up with - 5 boxes of katong laksa, 4 boxes of hokkien mee, 2 boxes of chicken wings, 2 packets of or luat, and a verrrayy yummy Chocolate Addiction cake from NYDC. Ian and co also ordered 4 (!!!) boxes of pizza. Quite obviously, we didn't manage to finish the scary amount of food haha.

Teehee also received a cute little cupcake yayy!

After Ian's place, headed down to Union for our little ADS celebratory thing. Danced a bit, and laughed so hard that I had a headache, at Gupson, Zee and Jared whacking all the girls it was super hilarious lah. Then headed to Newton where Jared and I treated (part) of the supper haha on our side of the table (sorrryyy to the other side who had already ordered food :(), there was - baby squid, garlic kangkong, sotong paste you tiao, garlic/black pepper sotong, sambal stingray, and I don't remember what else, actually. Haha basically alot of food. Geez my whole Monday sounds like it was all about food lorh, haha.
Anywayyyss. I have dragged this post such that I've only finally managed to post on Wednesday night. And spent SEVEN hours in school having CLASS omggg 2 back to back classes that are DEAD BORING. Geez. Going back to school sucks. Got so used to going to the studio almost like everyday and dancing lots everyday it feels SO weird to be back in school again. Haha but ohwell guess I'll get used to it heh. Oh went for some AH gathering at Howard's house just now which turned into kinda like a random arts/AC people gathering which was kinda fun la not bad, except for a slightly awkward situation, which I guess was okay la. Haha. AC people rawk! :)
AAAAAHHH ok time to go to sleep I have a blooddyy 830am class tomorrow morning :x wavesies!
'A trivial little thing can make you smile, but it takes even less to make you frown.'
:1:53 AM: :sugah~plum