I'm back!
Pictures and updates soon; still in the process of uploading the 700 odd photos (I think?) which I took. I <3 NY.
:4:42 PM: :sugah~plum
Hmm, I had a nice long post typed out but somehow blogger didn't manage to save it. Anyway, what I have done so far in this wonderful, wonderful city:
- went to an indie rock concert in a warehousey place in Brooklyn
- saw Beyonce shopping at Macy's (!!!)
- fell DAMN sick until no voice/sound like a man
- stuffed myself silly
- shopped myself silly (omg the shopping here is NO JOKE)
- walked my feet to its death
- be the only person in NYC to walk around in slippers in winter (cold vs. excruciating pain, I take cold)
- navigated the subway on my own
- gave correct directions to a local/tourist :p
- did some sightseeing
- salsa-ed with some pretty good dancers
and many other things, but I don't want to ramble. It's been mad fun, but also quite tiring - the company visits, walking, and trying to think of intellectual things to ask/say.
And I took SOOOOOOOOO many pictures haha just no time to upload. Will take some time to do that in a bit, yay so fun.
Also cracked open a fortune cookie a few days ago in a chinese restaurant. This is what it said:
"Avoid the opposite sex at all costs. Yeah, right!"
Geez, a sarcastic fortune cookie =p okays I shall have to go to sleep now; been sleeping super alot for the past 2 days, but trying hard to recover so I can do stuff properly.
Hope everyone's having a good holiday too!
:3:08 AM: :sugah~plum
Thoughts of the Week.
In our own stories, we're always the main character. The lives of others revolve around us, about how we feel about them, and about what is happening. When these stories are portrayed, in mediums like movies and books, the main character almost always lives, while the rest are expendable, their deaths not mattering, at least, not as much. But what about the people whose stories never get told? Is it because they never had a chance to tell it, or is it because we found them too mundane, too normal and unexciting, and unworthy of tale? We seem to exult only the stories which are beyond the normal, tales of courage, hope, aspirations, and overcoming the odds. Of magic, of wonder, and beauty.
But what about the people, whose stories are never told?
On the bus
On Monday night, I encountered a young couple, kissing on the bus. Normally, I would've just smiled and looked away/ignore the ache in my heart, smile, and look away, but yesterday, I wondered. Because there was something a little different this time. They were so... young. I would've guessed about 16 or 17, maybe. The difference is only 4, or 5 years. But the feel of it... the occasional things I heard them talking about, the way they held each other, and the way they laughed and kissed. It was like they had no other care in the world, and like they didn't care what anyone thought about them, two girls, just standing there in the middle of the bus.
Personal Legends
Read The Alchemist this week, and it made me think. I define good books by - if they are so engaging and gripping that I cannot put it down, if they make me think about the many truths and lies in life, and if they are able to make me feel. In this case, this could be considered a fairly good book. In the least, it offered hope and inspiration to a person like me, who has as yet not found a true calling in life, and that the secret to success is to fall eight times and get up seven times.
New Camera!
I also bought a new camera during the last weekend :):):) It wasn't exactly my dream camera or anything, but it's new and shiny and takes decent pictures, so YAY! Here are some shots from over the week, including the one above. Teehee.

Okay... that's probably going to be the last update in a while. Flying to New York tonight!!! So exciting. But I'll be bringing my laptop, so won't be completely out of touch =p have a good december break everyoneeee... heart!
:10:57 AM: :sugah~plum