Remember when I said I wasn't scared?
Hrm. I swear I had a post all nicely typed out already about our record-breaking supper night at Newton on Friday, but it wasn't published nor saved as draft, so I can only assume that I accidentally deleted it in a sleepy stupor. Damn. Haha anyway, damn the late night rains - they cause people to be stuck outside somewhere and not able to go home. I do love rain though; and the nice cool breezes that come with it. I only wish that I was stuck somewhere abit more comfortable, or that I was less sleepy haha. Til 730am leh on Friday night/Saturday afternoon! The sun came up and the sky damn bright already... first time I stayed at Newton until that late man omg.
Plus we salsazombied the whole time we were stuck there too - inundating the poor Newton stall uncles with loud salsa music blasting from portable speakers. Haha.
Haha and I gotta blog this it's quite amusing - my blood donation bruise. Hurhur. It's so frigging purple now la I look like I've been abused or been shooting up haha. Especially since I was walking around the other day in smudgy black eyeliner, silver hoops and a whole bunch of black sex bands around my wrist, I probably did look like the latter haha, oops =p
Watched 2 film fest movies over the weekend - my first ever haha. Bloody Tie was pretty good actually; I liked the plot, the characters, and the action. But for a drug movie, I think City of God, was better though; I think the grittier portrayal was more hardhitting. But they're different la I guess haha, considering they're set in different countries and all. Also watched Slumming... though interesting; left a little (okay quite a bit) to be desired. I'm not even going to talk about Retribution... but let's just say that if anyone is bored enough to watch it, please do explain the plot to me because I sure as hell don't get it. Wtf.
Oh and the Tangs lingerie department changing rooms are damn nice! Er not sure if photography is allowed or whatever but I snuck a photo of it because it's damn nice. They ought to rent out these rooms at night for... other purposes. Hurhur.
It's gonna be a lazy lazy day; I just woke up a while ago from a very very long slumber... I swear I'm getting more lethargic by the day. And forgot to take my damn iron tablets again. Grrrr. Been sleeping alot though; time increasingly has less meaning now that I'm so free. Feels good on one hand to be so slack, but on the other, it's abit zzzzz.
I changed my mind. I am scared. Very.
:5:02 PM: :sugah~plum
Omg. WHAT. a. faux. pas.
I just sent in a cover letter to apply for an internship, and what do I do? I SPELL THE PERSON IT WAS ADDRESSED TO'S NAME WRONGLY. Go me. Haha sheesh!!! Embarrassed and irritated at myself :x
Anyways, yesterday, I went to donate blood! Ironically, on a day where I am feeling particularly bored, and really kind of alone, I somehow found spontaneous and accidental company in strange places. Thank you Kelvin and Poyew for keeping me company yesterday!
So anyway, went to donate blood at the Bloodbank at the Health Sciences Authority, after T&A grade review and the Sparrowhawk internship interview. And ok I was damn scared. Like seriously haha. I mean I don't have a right to be scared of donating blood, considering I've been pricked a considerable number of times in the back by a tattooing needle, and stabbed my navel with yet another needle as well in recent times, but STILL!!! It's scary okay. The thought of poking this HUGE needle into my frigging arm to take like an actual visible and considerable amount of blood away is just -_-. But yeah well been wanting to go give blood for quite a while, doing my part and all, considering I've never actually done it before also la.
But to my horror. I discovered that - I have thin (wimpy) veins which protest vehemently when the (huge) needle is poked in, resulting in it being harder to extract blood so they ended up taking abit less than the normal amount, AND in a freaking #%#$&^%* big LUMP on my arm. I am not joking. LUMP. IT looked like an egg was protruding from my skin or something lah. Sigh okay maybe I exaggerate. But boo. It's still huge and bruised today, and I'm told it will bruise for about 10 days at least. O_O Why do they not tell you these things BEFORE they stick the needle in ah.

