The Year Ahead: 2011

To be honest, I'm not 100% sure this is what I want to do for life or whatever, but I'm fairly happy with it, and would really like to be an actual part of the company and not some floater who helps out here and there whenever needed. It'd be nice to actually own more projects (or well, partially) or have my own accounts, and not just be background support. But oh well. We'll see, I guess.
Anyway, moving on, SISF was 2 weeks ago, and this year was a blast! The performance was great, and the social dancing was well, okay not that great, but decent at least.
The link to the performance is here, if anyone's interested!
Alright that's it for now - been pretty busy at work so should keep this short and go sleep soon. FYI, have also updated my food blog here while I was at it (in the mood for blogging tonight, somehow).
Goodbye for now, world!
:11:19 PM: :sugah~plum
Updates (:
A lazy coffee on Deepavali afternoon
Wow this took me a looonnngggg time but I've finally finished doing up my sales post at :) hope I can sell off some of the stuff I bought but never really/hardly worn! They're just taking up space really, and I do need the money.
Zzz. Sucks to be perpetually broke lol. Have decided I *must* somehow get a permanent job and stick to it.
Also, though still broke, went to the new Butterfactory on the night of Deepavali (man public holidays rockk) with my new colleagues - thanks to Danny who signed most of us in :) damn fun and I haven't been to the new Butter yet; like how mountain tortoise am I man haha. Jokes. Haven't been clubbing in almost a year - especially since I usually go for salsa every Friday night, but since Jitterbugs was closed... decided to party instead :)
Okay I'm missing some people but this is like the biggest group picture I have. Don't we look like a happy bunch!
Hehe speaking of public holidays, the week after is gonna be great - leave on Monday and another public holiday on Weds! Hopefully I get to take those though. Also, that's the week after SISF, so I'm sure I'll spend most of the break sleeping or something lol.
And it's now 5 and a half weeks to Harry's return... I can't wait! <3
:1:51 PM: :sugah~plum
Maybe I'll feel better if I just cry.
:2:20 PM: :sugah~plum