As the years pass, some realizations occur to me at unexpected times. This is one of them. I've realised that, age does not necessarily make one wiser, mellower, or more understanding, but sometimes increases temper and stubborness, especially. And from these older people who've already lived their lives to a fairly large extent, experienced the vitality of youth, and for some, enjoyed the prime of their lives - we can learn. We'd be stupid if we didn't. They don't have it easy; they have had to pave the path for the young ones, and to be the strength we rely on in times of need. But they are not infallible, and they do not always do the right thing. Perhaps they have made mistakes in the past, and are still paying for it now.
I am not going to make the same mistakes. I will not.
But I guess each generation learns a little from the previous, and passes a little on to the next, and somehow, maybe the world will eventually become just that little bit less screwed up.
But to be honest, I'm a little scared of this too...

But well... I guess I just got to try a little harder and to not get irritated by all the annoying things, not to complain so much, and just deal with it, really. And to make a little more of an effort. After all, I'm already really quite lucky.
Ah well.
And hmm there haven't been photos up for a while because my camera is kind of spoilt, boohoo. Have to get around to fixing it. But somehow, there are a lot of things which need to be done, yet I haven't done them. Really should stop watching so much anime. Have discovered that Naruto is freaking hilarious though haha. Yes, yes I know I'm gross, etc etc. Haha. Sigh okay, have to stop dawdling (and scrabbing :/) and get around to doing some work, finally!
:11:58 PM: :sugah~plum
The past two weeks have been unbelievably hard, and I guess it was so much so such that I couldn't even blog about it - words cannot really describe the confusion and pain I have caused, and felt. My eyes hurt, and my heart is aching, but at least I probably won't spend half the night tossing and turning, with various scenarios running through my head over and over again. And something had to be done, some way or another. I just hope this is for the best... and I have to believe in it.
And as for that test tomorrow... better luck next time, I guess.
:10:48 PM: :sugah~plum
I'm a little sad, and confused right now. I think, I'm making things difficult, and I'm making it all worse. And now, the trouble is, I'm starting to think its because I just need someone to be there, too badly. And it's not fair to demand that from anyone. Perhaps I'm the one who's going to end up alone in the end; because no one would want or even can, give me the kind of devotion or love I can and want to give. And perhaps this is pure selfishness, but I won't always be happy being the only one who wants to give, for long. I don't expect, I never do, I just sit silently and wait, and hope, as always. But hoping gets old, fast - I suppose I was never very patient. But then again, no, I have been. When I wasn't given false hopes or... well, when there are no other complications. That one particular thing, always messes me all up. I'm... not really sure what I mean already, actually. And I fell asleep so hmm... everything seems alright again.
But really, I think all I needed was just a little comforting and reassuring, as usual. But I guess, even that's hard to get; especially from the people you want it from.
:3:19 AM: :sugah~plum