Haha they even asked the doctor to come and talk to me, and said that best is 6 months later then come back and donate again (the normal period is 3mths), or don't come back too often (repeated poking of needle in will damage the vein...?!?!). Then sent me off with an extra ice pack and 5 little tubs of hirudoid cream (whatever that is). So drama. Sheesh :x
After that went back to school to do some stuff, then was really kinda bored and didn't feel like going home just yet, so bummed around a little. Then Poyew called back and we just randomly decided to go to Bukit Timah to eat Ritz Strudel, but ended up at... Corduroy and Finch haha. To eat "dinner", which essentially meant, dessert.

Corduroy makes such good desserts. The warm chocolate pudding was absolute heaven, the Chocolate Royal was damn damn damn yummy, and the Mokkachino mmmm. Oh goodness. Haha. Had a nice cosy chat over the nice desserts and curled up in little red cushy chairs upstairs; it's really quite easy to talk to py, and so effortless to speak frankly about things. Haha he reminded me of how we first met - Amadeo telling him - "That's Michelle, my classmate. She needs to wear more clothes.", when he asked who I was at the airport at Kelly Koh's sendoff. o_O nice to know what my classmates thought of me! Hahaha.
Hmm but really lah. So I don't wear alot of clothes. SO WHAT. I'm happy can already; if I offend your sensibilities, DON'T LOOK :D It's not like I don't know my limits; I do agree that there's a point where it's just TOO much. It's just part of enjoying and appreciating limited youth - we'll never get another chance to behave as we do now. Can you imagine any of us, at 40, prancing around in tiny miniskirts/shorts and little tops? Or indulging in all sorts of rubbish food, parties, an alarming amount of alcohol every week, sleeping 3 hours a day, so on and so forth? Well to me, there's really nothing wrong with doing so at any age - if you can pull it off. And somehow, I don't really see myself still doing it in middle age lah. I think. Haha. But, you never know.
Teehee. I think I'm increasingly coming to terms with what I am. I've never been happy with myself; and am (still) not proud of what I've done in the past. And I don't think I'll ever stop feeling sorry for being downright stupid, reckless and rebellious when I was young. But since Pandora's box has already been opened, there's no turning back now, and the best thing to do really, is just accept it and grow into it, and make sure I don't do anything against my conscience. The bottomline - act ethically. Hurhur. And not the stupid textbook definition of ethics and the sort of crap they make you write in all those dumbass BGS/ethicsandresponsibility/Marketing/etc essays, but real ethics - where there is no textbook definition and applicable only to the situation. Where lines are blurred. But yeah, I digress (and starting to ramble).
So I shall stop! Damnit ended up blogging more these few days because sometimes, not having anything to do is kinda boring. But it's okay, I expected it. And I'm not complaining - having these two or three weeks to slack before getting an internship is perfectly fine with me - I love having this break. But yeah I foresee getting bored out of my wits if I keep up this lifestyle for the next 3 months. So yepps trying to find an internship for the summer, then hopefully have a couple of weeks break before school starts to prepare myself for the upcoming onslaught of work, projects, and basically, pure stress. Trust me, these breaks are necessary, for us to regain and maintain our sanity. (Yet another reason why SMU is 'different' huh.) We may have longer breaks, but trust me; the school term we have may be a bit less in duration, but much higher in intensity.
And yes, my fate for my future 2 years at SMU is still hanging in the air, and is yet unknown (but really doesn't look good).
But one can hope.
Gosh, I really do need to stop rambling.
Okok shall go out soon, and Union tonight - let's see how I can dance with a frigging swollen arm!
:4:33 PM: :sugah~plum
A very apt description, I feel.
"When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part... because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the desire to mate every second of the day. It is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every part of your body. No. Don't blush. I'm telling you some truths. That is just being in love, which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over, when being in love has burned away. Doesn't sound very exciting, does it?
But it is."
Dr Iannis, Captain Corelli's Mandolin
:4:55 PM: :sugah~plum
I'm not idealistic about love; on the contrary I'm just about ready to give up, but not yet. Not just yet.
