Warm and fuzzy inside, YAY! Okay I know blogging 3 times in one day is really quite ridiculous but shushhhhh I didn't blog at all the whole week okay! Teehee haven't gone drinking for quite a while and even though I've only had 2 shots of some cream vodka thingie and a pina colada, I'm quite pleased already. And the singer from E.I.C is pretty good too, yayyynesss! Nice musiccccc and the first time I went to Wala Walas! Haha I'm not a loser who was from fricking AC and never been to Walas before anymore! Yay to that too! :)
Okay I shall go pop an Actifed and go to sleep soon. Night all! :)
:12:11 AM: :sugah~plum
Stop yelling. Just stop the noise and the hurtful words. It seems as if their verbose exchange has left me instead, speechless, and never wanting to utter another word, at least for tonight.
:9:12 PM: :sugah~plum
Will you love me in the morning?
Okay Lance, I admit it; you have pretty good taste in music. There I said it. (And don't say 'but of course'... humility, remember!) I can't stop listening to this song now haha =p and Kings of Convenience has grown on me. But seriously, no way am I going to like Dim Sum Girl/Attack, El Robot!/Moskau okay. There are limits. :p
Such Great Heights - Iron & Wine
I am thinking it's a sign
That the freckles in our eyes
Are mirror images and
When we kiss they're perfectly aligned
And I have to speculate
That God himself did make us into
Corresponding shapes like puzzles pieces
From the clay
True, it may seem like a stretch
But it's thoughts like this
That catch my troubled head
When you're away, when I am missing you to death
When you were out there on the road
For several weeks of shows
And when you scan the radio
I hope this song will guide you home
They will see us waving from such great heights
"Come down now," they'll say
But everything looks perfect from far away
"Come down now," but we'll stay
I've tried my best to leave
This all on your machine
But the persistent beat
Sounded thin upon listening
That frankly will not fly
You will hear the shrillest highs
And lowest lows with the windows down
When this is guiding you home
They will see us waving from such great heights
"Come down now," they'll say
But everything looks perfect from far away
"Come down now," but we'll stay...
And I am okay now. It's been a quiet weekend, and I'm glad for finally being able to get some sleep; waking up at 7am and being out til nearly midnight almost every day does get draining. After trying 4 different methods/routes of getting to work this past week, I have concluded that - it is NOT possible to get there before 9am. Oh wait, except by cab, which costs, get this, a total of $16.60 to get from Maplewoods to Centennial Tower at 8plus am in the morning. Wth la seriously. About half an hour of crawling in traffic jams and $5.50 worth of ERP gantries. Heh. Bukit Timah is not as near town as everyone makes it out to be, really!
From my office window omg it was damn COOL hahaha and sorry la but it really did look like a tornado okay...

Picture is from my phone cam; stupid me didn't bring my camera, of all days. -_-
Hmmm okay I have nothing to do for the rest of the day; I think I shall go sleep (some more) or lie around with some dvds. Funny how you only ever really appreciate free time when you're busy. Like how we always crave to be free during term/exam time, only to find ourselves being too free and directionless in summer. People never change, really, do they?
And wah lau eh... I seriously seriously SERIOUSLY want to go ICE SKATING soon will someone please go with me pleasepleaseplease? :(
This indecision - part longing, part want, part debilitating fear, part hope. For the most part, uncertainty. Maybe people fall in love much more easily with an idea, a concept.
I am in love with the idea of you.
:3:51 PM: :sugah~plum
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind...
How could anyone possibly do it? I mean, I'm sure people consider it, and in a moment of anger and sadness, would say that they want to erase their memory of someone, but I fail to see how anyone could actually really want to erase part of their memory. I'm not typing quite coherently at the moment; got rather worked up by the show. I'm one of those people - who've said I think, at least a few times, that I want to erase some memories. Some things I'm terribly not proud of, and still wish vehemently I never did. But if you truly erase them, how do you know you won't do it again? How do you learn from a mistake which never existed?
