Whoa, it's been a while since I last posted. Seems like a long time ago that I was in that dark basement in Casablanca. But since then, been to a few exciting places and done some stuff. The trouble is, been kinda sick since I've reached Grenoble, which kinda sucks! Gastric flu, then now, flu. Ugh. The weather is turning cold, and we came back from Nice really underdressed, so that might explain the flu. Haha.
Grenoble is pretty - a small cosy little town surrounded by mountains and fresh air. The view from my room up here on one of these mountains is rather nice; the only problem is getting up and down when there is no bus (I refuse to call it a hill because it's not one).
Check out the view from my window and from the corridor windows respectively!
And also, photowhoring with the view, hah.
We've also tried to cook some stuff...
Instant tom yam rice noodles with prawns, french beans, carrots, tomatoes and mushrooms!
And today, I'm proud to say that we managed to cook a nice proper meal from scratch :D
And in case you can't tell what it is, it's stir fried beef with spring onions and red pepper, tomato mushroom and onion omelette, and rice! Yay. Was fun and yummy hahaha shall try some other stuff soon! :D
Haha. It's quite interesting, doing everything on your own. Just did my own laundry for the first time tonight as well. Though it's probably interesting only because it's only the start of my second week here, HAH. Being sniffly really is a pain though. But me being me, somehow I'm just not deterred from gallivanting anyway. Haha but I did stay home most of today to rest! And the temperature is about 9 degrees now.... it's getting COLD!
Ah well. I guess that's all for now. Have a lot more to tell and pictures from travelling and all, but I think I'll save that for another time. School bright and early tomorrow morning and I have to catch the early bus down or face walking down a mountain.