Finally managed to finish Closer, after trying to watch it about a year ago when the disc gave up on me halfway, so never managed to see how it ends. Now I know. And it's a show without a happy ending, which I like, because it's realistic. Nothing wrong with a few happy endings here and there, but for this show... well... it's good to have a reminder that love is really quite overrated sometimes. Overcommercialised; an impractical and false picture of unrealistic expectations being painted. And complicated beyond comprehension - not just some child's play of flowers and chocolates, of pettiness and kisses, of smiles and notes and petulant pouting and stomping off in a huff.
There's just no way we can grasp, every intimate detail of it. It's different and amorphous all the time. How do we even begin to understand the impetus, which leads people to cheat? To lie? To hurt someone they love? To damage themselves, beyond repair, and to live in a cloud of deceit and guilt? Maybe we all possess some sort of sadism in a little corner of our soul, which we never show to anyone. Why else are we almost completely powerless to temptations, unable to resist the lure of what is forbidden, and which bodes a future fraught with pain? With bitterness, with hate.
But there's always a moment. Where you're faced with the temptation, and there's two choices to make - to go with it, or to resist it. But no matter which path is taken, if the mind has a taste of something which it believes is better, which it thinks it wants, it will never be the same again, and the love one has has already been sullied, tarnished, and sandpapered to a dull, perfunctory one.
The human being will never, or perhaps can't, be satisfied.
"Why isn't love enough??, she asks.
And I'll be damned if any of us knew the answer.
I wish we did.
:4:52 AM: :sugah~plum

Hurhur from Friday night. I find this rather amusing. Speedy and her alcohol! And she shared =p
And oh dear. I think I was typing the below paragraphs on Tuesday afternoon; but somehow left it unfinished because I decided to go out - missed Ben and Jerry's free cone day though BOO :( whined Lance into going to get BnJs with me, but they closed after free cone day was over so I couldn't even buy a cone, sob. Ended up at Loof on their one for one martini nights, which was extremely happifying - I think that cocktails are beginning to work their magic on me, YAY. And umm, this post is gonna be damn long, btw.
Yeah ANYWAY. What's written below was from Tuesday!
Yesterday, I embarked on a journey into unfamiliar territory for a great adventure hunt for shoes. Translation; I took public transport to WOODLANDS to umm, buy a pair of shoes. Haha. Lunched with mum at Wisma yesterday, after which, spotted a really gorgeous pair of shoes at Charles and Keith - last piece, not in my size. So proceeded to call all the other outlets in Singapore after the salesgirl tried all those in town and near town (Marina Square, Citilink, Suntec, PS etc etc), and FINALLY found one outlet which even carries that pair - the one at Causeway Point. (HURHUR imagine my chagrin when I walked past Pizza Hut haha). Yup, quite ridiculous, I conceed, to train all the way there JUST to buy one pair of shoes and train right back. But heck, I AM FREE. Ah well, if only I'm this determined for other more important things, huh?
Haha. Well travelling doesn't usually bother me as long as I know that the reason I'm travelling for is worth it. ;p
And thus, that was partly how I spent my third day of freedom. My first and second day of freedom were packed full; including an EYE INFECTION which left my eye as swollen as a umm, for lack of a better word, fishball. Tmd. It was freaking gross lah I've never seen it swell so huge before! And right in the middle of a movie too, ugh. Don't know if its because of days of rubbing and little sleep, or just the new Korean lenses. Meh. Did manage to catch a pretty good movie, Freedom Writers - predictable, but the situation portrayed is still one which is relevant, pertinent, and pulls at the heartstrings. So yeah, enjoyed it pretty much :) This is really silly, but I enjoy movies which can make me cry. Or, I have to at least feel something, if not I won't enjoy it as much. Unless it's retarded funny movies like Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle then umm, it doesn't apply. Or really cool concept films. But yeah, you get what I mean right :p
I was told recently that I seem very strangely clinical when I was talking about relationships. As compared to my once rather emotional states. I think my reply was; "well, no one to be emotional about, what". And the thing is, I realised that I'm so much more objective about things now that I'm not wrapped up in some male-related mess (I'm not lesbian, contrary to popular belief :p but perhaps... I could be persuaded to be ;p). It feels pretty good to see things clearly, and see how immature others (and myself haha) are, and how their actions so sorely reflect that fact. Teehee. Cognizance is a wonderful thing; and funny how it took me so frigging long to realize that. After years of always being embroiled in something or another...
