Oh dear. This saved post was from LAST WEEKEND. Meaning, last, last Saturday. -_- Comments in italics! Haha.
Meh. You know you're done for when you wake up in a panic on Saturday morning at 7am panicking "I'm late, I'm gonna be late for work!!"... and then you realise, it's SATURDAY. I don't think I've ever been more thankful for Fridays before working; now I truly understand the idea of TGIF.
Looking forward to The Dark Knight. Watched it; it's great! But don't think I managed to catch every bit of it. And plus, I dislike it when shows are overhyped and you end up expecting things. Heath Ledger really WAS good though, I have to agree. Such a fun role to play!
And here's what I've been trying to post for the last week, but had no time to. Basically just a lot of rambling, really.
Y'know, the funny thing is, I think what people think they want is sometimes really not what they want after all. We think we want it, but maybe we don't. Not that much, anyway. But I kind of haven't, so I wouldn't know if this theory is correct. Or maybe I'm getting this idea, because whenever people are close to getting what they think they want, they push it away because 1) they're scared of actually getting it, and/or 2) misguided about what they want.
And life likes to dangle carrots. But of course, just when they are almost in reach, it is taken away, almost like a taunt. And people still wonder why some people are so cynical and walled up. I've had it up to here with emotions. They really are kind of useless, aren't they. Just... not going to be coaxed out of cynicism by hope once again. I can already sense the idealist buried deep inside disintegrating with every blow from life. I don't think I want it to die, yet.
But I think I've kind of finally figured out one of the underlying problems to my problems.
And, contrary to popular belief, cabs do NOT exist in Singapore, especially when you need one. On Sunday night, there were no cabs to be seen on the road, with the cab queue snaking round and round the red barriers. I was also put on hold by Comfort and Citycab for nearly 10 minutes I think. Tried calling at least 5 times. I think it's an issue of imbalanced suppy and demand. Sometimes there's way too high a passenger volume for them to cope, and sometimes there are absolutely no passengers and super a lot of cabs. There's something weird about this. And well, I have to remember to consider that I can't always get a cab even if I call to book, nowadays. Or risk ending up late all the time, haha. Of course, this is just an isolated incident and perhaps it's not a sign of a public transport problem. But when your job is to read the newspapers every day, you kind of know that you're not alone in facing these problems. And people still wonder why a significant number of people still prefer to drive.
And gawd, I hate to say all this, because I sound like a fricking Singaporean hahaha. Every damn thing also want to complain. But the thing is, these things are all true. Okay end of rant.
More food for thought -

Great. I really have been too busy to blog. This past weekend has also been a flurry of parties and events... Beatnik/Traffic Jam/Playeur Ink... more on those later. Haha. Over and out.
:11:56 PM: :sugah~plum
The last two and a half weeks.
In pictures -

Malaysia was a good break. Was really looking foward to some sun, sand and sea (or pool), to relax and bake in, and to throw my troubles from work and life away. And of course, a great chance to catch up with my dear girls, who were away in LA and Bangkok in late May/early June. As for the salsa, I'd been feeling a little rusty and uninspired, but I had SUCH great dances at the ADS Summer Splash and the MSF that I felt... invigorated. But well, we'll see, a few more weeks here and the inspiration may just go away.
My colleagues are great fun too. More alcohol was consumed at Dragonfly, and fun pictures taken. Moved over to Zouk for the Very Plus 1 party and felt DAMN weird being there. Did enjoy the totally hilarious blind date staged game though, where a girl's answer to "What would you do for him on the first date?", was, "A 2 hour long blowjob". Not surprisingly, she won :P but fair enough, she gave other good answers too haha. Was entertaining.
I seem to be rather restless now though. Nothing in particular to look forward to or strive towards in the near future.
And I was in a rather foul mood this morning. For no reason. Stormed into office and then sullenly sat at my desk. Not quite sure what triggered it. And it's difficult for me to be angry at people, so it's far easier to just take it out on objects instead. Sigh. I seem to be having two weeks worth of PMS today. Supremely annoying, that. But well... the crankiness kicked in on Monday already, so I guess, just not a good week.
But at least there's something to look forward to at the end of the next 7 weeks - Europe.
Planning and preparation has begun, and the reality of it happening is drawing near. Unfortunately, there is still a whole mountain of logistics left to settle, and interning has kind of left me with little spare time to do them. Well granted, I could just play less, but well. I will do it eventually. I'm excited at the prospect of exploration, new places, and freedom (somewhat), but somewhat apprehensive about it too - living alone in a foreign land for so long - the missing of people and the worry that I will be forgotten. But well, it's probably like that for most people, and this is an experience I do not want to miss out on. It's madly expensive though, and I'm supposed to be saving up for it (and somewhat failing to, actually).
Ah well. I'm also somewhat impeded from making proper long term plans until exchange is over. But heck, it will (hopefully) be the experience of a lifetime.
Oh oh Da, Lance and Gaston are going to New York tomorrow! For the BSM (which I went for last December). My cousin too haha. So excited for them! Gonna miss them though, boo!
:6:30 PM: :sugah~plum