Exams are O-V-E-R!
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY =) okay actually they've been over for a week now haha but still. Have been too busy slacking and playing for the past week that I've neglected to announce this joyous fact. Unfortunately it does come with a bit of mixed feelings - although I'm happy that I've (almost) graduated and am going out into the real world soon and to earn my keep, I'm really going to miss the carefree (albeit fairly stressful and tiring with the studying) life of being a student, not having to worry about finances and mortgage and insurance and bosses etc etc. Plus, it really rocked having student prices for stuff, LOL.
Hehe. Anywayyy. To recap the "celebrations", I basically became completely addicted to Restaurant City on Facebook in the past week, leaving it on almost 24/7. The allure of such simulation games with personalised characters, really. Hmm also started watching Battlestar Galactica, went shopping, salsa, played L4D, went to a superb house party, caught up with some friends, had a photoshoot and DID a photoshoot.... for food. Haha. It was the SMUSAIC-Gourmet Club food trail photography event thing, and I decided to go for fun because:
1) I love food.
2) I love taking pictures of food, perhaps even more than the food itself.
So here are some shots from the event. I seriously still need to improve ALOT in my photography because I SUCK but for now, it's really just a for-fun hobby thing so please be understanding lol :P
Also, my freaking laptop charger was releasing BRIGHT RED SPARKS this morning. It was seriously quite bizarre and alarming - my bed now has charred black marks courtesy of it. Seriously, quite scary. Luckily it didn't blow up... haha.
Ok anyway gymlemur is gonna go to the gym now - I'm working my way up to gymbunny!
:11:04 AM: :sugah~plum
I have a meatball face boohoo.

Haha suddenly feel a bit annoyed at my face and it's lack of cheekbones. Okay I suppose that picture is not the BEST example of the ball face but I think I don't want to post the SUPER ball like one hahaha.
I don't know if it's genetic or what, but eating healthy(ier) and exercising more doesn't seem to be helping me lose any weight or make my face any less ball-like. Grrrrr.
Anyway. Moving on. My first REAL exam is tomorrow and I am panicking but not really studying yet. Explains why I'm blogging now, huh. LOL. Yes ok I promise I will hole myself up and study, right after I finish this post. It'll be a quick one anyway.
Yesterday was SOS (Save Our Salsa) at Azzucar - and omg I haven't danced like that for AGES. Think I didn't salsa for at least 3 weeks or more and whoa it was just so fantastic to get out there and dance and dance and dance. Pity that it was on about 2.5 hours of sleep and in a half-sick state where my nose kept threatening to leak all over the floor (gross, I know, but I just wanna complain haha too bad). But still great anyway haha. I needed that.
Ok I guess I should go mugmugmug now... toodles!
:5:42 PM: :sugah~plum
I must look kind of deranged right now - shaking my head and flipping my hair around while listening to R&B and hiphop, feeling the music and silently mouthing the lyrics - in an art gallery. It can not be more weird.
I attribute it to lack of sleep.
:3:50 PM: :sugah~plum
It's been an eventful week - school everyday from Monday to Thursday, culminating in a more-or-less overnight stay in SESS working on our entrepreneurial finance project. Just like the good old days haha; I remember staying in school til super late mostly during Year 1 and 2 when I was umm, less slack. I think I've fallen sick AGAIN though, from a hectic schedule and lack of rest.
Besides school, I also ran around doing a bunch of random stuff.
Oh and I accompanied a friend to get her navel pierced and did a favour for a friend to do a short "pretend acting" thing, which was quite fun hahaha. Felt a bit... gian to pierce/tattoo something while I was there also. But still haven't decided what, so, oh well, I'll wait I guess.
Also had exotic practices and some driving fiascos :/
Today was a fun shoot at a super-exciting location. I can't wait to see the pictures!
But meanwhile... I shall try to get well, because being sick is NO FUN. :(
:10:08 PM: :sugah~plum

The most beautiful movie I've seen in a long, long time, and possibly one of the most beautiful, ever.
It's been a while since I've cried like that.
It's a movie which makes you wonder about why people act the way they do, wonder about the importance of ceremonies and why people hold on to these, and about love and treasuring human life. It is also a movie with characters who are self-ironic, human, and so easy to relate to and love. With situations which will make you laugh, and definitely, cry, it made me remember that life is transient but very, very beautiful, and is truly what makes the world go round. Without plant, animal, human life, the world would just be a cold hard object.
With brilliant pacing, acting, and a very well nuanced plot and direction, it was a very respectful and touching portrayal of the act of casketing in Japan.
A foreign film Oscar truly well deserved.
:1:38 AM: :sugah~plum
It's in the stars?
I don't usually believe in Astrology or whatever, but there are a couple of things on this site which actually ring pretty true for me and some of my friends haha.
Da, this is for you :P
"Aquarians born on February 4 are intelligent and quirky and can give the impression of being "airheads"; in reality they are more practical than they seem.
(I think this was written FOR her!)
A Pisces born on March 2 has a perception that borders on genius. They are gentle souls who may lack self-confidence. This is unfortunate because they have many talents.
July 15 Cancers understand better than most people just what the harmonics of day-to-day relationships signify in their lives. These people are sensitive yet strong. Despite their charming personality, they are extremely sensitive and easily hurt.
Meizhen: I wasn't sure if yours was accurate hmmm.
Teehee. Decide for yourself if it's true! I re-read mine and now I'm not so sure...
Ok and now that I've read a whole bunch of friends' birthday astrologies, I've decided that it isn't so accurate after all! =p
Check it out here!
:11:42 AM: :sugah~plum
Oh noes, I've neglected you!
Poor blog. It got pushed aside in the craziness of the last few weeks of a regular SMU school term. Well... it's sort of over now, except for the upcoming exams. Strangely enough though, the last day of school EVER for me was a few days ago, and I hardly felt anything at all. Well I suppose it's because I have class during exam week, but well. I wonder if I'm gonna miss SMU as much as I did AC. I think... there'll definitely be some missing, but possibly only because I'm REALLY gonna miss being a student... no more carefree life and cheaper tickets/stuff :( It'll probably sink in pretty soon.
Recently went to the Ritz for high tea, as my mum kindly gave me a voucher which took off a decent amount off the price, making it affordable for poor (literally) little (ok this, not so literally) me. T'was a really nice chill out place with pretty cutlery, sugar and snacks :) I had fun!
And in a totally unrelated note, here are some uhm, Chinese lyrics. Would like to share a song which strikes a chord deep within me, which I really like!
最近 - 李圣杰
怎麽了 为什麽
有点乱 有点慌
你想要的, (我却不能够给你我全部
我能给的, 却又不是你想要拥有的
不想再约束, 不要再痛苦
Heehee. Omg so chingchong, seriously. Haha I honestly think Chinese songs have more... as they say, fee-ling ah. HURHUR.
Ohwell, that's it for now. Signing off!
:11:45 PM: :sugah~plum