How quickly time passes...
Wow. Met up with the Nanyang girls yesterday and oh my gosh - we reminisced like mad all the way back to primary school and had a REALLY good laugh over all the crazy nonsense we used to do back in the day! Ahhhh. It's really great to have friends whom with I had spent 7 years in school with, and remained friends with almost 8 years after it all ended. We've definitely seen everyone's not-so-smart or glam moments, and seen each other through the ups and downs. Made me feel warm and happy inside to catch up with them like that. Though, also makes me feel a little old as well - all of this was so, so long ago. You know you're old when you can reminisce to the tune of decades... :P
Aaaaand. One more month left to serve out in my contract job, before I run off to London for my extremely delayed grad trip! Yipppeeeee I CAN HARDLY wait :D sometimes I feel like YES one month will pass very quickly, I can do it, I will be able to finish work and go; but sometimes I just feel like the 4 weeks is going to CRAWL. No idea how it will pan out, really. But yah anyway... I'm really sleepy (overslept today and got ready in a record 10 minutes), so will make this a short post and go to sleep!
Yay... TGIF!!!!!
:12:26 AM: :sugah~plum
London - 6 weeks to go!!!
I can't contain my excitement... It's still quite far off, but it's in sight now! Yayyyy. Don't really know what I wanna do there, but the most important thing is that I WANT TO SEE MY BF. Yayyyyy. Though, I really ought to figure out what to do after that, since I'll be jobless and all, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it?
And I feel like selling earrings again. And taking pole dance. And French. But think I can only do all these when I get back... shall just be excited and perhaps do some planning during the next 6 weeks! Wheee.
On an absolutely unrelated note, McDonald's can't spell.

I'm probably the only one who has a problem with this and making a big deal about it. But ohwell I'm kind of anal about things like that - I think that companies should really try to print promotional materials with proper spelling, especially here in Singapore where English is supposed to be our first language? I would've understood if it was a minor grammar mistake, as grammar is complicated and we all make small mistakes like that sometimes, but this is kiiind of glaring. At least to me!

And since I'm posting stuff, check out my pretty electric blue Aldo shoes! Which I've been eyeing for ages but was too poor to get haha. But because of a sale and a sponsorship of 60% by my sis for my birthday, I finally managed to get them... yay! =)
My poor blog is so super neglected; I shall try to pay it a bit more attention in future!
:6:25 PM: :sugah~plum