New hair!
Uhh, new haircut, I mean.

In a dress I was trying on and really, really, REALLY wanted to buy but ahh. Not really the type to impulsively blow alot of money on random expensive stuff. Boohoo. But it's nice right! No more of the colour and size I want though :(
Yah but anyway my hair quite long right.
And whee chopped it off :P not quite sure why I'm happy about it but somehow it feels good to have a bit of change.
I'm kinda lazy to blog today and want to go back to sleep (I've been awake since 7am, and STILL coughing bah), so the entry will end here. Haha.
:12:04 PM: :sugah~plum
The accuracy of death.
Do we ever know when its the right time to live or to die?
In the movie, Accuracy of Death, Takeshi Kaneshiro does. Or at least, he gets to decide whether one lives or dies. The movie is surprisingly good - Takeshi is uber cute, and his childlike innocence and wonder at everyday, normal human things, is terribly endearing. The stories also draw you in, and you watch and wonder, what the judgement will be. Life, in its intangible and tangible essence, is also portrayed here. I like it.
Have yet to see Harold and Kumar yet though, and REALLY looking forward to catching Sex and the City. Now I just have to find people who are equally enthusiastic about it to watch it with me hahaha. Or, even though I never watch movies alone, I may make an exception this time... because SATC for me, is kind of like a private love affair, where many hours of my life were spent glued to the telly watching their lives unfold. Yes, I'm a TV junkie, I admit. Or at least, I used to be, when I had the time. I'm sure a lot of people feel this way too about this series - that they can really identify with the characters, that they feel like they're almost friends with the girls, that they would love to have lives like that. But oh whatever, humour me, and let me indulge in this little fantasy.
And - my Facebook profile has something amusing on it - I have 888 pictures and 333 friends. What's up with these repeating numbers?! I ought to buy 4D, or something.
Heh. Been going out a tad too much for my liking - think I should try to go home from work at least once a week or every 2 weeks for dinner and to rest. At the rate I'm going... (I fell asleep at a park pench the other night after dinner, and I wasn't even alone, go me) sheesh. Yes ok and in my standard blog post style, I shall post some food pictures now :)
Having different tapas to eat is actually rather nice and a bit more exciting than having a main sometimes haha. Yay. All these were from Cork Cellar Kitchen by the Marmalade Group. Noms.
Also discovered a freaking nice dish from Sushi Tei - the salmon and hotate paper hot pot... omg the soup is seriously damn fabulous. And it's quite reasonably priced too... cheaper than the one at Sakae, I think. DAMN NICE CAN.
Hehe. Ok ok enough. I actually have more, but enough now =p
T'was a pretty good week. Ended it off yesterday night with a bang by getting really kinda smashed at Butterfactory (again), resulting in my world spinning, me stumbling around, and my first time throwing up in public. Not the most glam of moments, I must say. But overstepped my limit without realising it lah so... yes. Staying away from alcohol for a while... Puking is really NOT pleasant.
But yes well, this phase will pass. I guess over the past few weeks, I've felt like I needed to have fun. After working the whole week away, staying at home alone to stone the weekend away just doesn't seem to cut it. A hurt, when suffered, also needs to be mended, and not doing anything just won't help at all.
Alright time to take a nap before heading off to Union... night! :)
:8:43 PM: :sugah~plum

It was pretty exciting - when you see a DJ jumping all over the place with endless energy, playing resonating, bouncy beats, armed with a bottle of hard liquor and headphones, fanned by an adoring, effusive crowd - you just can't help but get drawn into the atmosphere as well. Yes, I'm talking about Steve Aoki. And of course, if you're tanked up on alcohol too, practically anything is interesting, exciting and cool.
Alright, that was before the alcohol hit, yeah.
Strange enough, even though I am the photowhore that I am, I didn't bring a camera. Neither did I for Butter the night before. Haha. Think I've decided getting high is more fun than taking pictures, hurhur. But anyway here are a few pictures I found somewhere, they're all from here.

