Summer is drawing to an end.
Hmm. School is drawing near (in about a month's time), and the bidding frenzy this week has only served to remind us of that. I'm half relieved, half dreading it - on one hand, work has been pretty fun and interesting, on the other, I'm happy that I won't have to wake up before 8am 5 days a week and do stuff which is sometimes boring/unchallenging/freaking annoying. (The last one refers to cold calling, which I am now sure I don't really want to do in the future). Also, even though I think it has been a good experience - I actually saw the inner workings of a company and how things function - I don't really think I will be going into this line in the future. Though, I can't be sure, because it has been really interesting for some parts. I think ideally, it would be great to be able to try a whole lot of different jobs la. I can see how boredom sets in when you're stuck in a rut.
Basically I think this working thing (and other people's working issues/experiences/stories too) have got me thinking. Adult life really isn't as shiny and fun as it seems to be to young kids in their pathetically sheltered school life, huh? I think I'm slowly starting to get it.
But well, no need to get all jaded yet. That can wait til next summer, after my NEW YORK TRIP (YAY I CANNOT WAIT). Haha. I think I will try and intern again - bumming around all summer last year was fun, but er, kind of a waste of time really. But next year, I am definitely NOT interning the WHOLE summer -_- there really isn't much left of my school life and I am going to try and enjoy the little that's left.
And urghh... Fat, and now lumpy. Yes yes, I know; I really ought to exercise :/
...I see I've learnt how to let criticism not cut so deep...
First time ever since I started working that I actually went home for dinner after work. Doesn't feel too bad after all. And I think I might actually sleep early tonight. Haha. But first, I shall go watch some... (I don't believe I'm saying this)... Bleach. Hrm.
"He always asks me why I still stay with Pa, even though he hits me. I told him, when you grow up and love someone, you will understand; that a single moment or act of sacrifice, makes it all enough, and worth it in the end."
:9:31 PM: :sugah~plum
Salsa SuperNova.

Thanks everyone, who came to support and all :)
Saturday was Salsa SuperNova; part of this Tanjong Pagar GRC event thingie at Civic Plaza outside Taka, where one of the items was a salsa competition and some performances. Before that, there was a cosplay competition (omg) and other random stuff. Seemed super family-day-ish man, the whole event. And it was super freaking hot! Sweated like mad yesterday haha. But err ok let's not go there. Plus I probably scandalized tons of kids/Lee Kuan Yew/random ministers/old people etc in that revealing red dress/green outfit too haha.
Ahahaha. Jared the nerd =p aahh and now I have this huge screaming red blister on my foot because of the new shoes I have been trying to break in for that event.... booo. Oh and I've decided that I like my puff!... well, puff-like thing, teehee.
Oh oh and and and... I watched Transformers today; it's damn awesome!!! It's much better than I expected it to me la WAHHHHH! Am suitably impressed... the action/graphics/animation etc are DAMN COOOLLLLLLL!!!!! And somemore the girl is DAMN CHIO/HOT. Wah. It's got my vote =D
Oops. Addicted to this ilike game Crystal introduced to me that is damn fun hahaha. Ought to go to sleep, have work tomorrow. Haha okay shall try to stop ilike-ing and sleeeep. Found some nice songs I wanna get now though, hmm. Ok night!
:1:15 AM: :sugah~plum
Oliver and Luda!!! :D

Wah omg they are how cool haha.... well performance-wise at least; and her body is SOOOO hot!! Jealous hahaha. And Nestor and Lidia - he's damn fun to dance with, and she is SOOOOO pretty! Haha super salsa high :) Even though I didn't get to dance salsa with Oliver; ah well just watching that freaking fantastic choreo and performance to Snowboy's 42nd and Broadway was just WOOT! Swoon.
And err.... note: this post is seriously outdated haha; I wrote most of this on Saturday/Sunday yah.
And I've got a whole bunch of pictures from today (Sat) and Marmalade Pantry/Scarlett Hotel on Tuesday, but I'm kinda too tired to collage it, so will probably post it as it is la. Hmm funny; I drafted out a rather angsty-ish post a day or two back, but probably won't put it up anymore haha. And although my shoe broke, and the soles of my feet are like grossly disfigured and I missed 3/4 of Luda's ladies styling workshop today, I am happy.
It's already 6am and I am very tired. But hmmm shall try to post up the pictures I mean, but well it's already Sunday night, midnight, and I am still not done. SERIOUSLY wished I went to Upperclub for the party tonight as well but ah well I think I'm getting old lah Sunday nights are my only stay home nights; wanted to relax abit. But hearing about the party and performances just makes me itch to have gone haha. Ah well too late :p
Anyway, here are some peektures :)

Upperclub -

*Update: Waaaaaaahhh I just saw the video of Nestor and Lidia's performance.... AWESOME!!! (Mon)
Okay yay I've finally got this post out - have to go sleep now; feet are screaming in pain due to the stupid new shoes, and knees are, well, as bad as ever. Damn damn damn tired/sleepy/lack sleep etc this week is going to be killer. The reason for this - Salsa SuperNova at Taka Civic Plaza this Saturday around 5.30pm onwards I think. I'm competing, and probably gonna perform too, do come and support if yall are free! :)
Sometimes I wonder if I do things like that on purpose just to be dramatic. An actor in my own world, in a play which will never be seen. Or maybe it's real, and I really do feel like that. But I can't really say, for sure. (last Thurs)
:2:32 AM: :sugah~plum
Damnit this is really annoying; I've been trying to blog since Saturday night but pictures refuse to load/I fall asleep/etc. Bah... the post shall be up tonight - if I don't fall asleep at my computer again. Haha okbacktoworkzzz.
:12:14 PM: :sugah~plum