:6:59 PM: :sugah~plum
A year ago I was...
Happy and carefree and gallivanting around Europe, drinking giant beers at Oktoberfest and having the time of my life. And seemingly, everything, even boy problems, were sort of going well.
This year I am...
At a desk, typing away and bored to tears, with my boyfriend farrrr away in Europe (well, the UK really, but sometimes is considered part of it anyway).
And getting pressured in a subtle way by my mum, to go to Europe on one of those silly packaged tours - right about when he is coming back here to see me. Great.
Boo :(
But funny how fast time passes sometimes... I'm going to be 24 in a couple of months. Meaning I'm almost in my mid-twenties - and it doesn't seem so long ago that I was just 16.
Sometimes I think too much... maybe just gotta go with the flow and smell the roses etc. But I guess I'm getting kind of tired of not having a direction or a passion in life.
But well, it's late, and I have to work tomorrow, so shall continue this pondering another time.
:1:33 AM: :sugah~plum