It was so painful, watching Joel Barish's memories get erased one by one, and his powerlessness to stop it from happening. And then you think, can science really be that powerful over human emotions, the human consciousness? I mean true, somewhere deep in their sub-consciousness they both decided to go to Montauk on a 'whim' and met each other; is that then, the little part which retains a sub-conscious memory of the whole relationship, the whole experience? We'd all like to believe that the human brain has many depths which we don't understand, which can produce miracles previously unthought of. But is it really? They could have never met again. Their memories could have been lost to them both, forever and they'd never even know anything was wrong. As the optimist in me would like to believe, that wouldn't be possible - tampering with the course of nature would have undesirable results, and they'd know, somewhere deep inside, that something was wrong. You can erase the memory, but not the inclination, the inexplicable feeling of the moment.
And I'm rambling, I know. But I'm just a little shellshocked from the show. I'm just wondering how people can think that erasing memories and leaving a part of one's life blank is a good thing. The age old argument that ignorance is bliss? Well perhaps for some people, if they are originally that way, or if they truly choose to be. But ignorance, in some other ways, can just make people weak, lost, and well... perhaps in that case, empty, maybe.
Nevermind, I think I shall just go muse a little with these strange haphazard thoughts which I can't put very well into words and which I myself don't really understand. I only know I feel affected in some way, but how, I don't know.
Words are overrated, anyway.
:6:50 PM: :sugah~plum

Food from Conrad! The managing director took us to lunch the day after we moved office... I designed the ice cream waffle myself =D
Anyway, yet another excerpt from a random-trying-to-blog-but-no-time-to-post day... last Thursday night =p
Teeheee bought quite alot of stuff today, which my mum so kindly paid for, yay! After spending like $100plusplusplus on work clothes, my mum very nicely said I could buy stuff from Isetan during the private sale using her card, GLEE, JOY, DELIGHT. And I managed to find a decent amount of nice work things... yay I actually have stuff to wear to work now haha. Now to complete it, I just need a black pencil skirt and a black bag. And I will be done! Happy happy.
Watched 200 Pounds Beauty yesterday; love love loved it. I think that anyone who's ever felt fat and unattractive (honestly and truly), can identify very well with her pain. It's not that people are all superficial; it's that it's easier to be superficial, to go with what society thinks and just follow the majority. Once some people think you're ugly and unattractive, it's quite possible that many others would think so too. But yeah. Bottomline is - the world is a very superficial place, and being ugly sucks big time. And hurts.
Haha wah have seriously been too busy to blog properly; last Friday we moved office from Shaw Centre to Centennial Tower, so Thursday and Friday were super busy packing/unpacking and moving etc, and the weekend was a blur too, with work on Saturday, lots of going out, and Zouk flea market-ing on Sunday. Didn't manage to sell anything hahahah just to Da and her sis omg =p but bought quite a few nice stuff at great prices, yay :) I have to stop shopping -_- but erm, unfortunately, that's probably what I'm gonna do soon while waiting for people to dinner. Damn shack though been nursing a half-cold-thingie for the past 2 weeks plus and it doesn't seem to be going away. Made quite a few horrendeous mistakes in my excel sheets today and am absolutely mortified at myself, sigh. Yes anyway. The new office is very pretty :) the view is like !!!!! Magnificant is probably the word. Well I can't quite show it in pictures because you need to be here, and looking through all the windows, not just the view from one window a picture can take.... so... but well I shall finally post some pictures today. Those from Boon's birthday and the Nightlife party have to wait though haha... or maybe I should just give up since they're all on Da's blog already =p

Okay la more other pictures and what not next time... I shall leave office now and shop; saw quite a few things nearby on sale HURHUR. And I shall end off with two obscure thoughts which have struck me over the weekend -
I think I'll never learn.
Sometimes, I wonder if she says things like that on purpose.
Okay toodles!
:6:38 PM: :sugah~plum
Working girl.
Wow. SHACK. Haven't had time to blog, because I've been working my days away and dancing nearly all my nights away at dance practice for the uhm, Nightlife.sg party which happened last night at Powerhouse. So yes, if you can imagine, I've been busy, and tired. And my left knee is showing signs of bad strain; happily walking along and it'll suddenly crumple inwards occasionally, causing me to stumble a little. But hmm well it should be better now that I'm not stressing it so much; though, wearing heels everyday is kinda -_- too. Like I said quite a few times, my dear havies miss me.