Errrr.... ok nevermind, scrap that. Perhaps it's too soon to say, or whatever. But yeah anyway. But bottomline, I'm quite happy with the way things are going now la I guess :p Single is good!
Anyway, it's Thursday night or erm well Friday morning now. Yesterday was spent having more drinks (YAYY!!) at Hacienda and Kandi Bar, the former for a NY BSM outing, and the latter with Da, Mark and Aaron haha. Felt great to not have any work weighing on the back of the mind and just dress up, go from home in HEELS and without carrying a huge bag or laptop... Awesome. DAMN HAPPY that the exams are over, if you can't already tell. Seriously. It's hard to burst my bubble.... yet. :D Been spending quite a bit though, being in a celebratory mood and all. Going shopping tomorrow somemore hahaha assuming I/we can wake up, considering we just got home a while ago from mahjonging. Hurhur.
Hacienda was cool - I haven't been to any of the Dempsey Road restaurants/pubs; and I must say, they all look very chill and nice, but yeah well, terribly inaccessible. Took quite a lot of pictures too hahaha, but shall only post those from Kandi.

And omg about the shopping; THIS is what you call real retail therapy - pre and during exam time mostly online and a tiny bit of real shopping equated to: 6 tops, 1 pair of gauchos, 1 sweater dress, 1 pair of jeans, 1 mascara, 2 eyeliners, 1 necklace, 1 pair of earrings, and 1 bag. Woohoo. And then we count the post exam shopping; after having not seen real shops for a longgg time: 4 tops, 1 dress, 2 pairs of shoes, 3 eyeliners, 1 lipgloss, 1 skirt, 3 underwears, 4 belts... which adds up to.... alot. Hehe. Mum paid for a couple of the stuff though, but like, a small small fraction of what's listed above. Oops. Okok time to stop. Really, I will.
Heh. Been galliavanting alot these few days... and now, off to 'work' at Sentosa, not sure doing what exactly. But I know that if I don't run off now I'll be late :/ so ohwell more next time! :p
Jitterbugs Swingapore is proud to present Salsa Fiesta 2007.
This year, Jitterbugs Swingapore will showcase World Salsa Champions – Oliver Pineda and Luda Kroitor, as well as 2 other members of Latin Motion Dance Company from Sydney Australia.
Latin Motion Dance Company is Australia's largest Latin dance company and have been featured on "Dancing with the Stars". They have performed at Salsa Congresses all over the world from Los Angeles to Puerto Rico. Salsa Fiesta 2007 promises to be an awesome 3-day Salsa event, with more than 15 hours of workshops, 3 evening parties, competitions and performances.
:12:52 PM: :sugah~plum
Way back into love.
Recently got a beautiful little song stuck in my head; the demo version of this song from this movie -

No, I haven't watched it, but the song is just so beautiful and catchy I just can't stop listening to it. In fact, I think I actually want to watch the movie now.
Way back into love, Take 1
"Oh god I'm getting really nervous..."
"You'll be fine, just use your normal nice voice that I've heard so much of for the last three days."
"It's like my throat's closing up; it's like anaphylactic, ehehh."
"It's fine, it's just a 3 minutes song."
I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed...
"Just a little louder, because this song is intended for humans, okay?"
Way back into love, Take 2
I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need them again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere
I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not somebody just to get me through the night
I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
"Oh for heaven's sake..."
"That's your serious oh oh oh face."
"I know I can work with that; that's my rock and roll face - millions of women find that very sexy. Are you charmed yet? Are you? If not, okay."
There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration; not just another negotiation
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
See it here!
Happifying :)
:9:12 PM: :sugah~plum
When someone does something really crazy for love...
Some people say it's foolishness, some say it's devotion. I say it's both; foolishness because of devotion, and devotion because of foolishness. But most people will never know either, because they're too scared to take the risk to love.
