Heroes junkie.

Watching 14 episodes of Heroes in 14 and a half hours straight, is not a joke. Unfortunately, I don't like to stop until the end, because the suspense is too great, and I have to find out how the story progresses, and so I watch. And the thing is, for those 14, 15 hours, I think I actually lost touch of reality. After I stopped watching at about 430am, because my eyes couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't sleep - the sounds and voices from the show were still stuck in my head. So this is what obsession or crazyness feels like. Plus my eyes were so sore I was seeing... not stars, exactly, more like fuzzy, moving red static when I closed them. Teehee. Okay, perhhaaaaps I shouldn't be telling people this, oops =p
Haha time to start on Prison Break too, since I've ran out of Heroes to watch! Hurhur.
Anywayyys. It's so terrible that school has started. Btw, I typed the heroes paragraph yesterday in US class, but typing this now in Finance today haha. School is how dreary. T&A this morning was so bloody painful I resorted to using my tablet under the table. Then played connect four with Crystal on paper haha because we were so damn freaaaking bored. Hurhur. Hmm the break week went by SOOO fast; I spent every night going out til really late at night, until I was so tired, by Sunday I decided to stay put at home and umm, watch Heroes all day. Actually I think I spent most of the holiday salsaing - Fri, Sat, Sun, Thurs, Fri, and Sat. Didn't do a single bit of work at all too, haha.
Went to Gloria's house on Monday, and watched Letters from Iwo Jima on Tuesday (omg it's damn good lah.) Wednesday was Mark's birthday and we went to his house for dinner and oh my god, his mum is such a fantastic cook! And of course, we took lots of silly photowhoring pictures... (welll actually Da and Lance started it; photowhoring with my camera!)

Haha we also photowhored in the car on the way to Zouk...

And finally -

Haha. Saturday night was chingchong night (haha okay well no that's not the official name), but in a nutshell it was just 'dress up in chingchong clothes and go lo hei night' at Upperclub haha. So funny, all the people dressed in chingchong clothes :p Crystal looked sooo cute and pretty in her charming little lime green cheongsam :) after lo hei-ing and dancing a bit, we adjourned to Union to... dance some more. Haha.

And and and, Po Yew's finally back from the States! Wheeee =p and with him he brought... KRISPY KREMES!!!! Omg. I was in heaven yesterday lah.... orgase orgase. Everytime people come back with krispy kremes all never save for me lorh! :( And now I finally have some! Whee!! :) He also brought back a really, really nice present for me from the US... I'm amazed. :) And effusive with thanks... he's so, so nice! :)

Teehee. Okaaayyy my finance is super disastrous hahaha die I need to start getting back to work. Unfortunately, I've just started shopping again - bought a pair of shoes while walking back to school from threading, and am eyeing a Guess watch online hahaha, oops. Oh oh but I was so super lucky for my finance midterm - I totally anyhow guessed 10 questions which I didn't know how to do, and I got 5 right! Super surprised and counting my blessings. Too bad for T&A though; for a lot of questions where I was debating between 2 options, I picked the wrong one. For almost all of those, actually... boo. But ohwell you win some, you lose some!
Argh. My stupid page reloaded now have to load episode 17 all over again :( Haha ok time for more heroes hurhur. Addicted!
:5:29 PM: :sugah~plum
Happy Chinese New Year!
And this is the part where I throw in my chingchingchongchong cheenafied string of greetings, but I think my blog doesn't seem to recognize chinese characters. But well, no harm trying anyway - 新年快乐,万事如意,步步高升,身体健康,龙马精神,恭喜发财,年年有余! Haha. Happy New Year, yall :)
It's the second day of CNY and probably going visiting tonight, once I figure out how to get there, hah. Anyway, chinese new year this year has been slightly more interesting than the previous years, because I actually went to Chinatown to participate (well, not really), or more like bask, in the festivities. One of the times I actually don't really mind squeezing through crowds, only because it wouldn't be fun and festive without them, and because there were a million interesting sights and sounds to experience along the way. Went with Crystal on Friday night, after which we walked to Union hahaha for our much anticipated Friday night salsa (after not dancing for 2 weeks because of school!), and walked around with Da and her sis on Saturday night, after dancing and hanging out a little at Xenbar with Gupson and co.
Only took pictures with Crystal on Friday, because I forgot to bring my memory card on Sat :x, so here is a little collage of our trip (the background is from an actual angpow I received!) -

Teehee. The colours! And the lights! And smells and sounds! Yayyy.
Sunday was then the actual first day of Chinese New Year and much visiting. The usual; my grandma's house, then Mount Vernon and then my mum's... grandaunt's house. Haha it was okay lah just like that lorh, but it was quite nice to meet up (and photowhore!) with some of the closer relatives, and even to catch up with those I only see once a year (or okay twice, if you count reunion dinner), which I really don't know very well at all.
Haha, okay not photowhore; take pictures!