Whee. Somehow, working all week long just makes me appreciate the weekend all that much more. Haha.
Yes ok on to more... non-alcohol and partying related stuff.
So yepps I think I mentioned that my office had a social outing to watch Broadway Beng. It really was quite funny - the jokes were kinda lame, and I didn't understand half of it because it was in Hokkien, but they were nevertheless very Singaporean, and yes, I do identify and think it amusing.
Also, our dear Sam, a very cute and bubbly girl, also somehow managed to organize like half of the company to wear white and denim to work on casual friday. We looked rather hilarious while loitering in the reception area waiting to take a photo - even stunned a hapless person from a sister company who walked past, haha.
Also met up with the AC class; haven't done that in quite a while haha.
Yay our pretty strawberry sundae from Azabu Sabo, mmmmm.
Haha I really shouldn't clump all my postings together into a massively long one, like I always do. Tsk. But okay just one last group of pictures - met up with Lance and had dinner at Brotzeit. NOMNOMNOM I tell you.
Also, sausageeeessss. Heehee. I have a more obscene looking picture, but you can do without it. I might post it on Facebook eventually anyway hahaha.
Ok lah the rest of the pictures from the week will probably be posted on Facebook anyway. Such a useful program man, FB. Ah well. It was a pretty good week, all in all. Okies movieing soon and (pretending/attempting to) cable-board on Monday again. Seeeyaaaaas! :D
:4:12 PM: :sugah~plum
Oh my goodness. I have found a type of alcohol, which does not make me puke. Or at least, a particular drink or something. And I can now get preeeettty high without throwing up. DAMN HAPPY. It's not that I always get drunk and throw up; quite the contrary - for the past 8 years its like quite a lot of stuff I drink, yes even like really little, I will usually get queasy or throw up. Without getting high. Quite a sad life haha but hey, evidently it's not so bad now, whee :D
Haha okay sorry. I know it's a bit silly to be so happy over alcohol. HAHA.
But anyway have to go out and uh, give out free alcohol to unsuspecting grocery shoppers. So I will post pictures from our office group outing and some other random pictures soon. Finally have a nice long weekend to relax, and kill my arms with trying to stand up on a cable ski again. Haha.
Cheers everyone have a good weekend! :)
:3:23 PM: :sugah~plum
Wow. I've been wanting to post since Tuesday, but keep falling asleep before I can do anything. Been quite tired; sleeping at 1plus everyday and waking up at 6plus. Can't wait for the weekend to come around, aaaah.
The job's not too bad though, I think I might go into PR after all. We'll see. Also been taking time to catch up with people I hadn't seen in a while, lunching and dinnering, etc. Discovered some nice yummy food along the way too, so even better haha!
Also found out what a friend's initial impression of me was, which was really quite amusing.
Ok shall include what I tried to post on Tuesday night:
Somehow, after the initial storm of intense pain, I'm mostly just a little sad and numb now, and life goes on. But it's really not so bad... yet. And no matter what, life goes on. Every experience just teaches you something new, or at least, reminds you to do certain important things to ensure a happy, healthy life. And one thing I've recently forgotten to do, is to not let my guard down too easily.
It's just a pity, because I actually had faith this time. It's not easy for me to have tangible hope for things to be good, because many things have convinced me otherwise - that it's infinitely difficult for me to... find certain somethings and truly be happy. But I thought... there was a chance. But somehow, I usually manage to screw up my chances quite royally.
We'll see.
Ohwell. Things happen. But it just feels a bit like one blow after another. Anywayyyyy. Have too many things to do at work to distract me from all these... things. Haha. The people are all quite nice and funny. And hmm also have to get around to comparing air ticket prices soon, for exchange. But why the fuel surcharge go uppppp sian.
Hehe ok I FINALLY have time to post this. It's Friday evening and I've finished my work and practically everyone has left.
But yay, union tonight and then SLEEP the whole weekend away. Except for beer promoting. Hmmm. But yay! TGIFFFFFFF!
:6:51 PM: :sugah~plum
Not only men, but friends can break your heart as well.
And mine is now, frankly, quite broken. Somewhere, somehow, I must have hit the tipping point, and ended up pushing away people I hold very dear to me, and I don't know what to do. Not only that, I've also hurt alot of other people, who never deserve to be hurt, especially not by a selfish idiot like me. It's a wonder I've got any friends left.
Yes, I make my choices. And evidently I've made some really bad choices in the past. I feel like I'm always choosing the harder path... if I had made some different choices I'd have no lack of friends and company, and someone to really love me, right now. But I didn't choose that. Strange, huh? And now instead, I find my friends disappearing, one by one.
Perhaps I've never really made enough of an effort to maintain these relationships. Perhaps. I don't know, anymore. Or maybe I've just been given up on because of my ridiculously irrational choices.
I guess I somewhat used to think of my close friends as a sort of a SATC group; that they'd stick by me no matter what sort of idiotic decisions I make, and I'd do the same for them. There are some people I want to be friends with for life, and feeling that this might not happen, kind of hurts really badly.
I think I'll go and curl up in a ball and mope now.
But in any case... life goes on, I guess. I just wish it didn't have to be this way... but I guess, we can't always get what we wish for. Perhaps it's one or the other... The theory of equivalent trade maybe? We must sacrifice something to get something back in return? Because I finally seem to be close to having something which I've wished for for a long time... but other things are slipping from my grasp.
That's life, I suppose.
:11:31 PM: :sugah~plum