This is bad. I lost control today and broke down, in front of my professor, and another student in the exam room. I'm not sure I've ever felt so absolutely stupid, mindless and lost in that instance there. The tears, wet, and my face, flushed red and hot from all the blood rushing to it, and the room spun gleefully as my head sunk lower into the table. I'm not going to get into details, but something bad happened with the glob paper, and I really don't know what got into me. Extreme stress, most probably, and lack of sleep, possibly, and the prospect of doing really badly and then losing my scholarship, possibly, that my little dream of something will never become reality, likely, and perhaps, just a build up of general uselessness, lack of self-worth and a combination of all of the above across time. Whatever it is, it felt awful, and bad, and I shouldn't have allowed it to happen.
My eyes hurt now. And I really don't feel like studying anymore. Nothing's going in; I see the words, I say them, but they don't mean anything. Brain has hit saturation level? It's only been three papers. It shouldn't be this bad. But perhaps the feeling of failure is just too much to handle, and the interaction with certain people hardly helps - when they're so flippant over these exams, which they don't think is important, and which they're not taking. Make or break. And I haven't really broken, yet. This will be the first, and I'm really not sure how I'll take it. Oh I won't go into severe depression or anything silly; life's too short for that. But I think, I might be very lost. And I hate being lost. But, it's not all about me, is it? And I've got to remember that.
In many ways, I think the fault lies entirely with me; for not being responsible and committed enough to study harder, to start earlier. But that's just not me, and studying for subjects not of your choice and sometimes, rather stupid, is hardly an incentive as well. And I suppose I shouldn't want something I don't take steps to work towards either, huh. Grades haven't mattered much to me for many years... and it seems no reason for it to matter now. But well, I've never had a grade requirement to meet before either I guess, except cut off points for jc or something.
I guess if everything doesn't go the way I hope it will, then perhaps it will be for the best too; although I believe that 'there is no such thing as destiny, only different choices' (when Jim Carrey said it in that voice; I had goosebumps), in some ways, I believe in fate, or whatever higher power exerting its influence on the world, because at some point, no matter how hard you try, human actions will prove futile.
Just like me to not be succinct and to the point, choosing instead to write such a verbose rant. Yet another sign of I feel, of my increasingly evident stupidity. Perhaps I don't belong in a scholar's program, after all, academia isn't really quite the thing for me. And it's alright, I'll get over it, after all, being a successful high-flyer is not something I strive for in life anyway. I'm a silly idealist believing in hope, freedom, love, etc etc and will probably always be.
I just wish I didn't have to put myself through this ordeal. But ah well I only say that, because no matter how much we complain, it's the experience of getting through it, together with your friends and perhaps even strangers who become friends, which makes people who they are. And we never admit it, but sometimes, we love what we hate.
But I'm not.
:4:49 PM: :sugah~plum
Still a little bit...
Okay this SUCKS. People are enjoying themselves at some cool hip hop party at DXO tonight and I'm... (sort of) studying at home. Booo. Haha and I skipped Union yesterday too! Sigh. Okay but well, I shall be good this time, and not - go dancing/watch a movie/do (too many) random stupid time-wasting things during exam week! Haha which totally explains why I'm blogging now, of course. But ok mark my words, I SHALL NOT blog more than umm, twice....? this week? Haha ok umm, nevermind.
And teehee, the sexy name thing is quite cute haha. Funny how levels of boredom and randomness shoots up astronomically during exam time. Sheesh. =p
Hmmm... just unearthed the whole bunch of random stuff I wrote when in some kind of vague cannot sleep and crazy kind of state... and omg I don't even remember writing some of it! Wth! Okay here's one hrmm; this one I sorta do remember though hahaha.
Tie a yellow ribbon,
was that what the song said?
Tie one for me please,
Around our bench,
Where we used to sit and
stare, at the smoke rings floating
in the air, from the people around us.
Oblivious amongst the clouds
Indulging in a decadence of our own,
Hands clasped together,
Tie one for me please,
So I know I'm not waiting in vain.
