Sitting in bed nursing frozen/stiff/creaky/downright painful shoulders, which are currently baking in layers of deep heat. Actually went for a proper Balinese massage, but didn't help the shoulders that much though. Ahhh, such heat is good.
For some strange reason, after not going clubbing for maybe like an entire year or something, I've gone like 4 times in the past month. During like Week 8 to Week 13. One wonders where I find the time. I think I take secret delight in being able to juggle everything, albeit usually at the expense of sleep and health. But am actually am beginning to like it (clubbing) again; if I can find anyone to go with me, perhaps I shall go to Zouk during Week 14/15 (while the rest of my school is having exams, hurhur).
Really really tired/sleepy now though; been lacking sleep because of school mostly, and to a very small extent, my newly rediscovered hobby. But nah I highly doubt it's going to become a habit la. I am likely to get bored again soon. Unless I happen to meet more interesting people.
Alright back to work. Just... 4 more days and HELL WILL BE OVER. Can't wait. Peace out.
:1:01 AM: :sugah~plum
Boo I'm still in school and it is now midnightttt. Hate hate Week 12 and 13 - next week is sure to be HELL - 3 presentations and 4 reports due. Woohoo. But ok yes FINE I have no exams so I will be free after the hell that is to come, but still. NOT looking forward to it. Sigh.
Anyway. I recently conducted an informal 'survey' on my MSN nick, and here are some of the results.
You know you’ve had a good kiss when…?
• You want another one the second it’s over.
• It’s not too sloppy; it’s a bit minty, with not too much tongue, and happening in the right place at the right time.
• You wanted to kick him in the balls in the first place but after the kiss you were swooning.
• It makes you smile for a long time afterwards.
• There’s a right amount of tongue, and when the boy holds you right too :)
• You never want to stop; okay, for the next few hours, anyway.
• I don’t contract anything from it. (!?!?!?!?! okay what the hell seriously :P)
• It makes your world disappear.
• It makes you breathless and wanting more.
• Your partner refuses to let you go.
• It depends on the amount of alcohol in your blood!
• … Everything after that kiss, is that kiss. :)
Ok la not that exciting I guess, but just a question posed for the fun of it. Yawn. Time to go home and sleep. Mehhs.
:12:23 AM: :sugah~plum
It was the first time I lost my temper at someone this way.
And it was the first time I said no to a particular someone.
So why do I feel so horrible?
:12:35 PM: :sugah~plum
Grah I hate it when I forget passwords. Especially now that I've forgotten my IB password and am unable to buy stuff online; very sad. And the thing about these secure stuff is that you have to fill out a form and go to the bank and press thumbprint etc kind omg damn troublesome la. Sian. Maybe it's a sign or something haha. Though, OF ALL TIMES, when I really really want to get something. Bah.
And I love my new 4-inch Aldo stilettos. Except that it's proving difficult to dance in. Also, I think I should totally stay off alcohol for a while. After the puke fest last weekend, even a little bit (eh 1.5/2 glasses?) is enough to make me feel queasy and gross. I suck. I also ache quite a bit from a short half an hour session at the gym today haha ok I REALLY suck. Ah well, I've always believed that aching makes you feel alive/like you've been doing something constructive so it's okay, I guess.
I've also had this recent whim to cut my hair really short like Ellen Page's in The Tracey Fragments. There's this picture where her hair is really nice -

Okay seriously, I love it.
Haha also wanted to pierce my upper ear ok whatever you call it, for quite a while, but never got around to doing it. Scared pain haha. And maybe extend my tattoo.
Yup I guess these are just a few random thoughts about how life is going for me. Oh yes, need to find internship soon too. Ok time to sleep properly I guess; cheers folks.
I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else, but you.
:6:43 AM: :sugah~plum