Missing you.
Someone once chided me for letting my life revolve too much around my boyfriend. I admit, I do when he's here - will always try my best to devote time to him and not arrange other appointments unless I have to, especially when he's about to leave. But well, the constant separation is really tough - the months when he's not around does get kind of tiring after a while. I mean, I'm still happy when he's not here - life goes on, I have great friends and family, a fairly enjoyable job and fun hobbies. But when he's gone, there's just this aching missing part of me which longs to be complete again. So... guess I do let my life revolve very much around him when he's here. Is that really that bad?
And though the waiting really sucks, I truly believe he's worth it.
In other news, I visited a bonesetter about three plus weeks ago, and OH MY was it an amazing life-changing experience. I mean, I always knew my shoulders were screwed up, tight and always knotted, but WHOA when he pushed and pulled the bones / joints into place I never knew I could experience that much pain. My world went fuzzy, my hearing was muted and I felt really nauseous. I know this sounds slightly masochistic, but it was pretty cool, actually. Especially since after all the fixing (of ankle, back of knee, hips, wrists, arm and of course the shoulders), I stopped slouching and the tension and tightness in my shoulders were all gone. Amazing, right!
Unfortunately, three weeks into it and I'm starting to slouch and curl into horrible positions again, and I can feel the tension coming back. But guess it's really just bad habits, which moving bones back into the correct position can't really fix. Gotta try harder to sit properly...
Recently I've been having lots of random thoughts, about what to do with my life, and where I want to go. Think there's lots of things I really need to sort out with myself, and hopefully this is the year to do it. Will have to stop being all talk / thoughts and no action - guess that's my quarter year resolution, or something. Will start by fricking getting my ass to exercising. Been putting that off long enough, ugh.
Perhaps I shall bake cookies too - I used to do that but pity there just doesn't seem to be enough time for things like that, these days.
Allez allez!
:9:23 PM: :sugah~plum
Gosh haven't posted in the LONGEST time... in what, 3 months?! Heh. Been suuuper busy with work - event after event after event - it's non-stop action lol. Guess I've just been busy spending time with Harry, who's been back for 2 months now :) Unfortunately, he's leaving again soon, so SIGH. Long distance is really a pain :( but well, worth it when you find the right person, yes?
Anyway, I've now been working at a PR agency for about 5 months. It's still not permanent yet, so hmm not sure how things are gonna go, but it's going pretty alright. I kind of enjoy how it, though it's really tiring!
Also just turned 25 about a month ago... man I feel old...!
My awesome boyfriend baked this raspberry and coconut cake for me :) and also cooked a nice meal!
And my great colleagues also got me the most interesting cake ever - a golden pillow! Haha damn funny can I didn't know what it was and cut through the plastic and the curry oozed out. Oops. They also got me a momoteapots dress! YAY.
It's this one here:

The ADS team, especially Da, also got me stuff and organized a nice cake cutting celebration at the studio.
I've been wanting to get a bottle of Romance for a while :)
Thanks aaaaallll my wonderful friends, you're all sweeties!
And now to enjoy the last 2.5 weeks left with Harry..... sigh :( I'll be back after that byeeeee!
:12:31 PM: :sugah~plum