Eee please don't laugh :x haha okay nevermind laugh then laugh lah ohwell. Arghh ok back to TWC and T&A hatehatehate exams booo. I think, I shall go to Macs and get some horribly fattening junk food first haha finally starting to get hungry hrmm dinner time! :) and oh oh going to colour my hair tmr yay! (the day before TWO exams omg I'm mad =p) and I'm in love with music for the moment haha. Cannonball, and The Sharpest Lives. And Bemba Colora. And Descarga Lebron. Stuck in my head haha; the music keeps on playing, and I keep on dancing.
It's been such a long time.
:12:05 AM: :sugah~plum
The title says it all. I. Can't. Sleep. And, the best part is, I can't seem to force myself to do my stupid T&A essay, either. Perhaps I should skip the Finance review. Feeling abit emo and crappy now; it happens, late at night sometimes, especially when I read certain catalytic materials. And in these 2 (?) hours, I've somehow managed to write 4 poems. Woohoo. INSTEAD OF WRITING MY DAMN ESSAY. Seriously, I'll totally regret this in the morning. But well, I'll choose to believe that this catharsis thing really does work, and I'll wake up all bright and happy and ready for battle with the horrific T&A monster again.
Ugh, reading poems is not a good idea. It unleashes feelings, and memories, which have to go somewhere. Annddd obviously, it can't go into my essay, hah. Not posting any of those I wrote though; I'm not too fond of ridicule or a complete lack of reaction (due to horror or total apathy). Well nevermind, I think that those energies have been sufficiently channeled away, and so -
No more emo-ing. I shall get back to that darned essay, or, I shall go to sleep in the hope that I won't be too tired tomorrow to do said essay.
Or so she said.
:4:45 AM: :sugah~plum
Haha okay this is ridiculous... every post I make has some sort of whiny, angsty, school-related little section in it. And really, this post is no different. ARRGH I'm working on my T&A essay now and am SO frustrated :x but can't help it; it's due on Thursday :( and still have Finance report to do, I'm starting to wonder when on earth I'll have time to study. Probably not till after Friday oh DEAR. Screwed big time. Have FIVE exams somemore, compared to most people's 2 or 3. Sigh :( But then again, alot of it is my fault lah haha. I could've started earlier, but noooo, what do I do? I go dancing on Friday night, I watch 23 on Saturday night, sleep damn little and go to Sentosa the ENTIRE day, and go to Lex's house the whole of Sunday night, and end up - SLEEPING FOR 27 HOURS until Tuesday afternoon.
Wahahaha amazing lah seriously, I slept from Sunday night 7am to Monday afternoon 5pm, ate dinner and some flu medicine (I think I caught a cold from swimming and not drying properly and lack of sleep), and then promptly fell back asleep at 7pm, only awaking the next day at 12plus pm! Sleep until backache man. And slept the ENTIRE Monday away omg. So freaking amazing. But now, backload of workkkk to do.
Haha. Anywayyy. Sentosa on Sunday was brilliant - had breakfast with Chris and Meling at Coastes, after which we proceeded to lie down on mattressed deck chairs to try and get a tan. I ended up a rather toasty reddish-brown but not burnt I think, thankfully, and I think Chris was a pretty nice shade of brown too, but Meling unfortunately didn't get much of a tan. His assistant and Zaki came by for a bit too haha quite a fun and relaxing day - lying around alot and just basking in the sun is good stuff man haha. Went to visit Gupson who was chilling at Cafe Del Mar with some friends too, after swimming a little - oh gosh it's really quite a nice place man!
Of course I photowhored a little too, thus earning the name "beach bitch" by someone who was jealous coz I got to slack off at the beach =p

And yes, of course, couldn't resist taking a picture of myself too (hurhur if you look carefully you can see my arm and the camera in the reflection of my aviators :p)
Teehee. Oh crap lah I seriously should get back to my T&A essay if not I'll never leave school :x haha OKAY enough slacking off hahahaha back to work I go :( And shit lah they should let us justify our blog posts too hurhurhur looking at so many justified essays just brings out this ocd thing in me for nicer neater paragraphs! Eeeeeeeeks.
Must. not. think. too. much.
:10:38 PM: :sugah~plum