This is photowhoring:

And haha... this is how "good" my photowhoring skills are -
What it was *supposed* to look like :p
Haha. Met up with Josh and Da after visiting to watch Notes on a Scandal, which was really pretty good! The 15 year old boy is cute. Hah. And it's damn bloody freaky la seriously. As a result, I have to add a disclaimer - er Da, no worries about the picture hahaha I'm not in love/obsessed with you/stalking you =p teehee. And I had to take a full length picture because I was so happy with my dress! And so many people said it was a nice dress too yayyyyy! :):):):):) And yay those are my new aviators damn HAPPY with them la omg.
The past weekend has really been great; a chance to breathe after last week's crazy midterm, essay and project schedules. Thursday night was really great too, went for dinner with Steve, Lex and Pam to a damn good Chinese seafood restaurant, at a location I shall not disclose here for fear it becomes too popular and crowded haha ;p went for a bit of yummy dessert wine after that, then went to meet Chiew at Newton to meet up for a bit before she left for KL. And then, and then, and then.... I slept for 15 hours. Haha! Not all the way, I did get up and stuff, but crawled back into bed. When I finally got up... it was like 330pm, and I was kinda late to meet Crystal. Haha. Been buying lots of new stuff too, yay. Shopping is food for the soul. Ahaha.
Okayy anyways gonna go prepare to go Gloria's house soon I guess, Happy New Year everyone! <3!
:6:22 PM: :sugah~plum
Happy Valentine's Day!
Hehehe. Feel mildly psycho now - am pottering around the house muttering and talking to myself and bouncing here and there, when I should be writing my Globalization of World Politics essay. My head is swimming with so much Marxism, Social Constructivism, Realism and Liberalism, it's not funny. It's... 930am in the morning, and I think that partly contributes to my mildly psychotic state of mind as well. Also, I think the crazily high sugar content in the CREAM of that cupcake (omg it is really damn freaking nice) kind of... helped it along. I really should be doing my essay haha. Rather than prancing around and blogging and taking pictures of the oh-so-pretty cupcake... but ahhh so tired already nevermind shall take a break haha. Look look!!

Ok no no I only did this collage *after* I finished the paper okay. Sigh. Handed it in already, but think it kinda sucks. Probably should have asked for an extension lah but ohwell. Thought it was better to just get it out of the way. But am very worried. For Glob and Finance, maybe US too, and subsequently, for the fate of my scholarship as well. Sighs.
And well, I know it's V-day; but no time for romantic sentiments, have class from 12 to 7, essay due 3pm, and counselling journal due 2359. In any case I've always believed that it's a commercialised holiday lah... no need to... act the way you're expected to. In fact, people expect people to celebrate holidays like Christmas and V-day so much so that it feels like you're celebrating it just for the sake of celebrating it. But that said, these occasions do see lots of nice people doing nice small (seemingly) little things for friends, like giving cupcakes (yay!) or flowers to them. And imho, it's very sweet that they find time and spend the effort to do such things. I wish I did something, but really really no time this year la.
A few thoughts...
11/02/07, 10pm
I've been quite happy for quite a long while already, actually. In fact, I think this is the first time I am truly and totally guy-free and alone. Ever since I was 14, anyway. No one I like or anything going on, and really concentrating on my own life; on doing exciting new things, and on living. And on trying to be happy. It's been... a couple of weeks I think. And then I suddenly realised this... fact. It's actually... not too bad. I'm not too sure how long this enlightened state will last, but it's really, not too bad.
AND I AM DAMN HAPPY NOW because I ate New York Super Fudge Chunk!! Aaaahh. My two best friends, Ben and Jerry. Haha ok no, just kidding. But seriously right. I am going to eat SO MUCH B&Js when I go to New York, you can count on it. Yay.
Hurhur. Random thoughts from Sunday. Anywayyyy... Happy Valentine's Day everyone, hope you're happy, with whatever you have and whatever you're doing this day.
Ending off, a little something from postsecret:
"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen. Will you be mine?"
:4:15 PM: :sugah~plum
What the...?
Haha okay okay, I'm blogging I'm blogging. Been super-uber busy for the past two weeks, so had absolutely no time to blog. In fact, I ought to be diligently staring at my finance textbook and punching numbers into a calculator or something now. But of course I'm never studying when I'm supposed to be. But ah well, short break now to blog!
Haha. My tagboard is so getting out of hand. Thanks to all who defended me; but anyway, since I can't post on tagboards on my laptop (it's gone a little wonky) anymore, I shall just insert a short reply to my dear tagboard flamers here - you can say whatever you want, but it's not going to affect me, because my conscience is clear and I have done nothing wrong; also, everyone has different ideas of what is right and wrong, and perhaps you should respect that. Anyway enough about the tagboard wars already; although it's proving to be rather amusing actually.
Anyways, what happened during the past two weeks - the previous one was spent running around settling Da's presents and cake etc, photoshoot, and I'm not sure doing what else, but it felt like I was running around alot and making a lot of phone calls haha. Even while sitting on a dentist chair, haha. Stayed over at Da's house last Sat night after her party and omg playing Mortal Kombat co-op in the wee hours of the night with her is seriously freaking hilarious! Hurhur. Sunday was Zouk Flea market day (yayyy), where I bought more clothes and accessories YAY omg I miss shopping big time.
This week, had a miserable T&A midterm which was... beyond words. And been trying to study for yesterday's Understanding Societies midterm too, but not quite successfully. Even brought my book along for filming (for The Swimming Instructor! Check out the back page of today's Sunday Times, or somewhere in Friday's Today), which took up my Thursday afternoon and almost entire Friday. Super tired haha, after I got home from my mum's side reunion dinner at around 11plus I immediately plopped myself on the bed for a short nap, and awoke at... 9am this morning. Haha. Tuesday is Finance midterm, and I am basically, screwed.
And also - Happy (belated) Birthday to Da and Guan, and Happy (soon to be) Birthday Jayne and Sil! The start of the year really has a lot of birthdays!
Haha random pics taken at Jayne's house during her surprise birthday party yesterday! Which I only stayed 10 minutes for (well officially anyway, not counting the time waiting for her to arrive), boo.

The scenery from the filming location! Damn postcard-like lah, plus the breeze up there was super super nice :)

And hey Da; this is for you-

To a decade of friendship, and many more. Hugs!
:10:02 AM: :sugah~plum