I am going to miss Europe.
It's less than a month left, of my time here!
Sigh :( Been too busy with projects and travelling etc to blog, but it's basically been and still is a blast here. The UK congress aka GBSex, was pretty damn AWESOME. Great social dancers and fantastic performances, in a totally cool town hall.
And a Christmas market right outside the venue to boot!
AND it snowed, too!!
YAY. :)
And I also discovered new Vitamin Water in the UK which tastes pretty good, and has a funny description on the bottle too. Each one has a different kind of a theme - revive for the end of the day, spark for the middle of the day to give a burst of energy, etc etc.

For example, mine said:
"ahhh home at last. it's late. you've looked and smelt better. it takes a full five minutes to find your house keys (plus another five to fit into the locks they were uniquely made for) and now you've just bitten a chunk out of your flatmate's block of cheese.
we've all been there, and it's not pretty. actually, it's pretty ugly. but there is hope. here at the center for responsible hydration we have developed a revitalising livener of potassium and b vitamins to help you wake up feeling like last night never happened.......unless you snogged your boss."
Cute. And quite yummy, too.
Ah well. Some silly little events have recently occurred to put a little damper on my spirits though, but to hell with that. Athens salsa festival, here I come! :)
:9:12 PM: :sugah~plum
La Vie En Rose.
I find the party life of small town university students intruiging and amusing as hell. It's crazy fun - pre drinks at someone's home, and then a huge group streaming through the streets half drunk towards a pub or club of choice, in the middle of the road (because there are almost NO cars at all).
And I love learning French. The language is so immensely beautiful (but crazily complicated). And it's kinda cool living alone - except for having to do the laundry and the washing of pots, it's great.

And the travelling - I cannot even begin to describe how fantastic it is. Mostly, anyway. It does get tiring and not everything goes the way it's planned sometimes. But the thought of might not being able to do this, to see the world, for the next goodness knows how many years, is really quite sad, and makes me want to treasure this while it lasts. Daylight savings is a little bit of a bitch though, and total darkness at 6pm during winter is not too pleasant. But change is good, and the transition of seasons makes you feel like the world is moving and not at a standstill. Wonder if I'll still say the same thing when winter REALLY hits.
Ah well. Crazy next 2 weeks - class everyday (12 of them oh word), 5 or 6 project meetings, 5 or maybe 6 presentations and 1 final group project paper due. Oh, and travelling too. Nuts. So much for exchange being slack! Haha.
:11:29 PM: :sugah~plum