I haven't even had time to watch the latest episode of Heroes lah. Wth haha that's how bad it was, considering I'm a heroes junkie who attacks the newest episodes once they come out (or watch almost all 16 available ones at a go when I first started watching it), hah. Heroeeeeeeeess here I come - I think I shall watch it now before anyone discovers I haven't watched it and tries to spoil the plot for me. I HATE THAT!
And okay insert a little exerpt I wrote briefly at work -
Haha omg I'm actually working in a 9 to 6 desk job now, who would've thought. I feel the slightest bit like I'm back in school again, doing projects and stuff, haha. But then well it's too early to draw conclusions, it's merely my second day of work. The thing is though, I could barely get up this morning - after sleeping little the night before last (cannot adjust to sleeping early and waking up early yet erps), and then going for double prac after work yesterday and not sleeping particularly early either last night. I wonder how people do it on a daily basis lah seriously. And how those who do it without coffee manage it, is totally beyond me. As it is I'm starting to catch a cold already; time for thicker jackets!
Haha actually I have a couple of pictures to put up, but maybe next time. Mothers' day dinner tonight,so have to go off and get ready etc soon.
Crystal is back from Korea, yay! :)
"And we realize, that the true dream, is being able to dream, at all."
:3:56 PM: :sugah~plum
What do you do, when a little dance takes place inside, a ghost of a whisper telling you to do something, and another telling you not to? How do you make the decision, and do you ever know if it's the right one? Maybe it is - maybe the action saved you endless amounts of pain and hurt; or maybe it's the single most important thing that you were supposed to do in your insignificant, short little life. But regardless, once the decision is made, the moment is forever gone, and there is no changing what happened. That chance is lost. This is not to say that there will not be other opportunities, but not everyone is so lucky.
Just jump? In the past, I would have. Without even a shadow of doubt. Not till after, anyway. But now, the insidious fear and doubt creep in, in time to draw things to a screeching halt. Once (or in this case, many) times bitten, twice shy, I suppose. And losing, slowly but surely, the fearless and reckless naivety of youth, which believes that there are no real repercussions, or that the consequences can always be dealt with. Being shown, far too often, that that's never really the case. I'm learning, as I go along, I think.
Being scared (and confused) really kinda sucks.
But I guess that beats getting hurt, huh?
:5:29 AM: :sugah~plum
After I watched it, I wondered, why did they split up?!, aren't movies supposed to give you hope? Then I thought about it, and realised that actually, it did. Even though I REALLY wished they'd stay together, I guess it made sense for them to part, if just for now. Damn la I suppose I am still kinda idealistic about love, a little - I still believe that if they really tried, they could do it. Or that after some time when he's had the chance to discover the world and live, and get enough of freedom and finding himself, he'll return and maybe she wouldn't have met someone else and started a family yet. But realistically, I'm really not so sure about that. But yeah. Nice movie anyway, it was really sweet. They make a really sweet couple.
"Why don't you call him then?"
Induced waterworks at the end, but mostly just smiles. Next on the list - Memento, and more Grey's.
Oh oh also watched the new episodes of Heroes... freaking AWESOMEEEEEE. Peter Petrelli looks so frigging cool in the future lah. Like powers damn zai and looking badass in his all black outfit and everything, woot! AND I just discovered that he's actually Jess from Gilmore Girls!!!!! I remember thinking that Jess was how frigging cool last time la looonnnggg ago back when Gilmore Girls was my favourite show. And kinda cute. And super SUPER cute with Rory. Omg lah. And they were dating in real life somemore SO CUTE right. He's changed quite a bit though that's why didn't recognise him at all. He grew up! So cute. Looking at him with different eyes now though.... Jess. Swoon.
And, will likely be starting my internship at Adval next week, pending approval from OCS. (Thank you Mark, for recommending the job!) So if anyone works or is interning around Orchard, or after 18th May, at Suntec, please do find me for lunch/dinner! :)
Hmmm and damn, despite me saying that I'm not going to watch Spiderman 3, I think I'm gonna end up watching it in the end la anyway. Oh WELL. Why la seriously, WHY am I watching it, considering I'm not very sure I'll enjoy it. But ah well my slack days are about to come to an end; I guess going out a bit more before that wouldn't hurt!
And my bruise is getting worse - it's purple, yellow AND green now. It better not, as Jared says, become a permanent birthmark!! :(
:1:46 AM: :sugah~plum